Flutter:使用“aws_s3_upload”包将文件上传到 AWS S3 时出现“管道损坏”错误

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我尝试使用“aws_s3_upload”包将文件从我的 Flutter 应用程序上传到 AWS S3 存储桶,但我不断遇到“管道损坏”错误。这是我的代码的相关部分:

Future<String> uploadImage_to_S3(
      File image, User? currentUser, String whichFolderToPut) async {
    // image = await _compressImage(image);
    try {
      // Create a unique filename for the image
      String fileName =

      // AWS S3 configuration
      final awsAccessKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxx";
      final awsSecretKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
      final bucketName = "alliancenetwork-production";
      final region = "ap-south-1";

      // Upload the image to S3
      final result = await AwsS3.uploadFile(
        accessKey: awsAccessKey,
        secretKey: awsSecretKey,
        file: image,
        bucket: bucketName,
        region: region,
        key: "$whichFolderToPut/$fileName",
        metadata: {
          'Content-Type': 'image/${path.extension(image.path).substring(1)}'

      if (result != null) {
        // The result is the URL of the uploaded file
        return result;
      } else {
        throw Exception('Failed to upload image to S3');
    } catch (e) {
      // Handle any errors that occur during the upload
      print('Failed to upload image: $e');
      return 'error: image upload to S3 failed';


Failed to upload to AWS, with exception:
Broken pipe

检查了互联网连接,看起来稳定。 验证 AWS 凭证和 S3 存储桶策略以确保它们允许上传。 尝试增加请求的超时时间。 确保文件不太大并且可以正确读取。 记录了更详细的错误信息。

flutter amazon-web-services amazon-s3
`aws_s3_api: ^2.0.0` worker for me


final s3Client = S3(
        region: region,
        credentials: AwsClientCredentials(
            accessKey: credentials.accessKeyId!,
            secretKey: credentials.secretAccessKey!,
            sessionToken: credentials.sessionToken));
    try {
      final contentType = await FileUtil.getFileContentType(filePath);
      final body = await File(filePath).readAsBytes();
      final objectResponse = await s3Client.putObject(
          bucket: "MyBucketW5",
          key: "image.jpeg",
          body: body,
          contentType: contentType);
      return filePath;
    } catch (e) {
      print('S3:::PutObject: $key failed, reason: $e');
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