使用 Javascript 进行 1:1 调用 .NET MAUI、Azure 通信服务的单向音频

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在使用 Azure 通信服务 (ACS) 和 .NET MAUI 应用程序进行 1:1 视频通话。我已经设法让视频以两种方式工作,但音频只能以一种方式工作。被叫方可以听到主叫方的声音,但主叫方听不到被叫方的声音。我尝试过使用 RemoteAudioStream 但仍然没有成功。我已经正确完成了权限部分,至少在 .NET MAUI 方面是这样。我已多次检查清单中的应用程序权限以及应用程序详细信息/权限。


CallAgent initialized.
main.js:61 Device permissions granted.
main.js:65 Available microphones: Array(3)
main.js:71 Selected microphone: Headset earpiece
main.js:80 Incoming call received.
main.js:85 Notifying user of incoming call.
main.js:127 Call accepted.
main.js:273 Local participant is muted: false
main.js:312 Remote participant added: 8:acs:7fd9cad8-493b-4fd3-9e67-48bd84547a61_00000022-e7e6-7d84-8ed3-....
main.js:315 Remote participant is muted: false
main.js:276 Call state changed to: EarlyMedia
main.js:276 Call state changed to: Connected
main.js:280 Connected label shown.
main.js:336 Remote participant state changed to: Connected
main.js:330 Remote video stream removed

当我使用常规 Chrome 浏览器或通过桌面时,它工作得很好,甚至当我从桌面呼叫到 Android 时,它也工作得很好,只是不是从移动设备到移动设备。


// Import necessary ACS modules
const { CallClient, VideoStreamRenderer, LocalVideoStream } = require('@azure/communication-calling');
const { AzureCommunicationTokenCredential } = require('@azure/communication-common');
const { AzureLogger, setLogLevel } = require("@azure/logger");

// Set the log level and output for debugging purposes
setLogLevel('error'); // Change to 'info' or 'verbose' for more detailed logs during development
AzureLogger.log = (...args) => {

// Variables to store ACS objects and call state
let callAgent;
let deviceManager;
let call;
let currentCall;
let localVideoStream;
let localVideoRenderer;
let remoteVideoRenderer;
let isVideoStarted = false; // Track video state

// UI elements
let remoteVideosGallery = document.getElementById('remoteVideosGallery');
let localVideoContainer = document.getElementById('localVideoContainer');
let connectedLabel = document.getElementById('connectedLabel'); // Ensure this element exists in HTML
let localAudioIndicator = document.getElementById('localAudioIndicator'); // Optional: Add this in your HTML

// Extract query parameters
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
const token = urlParams.get('token');
const userId = urlParams.get('userId');
const targetId = urlParams.get('targetId');
const role = urlParams.get('role'); 

// Function to select the best microphone
function selectBestMicrophone(mics) {
    // Prefer 'Headset earpiece' if available
    const headset = mics.find(m => m.name.toLowerCase().includes('headset'));
    if (headset) return headset;
    // Fallback to 'microphone:default' if available
    const defaultMic = mics.find(m => m.id === 'microphone:default');
    if (defaultMic) return defaultMic;
    // Otherwise, return the first available microphone with a valid name
    return mics.find(m => m.name && m.name.trim() !== '') || mics[0];

// Function to initialize the Call Agent
async function initializeCallAgent(token, userId, targetId, role) {
    try {
        const credential = new AzureCommunicationTokenCredential(token);
        const callClient = new CallClient();

        callAgent = await callClient.createCallAgent(credential);
        console.log('CallAgent initialized.');

        // Initialize the device manager to access camera and microphone
        deviceManager = await callClient.getDeviceManager();
        await deviceManager.askDevicePermission({ video: true, audio: true });
        console.log('Device permissions granted.');

        // Select the best microphone
        const microphones = await deviceManager.getMicrophones();
        console.log('Available microphones:', microphones);

        let selectedMicrophone = selectBestMicrophone(microphones);

        if (selectedMicrophone) {
            await deviceManager.selectMicrophone(selectedMicrophone);
            console.log(`Selected microphone: ${selectedMicrophone.name || 'Default Microphone'}`);
        } else {
            console.error('No suitable microphone device found.');
            alert('No suitable microphone detected. Please connect a microphone and refresh the page.');

        // Handle incoming calls
        callAgent.on('incomingCall', async (args) => {
            console.log('Incoming call received.');
            currentCall = args.incomingCall;

            // Notify the user of the incoming call
            setTimeout(async () => {
                console.log('Notifying user of incoming call.');
                alert('Incoming call received. Press OK to accept.');
                await acceptCall(); // Automatically accept the call for testing
            }, 1000);
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error initializing CallAgent:', error);
        alert(`Failed to initialize call. Error: ${error.message}`);

async function startCall() {
    if (!callAgent) {
        console.error('CallAgent is not initialized.');
        alert('CallAgent is not initialized.');

    try {
        const targetUser = { communicationUserId: targetId };
        const callOptions = {
            audioOptions: { muted: false },  // Start with audio, no video
            // videoOptions: { localVideoStreams: [] } // Uncomment if starting without video

        call = callAgent.startCall([targetUser], callOptions);
        console.log('Call initiated.');
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error starting call:', error);
        alert('Failed to start call. Please check the console for more details.');

async function acceptCall() {
    if (currentCall) {
        try {
            const callOptions = {
                audioOptions: { muted: false },  // Start with audio
                // videoOptions: { localVideoStreams: [] } // Uncomment if accepting without video
            call = await currentCall.accept(callOptions);
            console.log('Call accepted.');
        } catch (error) {
            console.error('Error accepting call:', error);
            alert('Failed to accept the call.');
    } else {
        console.error('No incoming call to accept.');

async function declineCall() {
    if (currentCall) {
        try {
            await currentCall.reject();
            console.log('Call declined.');
            currentCall = null;
        } catch (error) {
            console.error('Error declining call:', error);
            alert('Failed to decline the call.');

async function hangUpCall() {
    if (call) {
        try {
            await call.hangUp();
            console.log('Call hung up.');
            call = null;
            currentCall = null;
            isVideoStarted = false;  // Reset video state after hang up

            // Clear video containers when the call ends
        } catch (error) {
            console.error('Error hanging up call:', error);
            alert('Failed to hang up the call.');

// Clear video elements (both local and remote)
function clearVideoContainers() {
    if (localVideoRenderer) {
        localVideoRenderer.dispose();  // Dispose the local video renderer
        localVideoRenderer = null;
        localVideoContainer.hidden = true;

    if (remoteVideoRenderer) {
        remoteVideoRenderer.dispose();  // Dispose the remote video renderer
        remoteVideoRenderer = null;
    remoteVideosGallery.innerHTML = ''; // Clear all remote video elements

// Start video
async function startVideo() {
    if (!call) {
        console.error('No active call to start video.');
        alert('No active call to start video.');

    try {
        if (!localVideoStream) {
            localVideoStream = await createLocalVideoStream();

        await call.startVideo(localVideoStream);
        console.log('Video started.');
        await displayLocalVideoStream();
        isVideoStarted = true;
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error starting video:', error);
        alert('Failed to start video.');

// Stop video
async function stopVideo() {
    if (!call || !isVideoStarted) {
        console.error('No active video to stop.');
        alert('No active video to stop.');

    try {
        await call.stopVideo(localVideoStream);
        console.log('Video stopped.');
        isVideoStarted = false;

        // Remove local video stream and replace it with a black screen
        if (localVideoRenderer) {
            localVideoRenderer = null;
            localVideoContainer.style.backgroundColor = 'black'; // Black background
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error stopping video:', error);
        alert('Failed to stop video.');

// Create local video stream
async function createLocalVideoStream() {
    const cameras = await deviceManager.getCameras();
    if (cameras.length > 0) {
        const camera = cameras[0];
        console.log(`Using camera: ${camera.name || 'Default Camera'}`);
        localVideoStream = new LocalVideoStream(camera);
        return localVideoStream;
    } else {
        console.error('No camera device found.');
        alert('No camera device detected. Please connect a camera and refresh the page.');
        return null;

// Display local video stream
async function displayLocalVideoStream() {
    try {
        if (localVideoRenderer) {
            localVideoRenderer.dispose();  // Dispose of existing renderer to prevent duplicates

        if (localVideoStream) {
            localVideoRenderer = new VideoStreamRenderer(localVideoStream);
            const view = await localVideoRenderer.createView();
            localVideoContainer.innerHTML = '';  // Clear any existing video element
            localVideoContainer.hidden = false;
            console.log('Local video stream rendered.');
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error displaying local video stream:', error);
        alert('Failed to display local video stream.');

// Setup call event listeners
function setupCall(call) {
    currentCall = call;

    console.log(`Local participant is muted: ${call.isMuted}`);

    call.on('stateChanged', () => {
        console.log(`Call state changed to: ${call.state}`);
        if (call.state === 'Connected') {
            if (connectedLabel) {
                connectedLabel.hidden = false;
                console.log('Connected label shown.');
        } else if (call.state === 'Disconnected') {
            if (connectedLabel) {
                connectedLabel.hidden = true;
                console.log('Connected label hidden.');
            call = null;
            clearVideoContainers(); // Ensure media is cleared on disconnect

    call.on('isMutedChanged', () => {
        console.log(`Local participant mute state changed: ${call.isMuted}`);
        if (localAudioIndicator) {
            localAudioIndicator.textContent = call.isMuted ? 'Local Audio: Muted' : 'Local Audio: Unmuted';

    call.remoteParticipants.forEach(remoteParticipant => {

    call.on('remoteParticipantsUpdated', e => {
        e.added.forEach(remoteParticipant => subscribeToRemoteParticipant(remoteParticipant));
        e.removed.forEach(() => console.log('Remote participant removed'));

// Subscribe to remote participants and handle video streams
function subscribeToRemoteParticipant(remoteParticipant) {
    const remoteId = remoteParticipant.identifier.communicationUserId || remoteParticipant.identifier.id;
    console.log(`Remote participant added: ${remoteId}`);

    // Log if remote participant is muted
    console.log(`Remote participant is muted: ${remoteParticipant.isMuted}`);

    remoteParticipant.on('isMutedChanged', () => {
        console.log(`Remote participant mute state changed: ${remoteParticipant.isMuted}`);

    remoteParticipant.videoStreams.forEach(remoteVideoStream => {

    remoteParticipant.on('videoStreamsUpdated', e => {
        e.added.forEach(remoteVideoStream => {
        e.removed.forEach(() => {
            console.log('Remote video stream removed');

    // Handle remote participant state changes
    remoteParticipant.on('stateChanged', () => {
        console.log(`Remote participant state changed to: ${remoteParticipant.state}`);

// Subscribe to remote video streams
async function subscribeToRemoteVideoStream(remoteVideoStream) {
    if (remoteVideoStream.isAvailable) {
        await displayRemoteVideoStream(remoteVideoStream);

    remoteVideoStream.on('isAvailableChanged', async () => {
        if (remoteVideoStream.isAvailable) {
            await displayRemoteVideoStream(remoteVideoStream);
        } else {
            console.log('Remote video stream is no longer available.');

// Display remote video stream
async function displayRemoteVideoStream(remoteVideoStream) {
    try {
        // Dispose of the previous renderer to prevent duplication
        if (remoteVideoRenderer) {
            remoteVideoRenderer = null;

        remoteVideoRenderer = new VideoStreamRenderer(remoteVideoStream);
        const view = await remoteVideoRenderer.createView();
        remoteVideosGallery.innerHTML = '';  // Clear existing video elements
        console.log('Remote video stream rendered.');
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error rendering remote video stream:', error);
        alert('Failed to render remote video stream.');

// Initialize Call Agent with extracted parameters
initializeCallAgent(token, userId, targetId, role);

// Expose functions to be callable from MAUI WebView
window.startCall = startCall;
window.hangUpCall = hangUpCall;
window.startVideo = startVideo;
window.stopVideo = stopVideo;
window.acceptCall = acceptCall;
window.declineCall = declineCall;
window.toggleMute = toggleMute;

window.isReady = true;  // Flag to notify MAUI WebView that the script is ready

// For testing in a browser environment
console.log('Script is ready.');

// Toggle Mute Function
let isMuted = false;

// Toggle mute state
async function toggleMute() {
    if (!call) {
        console.error('No active call to toggle mute.');
        alert('No active call to toggle mute.');

    try {
        if (isMuted) {
            await call.unmute();
        } else {
            await call.mute();
        isMuted = !isMuted;

        // Optionally, update local audio indicator
        if (localAudioIndicator) {
            localAudioIndicator.textContent = isMuted ? 'Local Audio: Muted' : 'Local Audio: Unmuted';
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error toggling mute:', error);
        alert('Failed to toggle mute.');


我感谢任何提醒、帮助或批评,我是这个 .NET MAUI 的新手,到目前为止我很喜欢它! 谢谢您的宝贵时间。

我尝试使用 Azure 通信服务进行 1:1 视频通话。我为音频实现了remoteAudioStream.getMediaStream()并订阅了远程参与者,但音频是单向的;被叫方可以听到主叫方的声音,但主叫方听不到被叫方的声音。尝试使用 deviceManager 选择麦克风和扬声器,检查静音状态,并使用 audioStreamsUpdated 事件处理音频流。预计双向音频。


  1. 麦克风选择:应用程序可能未使用正确的麦克风。
  2. 参与者订阅:正确订阅远程参与者可能会出现问题。
  3. 静音状态:其中一位参与者可能会被无意中静音。
  4. 设备权限:可能未正确授予麦克风访问权限。
  5. 音频设备管理:应用程序可能无法正确选择或管理音频设备。

我还使用合法的 SSL 在 HTTPS 上运行它

javascript .net webrtc maui azure-communication-services



const speakers = await deviceManager.getSpeakers();
const selectedSpeaker = speakers.find(speaker => speaker.name.includes('desired speaker'));
if (selectedSpeaker) {
  await deviceManager.selectSpeaker(selectedSpeaker);
  console.log(`Selected speaker: ${selectedSpeaker.name}`);
  • 如果您使用
async function playRemoteAudio(remoteAudioStream) {
  const mediaStream = await remoteAudioStream.getMediaStream();
  const audioElement = new Audio();
  audioElement.srcObject = mediaStream;
  audioElement.play().catch(error => {
    console.error('Error playing remote audio:', error);

// Subscribe to remote participant and play audio when available
remoteParticipant.on('audioStreamsUpdated', (e) => {
  e.added.forEach(remoteAudioStream => {



[INFO] Initializing call setup...
[INFO] Fetching available microphones...
[INFO] Available microphones: 
    - Built-in Microphone
    - External USB Microphone
[INFO] Selected Microphone: Built-in Microphone

[INFO] Fetching available speakers...
[INFO] Available speakers: 
    - Built-in Speaker
    - Bluetooth Headphones
[INFO] Selected Speaker: Built-in Speaker

[INFO] Subscribing to remote participant...
[INFO] Participant added: Callee123

[INFO] Audio streams updated for participant Callee123
[INFO] New audio stream detected. Fetching media stream...

[INFO] Playing remote audio...
[INFO] Remote media stream successfully attached to audio element.
[DEBUG] Remote stream active: True
[DEBUG] Playing state: True
[INFO] Audio is playing from remote participant.

[INFO] Call setup complete.
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