希望这不是一个问题的具体问题,但我希望能深入了解如何使用嵌套的对象和数组,而无需编写运行O(n)^ 2或O(n)^ 3的程序。] >
//returns an object with an array of IDs that will get you to a destination at the lowest cost. if same cost, then the least amount of flights flights
function leastExpensiveFlight(flightInfo, start, end) {
var numOfTimes = 1
var combinedValues = []
var minValue
var indexOfMinValue;
var numOfFlights = []
var minNumberOfFlights;
var startTimes = flightInfo.reduce((startTimes, f, index) => {
if (f[0] == start) {
startTimes[numOfTimes] = [f];
return startTimes
}, {})
//below is O(n)^2
//Gets the Flights where Location 1 = start
for (i = 0; i < Object.keys(startTimes).length; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < startTimes[Object.keys(startTimes)[i]].length; j++) {
flightInfo.forEach((f, ) => {
if (startTimes[Object.keys(startTimes)[i]][j] &&
f[0] === startTimes[Object.keys(startTimes)[i]][j][1] &&
startTimes[Object.keys(startTimes)[i]][j][1] <= end &&
f[1] <= end) {
if (!startTimes[Object.keys(startTimes)[i]].includes(f)) {
//below is O(n)^3!!
//Finds trips that will get to the destination
Object.keys(startTimes).forEach((flights) => {
startTimes[flights].forEach((subFlights1, sFIndex1) => {
startTimes[flights].forEach((subFlights2, sFIndex2) => {
if (subFlights1[0] === subFlights2[0] &&
subFlights1[1] === subFlights2[1] &&
sFIndex1 != sFIndex2) {
if (subFlights1[2] >= subFlights2[2]) {
startTimes[flights].splice(sFIndex1, 1)
} else {
startTimes[flights].splice(sFIndex2, 1)
//below is O(n)^2
//Finds the trip with the minimum value and, if same price, least amount of flights
Object.keys(startTimes).forEach((flights, sTIndex) => {
startTimes[flights].forEach((subFlights, sFIndex) => {
if (sFIndex == 0) {
combinedValues[sTIndex] = subFlights[2]
} else {
combinedValues[sTIndex] += subFlights[2]
numOfFlights[sTIndex] += 1
if (sFIndex === startTimes[flights].length - 1 &&
((combinedValues[sTIndex] <= minValue) ||
!minValue)) {
if ((!minNumberOfFlights ||
minNumberOfFlights > numOfFlights[sTIndex])) {
minNumberOfFlights = numOfFlights[sTIndex]
if (combinedValues[sTIndex] === minValue &&
numOfFlights[sTIndex] === minNumberOfFlights ||
(combinedValues[sTIndex] < minValue &&
numOfFlights[sTIndex] >= minNumberOfFlights) ||
!minValue) {
minValue = combinedValues[sTIndex];
indexOfMinValue = sTIndex
return startTimes[Object.keys(startTimes)[indexOfMinValue]]
} //Big O is O(n)^3
//2D Array: data[0][0] = Location start,
// data[0][1] = Location end,
// data[0][2] = Price,
var data = [
[4, 5, 400],
[1, 2, 500],
[2, 3, 300],
[1, 3, 900],
[2, 3, 100],
[3, 4, 400]
//so from location 1 - location 3, the cheapest route would be: [1,2,500],[2,3,100]
console.log(JSON.stringify(leastExpensiveFlight(data, 1, 3)));
希望这不是一个具体的问题,但我希望能深入了解如何使用嵌套的对象和数组,而无需编写运行O(n)^ 2或O(n)^ 3的程序。下面是一个程序...