Python PIL 尝试在两个图像之间交换方形像素组

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此处的代码使用 400x400 像素的图像,分别为红色和绿色。

生成的图像 ___OUTPUT_IM_100_POS.png 是应有的样子。然而,___OUTPUT_IM_100_NEG.png 是其原始形式的副本。


from PIL import Image
# The import below is to be able to always have the right line number when printing messages...
from inspect import currentframe, getframeinfo

# The function below is used for debugging. It allows always having the line when the message is written.
def pprint(line_number, message):
    # print(end)
    print('L_' + str(line_number) + ': ' + message)

# declare paths
images_path = r'C:\_D_Drive\_pictures\for_asking'
# Declare input images names
input_images_names = [images_path + r'\4_squares_pos.png', images_path + r'\4_squares_neg.png']
# Declare output images and check_size to put in their name
check_size = 100
width = 400
height = 400
output_images_names = [images_path + r"\___OUTPUT_IM_" + str(check_size) + r"_POS.png",
                      images_path + r"\___OUTPUT_IM_" + str(check_size) + r'_NEG.png']
# create two black images of the same size and save them as output_images_names[0] and [1]
adjustable_woven_images = ["RGB", size=(width, height), color="black"),"RGB", size=(width, height), color="black")]
adjustable_woven_images[0].save(output_images_names[0], format="png")
adjustable_woven_images[1].save(output_images_names[1], format="png")

red_400x400 ="RGB", size=(width * 1, height * 1), color="red")
red_400x400_pixel_map = red_400x400.load()
green_400x400 ="RGB", size=(width * 1, height * 1), color="green")
green_400x400_pixel_map = green_400x400.load()

# Open the two input images into the output images
output_images = [red_400x400, green_400x400]

# Get pixel maps:
pixel_maps_for_output_images = [output_images[0].load(), output_images[1].load()]
# Declare pixel maps for swap arrays
pixel_maps_for_swap = [pixel_maps_for_output_images[0], pixel_maps_for_output_images[1]]

# Announce start...
pprint(getframeinfo(currentframe()).lineno, f"Opening\n{input_images_names[0]} and\n{input_images_names[1]}...\n")

# Core function swaps squares...
def swap_square(run_number_given, odd_or_even, i_given, j_given):
    global pixel_maps_for_output_images
    global check_size
    global width
    global height
    global pixel_maps_for_swap
    sq_pos_neg_string = ["POS", "NEG"]

    # Make temp squares if asked for to show process...
    make_temp_squares = False
    if make_temp_squares:
        temp_square_image ="RGB", size=(width, height), color="lightgray")
        temp_map = temp_square_image.load()
        for u in range(width):
            for v in range(height):
                temp_map[u, v] = pixel_maps_for_output_images[0][u, v]
                temp_map[u, v] = (255, 0, 255)
        for u in range(check_size):
            for v in range(check_size):
                temp_map[u + i_given, v + j_given] = pixel_maps_for_swap[0][u + i_given, v + j_given]
            images_path + r"\_temp_square_" + str(run_number_given) + "_" + str(check_size) + "_" + sq_pos_neg_string[odd_or_even] + "_" + str(i_given) + "_" + str(j_given) + ".png",

    for k in range(check_size):
        for l in range(check_size):
            if k + i_given < width and l + j_given < height:
                if odd_or_even == 1:
                    pixel_maps_for_swap[0][k + i_given * 1, l + j_given * 1] = pixel_maps_for_output_images[0][k + i_given, l + j_given]
                    pixel_maps_for_swap[1][k + i_given * 1, l + j_given * 1] = pixel_maps_for_output_images[1][k + i_given, l + j_given]
                    pixel_maps_for_output_images[0][k + i_given, l + j_given] = pixel_maps_for_swap[1][k + i_given * 1, l + j_given * 1]
                    pixel_maps_for_output_images[1][k + i_given, l + j_given] = pixel_maps_for_swap[0][k + i_given, l + j_given]
    pprint(getframeinfo(currentframe()).lineno, f"odd_or_even: {odd_or_even} i:j {i_given}:{j_given} Saved {images_path}\_temp_square_{check_size}_{sq_pos_neg_string[odd_or_even]}_{i_given}_{j_given}.png")
    output_images[0].save(images_path + "\\__run#" + str(run_number_given) + "_" + sq_pos_neg_string[odd_or_even] + "_oe_0.png", format="png")
    output_images[1].save(images_path + "\\__run#" + str(run_number_given) + "_" + sq_pos_neg_string[odd_or_even] + "_oe_1.png", format="png")

run_number = 0
for j in range(0, height, check_size):
    if height - j < check_size:
        pprint(getframeinfo(currentframe()).lineno, f"WATCH IT: I have a VERTICAL edge here, watch it...")
    for i in range(0, width, check_size):
        if width - i < check_size:
            pprint(getframeinfo(currentframe()).lineno, f"WATCH IT: I have a HORIZONTAL edge here, watch it...")
        odd_even = ((int(i / check_size) % check_size) % 2 + (int(j / check_size) % check_size) % 2) % 2
        run_number += 1
        swap_square(run_number, odd_even, i, j)

output_images[0].save(output_images_names[0], format="png")
output_images[1].save(output_images_names[1], format="png")
python pycharm python-imaging-library

我将 this 答案与 this 答案合并,得出这个:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from PIL import Image, ImageOps

# Size of finished images
size = (500,500)

# Create new black image of chess board to use as mask
w, h = 8, 8
mask ="L", (w,h))
pixels = mask.load()

# Make pixels white where (row+col) is odd
for i in range(w):
    for j in range(h):
        if (i+j)%2:
            pixels[i,j] = 255

# Scale up to 500x500
mask = mask.resize(size, Image.NEAREST)'DEBUG-mask.png')

# Create two images to merge "chunkily"
lime ='RGB', size, 'lime')
blue ='RGB', size, 'blue')

# Paste blue onto lime with first mask
res1 = lime.copy()
res1.paste(blue, mask)'res1.png')

# Paste blue onto lime with inverted mask
res2 = lime.copy()
res2.paste(blue, ImageOps.invert(mask))'res2.png')


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