给定2D数组,我可能在索引i]处有一行,可能在索引j的另一行中有一个或多个数字。我需要从数组中删除那些行[[i和j。同样在任何行中,数字始终是该行唯一的。我已经有没有循环的解决方案,基于Numpy。这是我想出的唯一解决方案:def filter_array(arr):
# Reshape to 1D without hard copy
arr_1d = arr.ravel()
# Make a count of only the existing numbers (faster than histogram)
u_elem, c = np.unique(arr_1d, return_counts=True)
# Get which elements are duplicates.
duplicates = u_elem[c > 1]
# Get the rows where these duplicates belong
dup_idx = np.concatenate([np.where(arr_1d == d)[0] for d in duplicates])
dup_rows = np.unique(dup_idx //9)
# Remove the rows from the array
b = np.delete(arr, dup_rows, axis=0)
return b
a = np.array([
[1, 3, 23, 40, 33],
[2, 8, 5, 35, 7],
[9, 32, 4, 6, 3],
[72, 85, 32, 48, 53],
[3, 98, 101, 589, 208],
[343, 3223, 4043, 65, 78]
[[ 2 8 5 35 7]
[ 343 3223 4043 65 78]]
我的典型数组大小约为10 ^ 5到10 ^ 6行,固定数量为9列。 %timeit给出大约270毫秒来过滤每个这样的数组。我有一亿。我正在尝试在考虑其他方法(例如GPU)之前在单个CPU上加快速度]