为什么此代码会达到 youtube api 数据限制? (每天10,000个查询)

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在chrome扩展background.js文件中有这段代码,它应该只在单击我在服务工作线程中使用contentScript.js加载到页面上的按钮时运行,每次按下按钮我只看到4个API调用(页面上有两个视频),我不可能使用这个超过 500 次,更不用说每天 10,000 次了,但我已经达到了配额限制。有什么想法吗?

chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((request, sender, sendResponse) => {
    if (request.type === 'SEARCH_YOUTUBE') {
    const title = request.title;
    console.log('about to call searchyoutube w/ title: ' + title);
      .then(viewCount => {
        sendResponse({ viewCount });
      .catch(err => {
        console.error('Error searching YouTube:', err);
        sendResponse({ viewCount: null });
    return true; // Keep the message channel open for async response

chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((request, sender, sendResponse) => {
    if (request.type === 'SEARCH_YOUTUBE') {
        const title = request.title;
        console.log('about to call searchYouTube w/ title: ' + title);
            .then(viewCount => {
                sendResponse({ viewCount });
            .catch(err => {
                console.error('Error searching YouTube:', err);
                sendResponse({ viewCount: null });
        return true; // Keep the message channel open for async response

async function searchYouTube(query) {
    console.log('YouTube search is running with query: ' + query);
    const searchUrl = `https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?part=snippet&q=${encodeURIComponent(query)}&type=video&key=${API_KEY}&maxResults=1`;
    const searchResp = await fetch(searchUrl);
    const searchData = await searchResp.json();

    if (!searchData.items || searchData.items.length === 0) {
        return null; // No results found

    const videoItem = searchData.items[0];
    const videoTitle = videoItem.snippet.title.trim();

    // Check if the query matches the video title exactly
    console.log(decodeHtml(query) + ' vs ' + decodeHtml(videoTitle));
    if (decodeHtml(videoTitle).toLowerCase() !== decodeHtml(query).toLowerCase()) {
        return null; // No exact match

    const videoId = videoItem.id.videoId;

    // Get video statistics
    const statsUrl = `https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?part=statistics&id=${videoId}&key=${API_KEY}`;
    const statsResp = await fetch(statsUrl);
    const statsData = await statsResp.json();

    if (!statsData.items || statsData.items.length === 0) {
        return null;

    const viewCount = statsData.items[0].statistics.viewCount;
    return viewCount;

function decodeHtml(html) {
    const entities = {
      '&': '&',
      '&lt;': '<',
      '&gt;': '>',
      '&quot;': '"',
      '&#39;': "'"
      // Add more entities as needed
    return html.replace(/&[a-zA-Z0-9#]+;/g, (match) => entities[match] || match);
javascript google-chrome google-chrome-extension youtube youtube-api

按照配额费用页面 搜索列表需要100个配额点。


10000 / 100 = 100

这意味着您每天最多可以拨打 100 个电话。 配额在午夜重置,以美国时间为准。 因为您使用 JavaScript,即使刷新页面也会重新运行调用。

记住这10k是开发配额。 您可以申请延期。

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