我越来越沮丧。我正在尝试在 LaTeX 中使用
函数,甚至是 Mod
,但我总是得到一个 undefined control sequence error
! LaTeX 错误:找不到文件“foobar.sty”。
键入 X 退出或继续, 或输入新名称。 (默认扩展名:sty)
我尝试使用 Texifier,使用 IntelliJ IDEA TeXiFy 插件,我也安装了 Tex Live。
% This command is used to display a new job on the timeline. The job is represented by a trapezium.
% #1 - start date (month/year)
% #2 - end date (month/year)
% #3 - level (used in case you want to change the distance from the timeline)
% #4 - trapezium color
% #5 - label (role and company name)
% #6 - opacity of the trapezium
\StrBefore{#1}{/}[\startMonth] % month in which the job started
\StrBehind{#1}{/}[\startYear] % year in which the job started
\StrBefore{#2}{/}[\endMonth] % month in which the job ended
\StrBehind{#2}{/}[\endYear] % year in which the job ended
% The start and end dates are expressed as a fraction of the total number of months between the first and last years.
\pgfmathsetmacro\jobDurationMonths{(\endYear - \startYear) * 12 + (\endMonth - \startMonth)}
% Define the threshold duration (in months) for the two linear segments.
% Define the scaling factors for the two linear segments.
% Calculate the scaling factor using the piecewise function.
\pgfmathsetmacro\scalingFactor{(\jobDurationMonths <= \thresholdDuration) * (\shortDurationScale - (\jobDurationMonths / \thresholdDuration) * (\shortDurationScale - \longDurationScale)) + (\jobDurationMonths > \thresholdDuration) * \longDurationScale}
% Calculate the trapezium height based on the trapezium width and the duration scaling factor.
%\pgfmathsetmacro\trapHeight{max(\trapWidth * \scalingFactor, 5)}
% We set the trapezium width based on the number of months between the start and end dates of the job.
% The trapezium is rotated 270 degrees, so the width is the height and vice versa.
% We use a scaling factor to calculate the height of the trapezium. This factor is calculated using a piecewise
% function, so that the trapeziums never get too wide. I tried using a logarithmic function, and a decay exponential
% functions but the result wasn't good enough.
\pgfmathsetmacro\trapHeight{max(\trapWidth * \scalingFactor, 5)}
% Trapezium origin. The trapezium is rotated 270 degrees, so the origin is at the top left corner.
% Trapezium middle point. The trapezium is rotated 270 degrees, so the middle point is at the top right corner.
% Draw the trapezium.
\draw (\trapX,\trapY) node[trapezium, trapezium angle=\trapAngle, trapezium stretches=true, minimum height={\mmtopt{\trapHeight}}, minimum width={\mmtopt{\trapWidth}}, font=\scriptsize, fill=#4!50, opacity={#6}, rotate=270] {};
\draw[double, fill] (\middleX,\middleY) circle [radius=2pt];
% Determines the position of the label based on the trapezium height.
% Calculate the angle based on trapezium height, jobID, and the maximum trapezium height.
\pgfmathsetmacro\angleForLabelPlacement{70 - 40 * (\trapHeight / \maxTrapHeight) + 20 * (fpeval(int(\jobID) mod 2))}
% Calculate the length of the first line based on the trapezium height and the maximum trapezium height.
\pgfmathsetmacro\lineLength{1.5 - (\trapHeight / \maxTrapHeight)}
% Calculate the offset for the label based on the trapezium height and the maximum trapezium height.
\pgfmathsetmacro\labelOffset{0.3 * (\trapHeight / \maxTrapHeight)}
% Calculate the end of the first line based on the adjusted angle, length, and offset.
\coordinate (startLine) at (\middleX,\middleY);
\coordinate (endFirstLine) at ([shift=(\angleForLabelPlacement:\lineLength+\labelOffset)]startLine);
% Draw the label.
\pgfmathsetmacro\labelPaddingBottom{2pt} % padding between the label and the line
\node[anchor=south west, font=\tiny,inner sep=0pt, yshift=\labelPaddingBottom] (label) at (endFirstLine) {#5};
\coordinate (endSecondLine) at (label.east |- endFirstLine);
\draw (startLine) -- (endFirstLine);
\draw (endFirstLine) -- (endSecondLine);
\job{12/1995}{9/1997}{0}{NavyBlue}{Software Developer}{0.8}
不能用作int(\jobID)。正确的语法是 int( alue{jobID}).