
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

A 列中有频率值,B 列有相应的增益值,C 列有相位值。频率范围从 10 到 1e06,而增益从 100 到 -100 变化,相位从 180 到 -180 变化。在单元格 D1 中,我想要增益与 0 交叉的频率 (fc) 值,在单元格 D2 中,我想要 fc 处的相位值。我在在列上运行暴力破解中使用了共享宏,以使用 VBA 来确定值是否跨越某个点。但我无法访问增益超过 0 的频率值。我需要帮助编写代码来访问特定单元格的该值。


Sub Tester() Dim sht As Worksheet, lastRow As Long, xvals, yvals, r As Long Dim th As Double, y1, y2, x1, x2 Set sht = ActiveSheet lastRow = sht.Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 'assumes y vals in "B" and x vals in "A" 'adjust as rtequired... yvals = sht.Range(sht.Cells(14, "B"), sht.Cells(lastRow, "B")) xvals = sht.Range(sht.Cells(14, "A"), sht.Cells(lastRow, "A")) th = 0 For r = 1 To UBound(yvals) - 1 y1 = yvals(r, 1) y2 = yvals(r + 1, 1) 'pair of points crosses the threshold? If IsNumeric(y1) And IsNumeric(y2) Then If (y1 < th And y2 > th) Or (y1 > th And y2 < th) Then x1 = xvals(r, 1) x2 = xvals(r + 1, 1) '************* 'calculate the intercept '************* End If End If Next r End Sub
excel vba zerocrossing
我希望您发布了数据样本以了解数据如何变化。 也许对数标度更适合频率。


Sub Tester() Dim sht As Worksheet, lastRow As Long, xvals, yvals, r As Long Dim th As Double, y1, y2, x1, x2 Dim zvals, z1, z2, z0, x0 ' added Set sht = ActiveSheet lastRow = sht.Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 'assumes y vals in "B" and x vals in "A" 'adjust as rtequired... yvals = sht.Range(sht.Cells(14, "B"), sht.Cells(lastRow, "B")) xvals = sht.Range(sht.Cells(14, "A"), sht.Cells(lastRow, "A")) zvals = sht.Range("C14:C" & lastRow).Value ' added th = 0 For r = 1 To UBound(yvals) - 1 y1 = yvals(r, 1) y2 = yvals(r + 1, 1) 'pair of points crosses the threshold? If IsNumeric(y1) And IsNumeric(y2) Then If (y1 < th And y2 > th) Or (y1 > th And y2 < th) Then x1 = xvals(r, 1) x2 = xvals(r + 1, 1) z1 = zvals(r, 1) ' added z2 = zvals(r + 1, 1) ' added '************* 'calculate the intercept '************* x0 = (x2 * y1 - x1 * y2 + th * (x1 - x2)) / (y1 - y2) ' added z0 = (x2 * z1 - x1 * z2 + x0 * (z2 - z1)) / (x2 - x1) ' added sht.Range("D1").Value = x0 ' added sht.Range("D2").Value = z0 ' added Exit For ' added End If End If Next r End Sub
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