我在 Jenkins 中集成了 Snyk 安全工具我遇到了以下问题(我正在使用 DOTNET Core 3.0 版本项目)

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

FATAL: Snyk Security scan failed.
java.lang.RuntimeException: An error occurred. Could not detect supported target files in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\ZAPTest.
Please see our documentation for supported languages and target files: https://snyk.co/udVgQ and make sure you are in the right directory.

ERROR: Snyk failed to scan your project. An error occurred. Could not detect supported target files in C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\ZAPTest.
Please see our documentation for supported languages and target files: https://snyk.co/udVgQ and make sure you are in the right directory.
.net asp.net-core security jenkins snyk

在运行 Snyk 扫描之前运行

dotnet restore

在这里查看一些指南: https://docs.snyk.io/scan-application-code/snyk-open-source/snyk-open-source-supported-languages-and-package-managers/snyk-for-.net

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