玩家的首次伤害仅更新一次,然后当我再次攻击强盗时,它会卡在 60 并且不会更新到正确的数字。另外,如果您发现任何其他错误/错误,请随时告诉我,因为我一直坚持这一点。我还想添加更多选择,例如买东西和去其他地方,但我仍然陷入当前的问题
@echo off
title Choices and Consequences - RPG Game
set "player_hp=100"
set "player_attack=20"
set "player_defense=10"
set "bandits_hp=80"
set "currency=0"
echo Choices and Consequences - RPG Game
echo 1. Start Game
echo 2. Quit
set /p choice=Enter your choice:
if "%choice%"=="1" (
call :start_game
) else if "%choice%"=="2" (
) else (
echo Invalid choice. Please try again.
timeout 2 >nul
goto main_menu
echo Welcome to the Choices and Consequences RPG Game!
echo You are a brave adventurer on a quest to save the kingdom from evil creatures.
set /p player_name=Enter your adventurer's name:
echo Hello, %player_name%! Your journey begins now.
timeout 3 >nul
call :encounter_1
goto :main_menu
echo You encounter a group of bandits on the road.
echo What will you do?
echo 1. Fight the bandits
echo 2. Try to negotiate with them
set /p action=Enter your action:
if "%action%"=="1" (
call :fight_bandits
) else if "%action%"=="2" (
call :negotiate_bandits
) else (
echo Invalid action. Please try again.
timeout 2 >nul
goto encounter_1
echo ------------------------------
echo Your HP: %player_hp%
echo Bandits' HP: %bandits_hp%
echo ------------------------------
echo 1. Attack
echo 2. Defend
set /p action=Enter your action:
if "%action%"=="1" (
call :player_attack_bandits
) else if "%action%"=="2" (
call :player_defend_bandits
) else (
echo Invalid action. Please try again.
timeout 2 >nul
goto fight_bandits
set /a %bandits_hp=80% - %player_attack%
if %bandits_hp% leq 0 (
echo You have defeated the bandits!
set /a currency+=50
timeout 2 >nul
call :encounter_2
echo You attacked the bandits! The bandits' HP is now %bandits_hp%.
timeout 2 >nul
call :bandits_attack_player
goto fight_bandits
set /a player_hp-=(25 + %random% %% 10) - %player_defense%
if %player_hp% leq 0 (
echo The bandits defeated you! %player_name%, your journey ends here.
goto :main_menu
echo The bandits attacked you! Your HP is now %player_hp%.
timeout 2 >nul
goto fight_bandits
echo You try to negotiate with the bandits.
echo They demand 50 gold coins as a toll to pass safely.
echo What will you do?
echo 1. Pay the toll
echo 2. Refuse and fight them
set /p action=Enter your action:
if "%action%"=="1" (
set /a currency-=50
call :encounter_2
) else if "%action%"=="2" (
call :fight_bandits
) else (
echo Invalid action. Please try again.
timeout 2 >nul
goto negotiate_bandits
echo You continue on your journey and reach a crossroads.
echo Which path will you take?
echo 1. Take the dark forest path
echo 2. Follow the river path
set /p action=Enter your action:
if "%action%"=="1" (
call :explore_forest
) else if "%action%"=="2" (
call :follow_river
) else (
echo Invalid action. Please try again.
timeout 2 >nul
goto encounter_2
:: Implement more encounters and choices as the game progresses.
:: Each choice should lead to different consequences and affect the story and player's abilities.
echo You venture into the dark forest.
echo There might be hidden treasures or dangerous creatures lurking in the shadows.
timeout 3 >nul
call :end_game
goto :main_menu
echo You decide to follow the peaceful river path.
echo The journey is calm and uneventful.
timeout 3 >nul
call :end_game
goto :main_menu
echo Congratulations, %player_name%! You have completed your journey.
echo Your final stats:
echo HP: %player_hp%
echo Currency: %currency%
echo Thank you for playing Choices and Consequences - RPG Game.
goto :main_menu
set /a %bandits_hp=80% - %player_attack%
=80 部分导致语法错误,并且可能只是复制错误。 删除 =80,此设置命令将按您的预期运行。