#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* Structure of a binary tree */
typedef struct el {
int info;
struct el *left; //Left child
struct el *right; //Right child
} node;
typedef node *TREE;
/* Function that creates a binary tree */
TREE create_node(int x) {
/* Allocates the node in the heap */
TREE new = malloc(sizeof(node));
new -> info = x;
new -> left = NULL;
new -> right = NULL;
return new;
/* Function that finds the height of a binary tree */
int tree_height(TREE t) {
/* If the tree is empty */
if (t == NULL) {
return 0;
/* Checks the subtrees */
int left_height = tree_height(t -> left);
int right_height = tree_height(t -> right);
return 1 + (left_height > right_height ? left_height : right_height);
/* Auxiliary function that helps count the number of nodes at a certain depth */
int count_nodes_at_depth(TREE t, int target_depth, int current_depth) {
/* If the tree is empty */
if (t == NULL) {
return 0;
/* If we're at the desired depth */
if (current_depth == target_depth) {
return 1;
/* Checks the subtrees */
return count_nodes_at_depth(t -> left, target_depth, current_depth + 1) + count_nodes_at_depth(t -> right, target_depth, current_depth + 1);
/* Main function that helps to verify if the number of nodes at any depth is the same as the tree height */
int check_depth_nodes_equal_height(TREE t) {
/* Calcola l'altezza dell'albero */
int altezza = tree_height(t);
for (int depth = 0; depth < altezza; depth++) {
int nodes_at_depth = count_nodes_at_depth(t, depth, 0);
/* If the number of nodes isn't the same as the tree height */
if (nodes_at_depth != altezza) {
return 0;
/* If the condition's true for any depth */
return 1;
int main() {
/* Create the tree */
TREE root = create_node(1);
root -> left = create_node(2);
root -> right = create_node(3);
root -> left -> left = create_node(4);
root -> left -> right = create_node(5);
root -> right -> left = create_node(6);
root -> right -> right = create_node(7);
/* Find the tree height */
int altezza = tree_height(root);
printf("The tree height is: %d\n\n", altezza);
/* Call the function */
if (check_depth_nodes_equal_height(root)) {
printf("The number of nodes at any depth is the same as the tree height\n");
else {
printf("The number of nodes at any depth is NOT the same as the tree height\n");
唯一给我带来麻烦的两个函数是 count_nodes_at_depth 和 check_depth_nodes_equal_height,因为无论我如何修改主函数中的二进制文件,它总是说节点数不等于树高
我尝试在 count_nodes_at_depth 中添加一个计数器来跟踪该特定深度的节点数量,但它似乎根本没有改变结果。我还尝试修改二叉树的结构,看看它是否是主函数中存在的情况所独有的,但这没有什么区别。
有效,让我们看看 check_depth_nodes_equal_height
int check_depth_nodes_equal_height(TREE t) {
/* Calcola l'altezza dell'albero */
int altezza = tree_height(t);
for (int depth = 0; depth < altezza; depth++) {
int nodes_at_depth = count_nodes_at_depth(t, depth, 0);
/* If the number of nodes isn't the same as the tree height */
if (nodes_at_depth != altezza) {
return 0;
/* If the condition's true for any depth */
return 1;
一旦发现树的深度不等于高度,该函数的逻辑就会停止。这与函数的描述不符,该函数声称执行完全相反的操作,如果找到匹配则返回 true。
如所写,只有当所有级别都满足此条件时,您的函数才会返回 true。幸运的是,修复方法很简单。
int check_depth_nodes_equal_height(TREE t) {
int altezza = tree_height(t);
for (int depth = 0; depth < altezza; depth++) {
int nodes_at_depth = count_nodes_at_depth(t, depth, 0);
if (nodes_at_depth == altezza) {
return 1;
return 0;