密钥在指定状态下无效 - 找不到接受参数“+”的位置参数

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我试图理解这个错误的实际含义。我是 PowerShell 新手,无法 弄清楚这个。我搜索过类似的问题,但内容与我的不同 要求。

简而言之,该脚本正在向数据历史系统查询批次/批号和 该批次的开始时间。 该脚本将使用任务计划程序每分钟运行一次。这还没有像我一样设置 仍处于测试阶段。 我已经设置了一个服务帐户,以便脚本运行。其详细内容是 存储在 cred 文件中。 该脚本使用该批次/批号创建一个文件夹。 该脚本创建一个日志文件,其中包含批次编号以及批次的开始日期和时间。 然后,当从服务器上载文件时,脚本会搜索服务器上的源文件夹。 工厂车间到源文件夹中脚本将文件移动到已创建的文件夹中 具有正确的批号。 如果文件超出批次开始和结束时间,则文件将移至无批次 将在其中手动审核它们的文件夹。

我已经完成了测试,手动将文件添加到服务器上的源文件夹中,并且 一切正常,但没有得到“找不到接受的位置参数” 脚本中的参数“+”。

我正在研究服务器配置和权限级别,但据我所知,什么也没有 已经改变了。我看不出脚本有什么问题,但希望有人可以给我 一些指示。


`PS C:\Users\a-graydx2> E:\Kistler Script\Batch ID with log 2021-11-29.ps1
An error occurred:
Key not valid for use in specified state.

Add-Content : A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument '+'.
At E:\Kistler Script\Batch ID with log 2021-11-29.ps1:186 char:11
    +           Add-Content -Path $ErrorFileName -Value (Get-Date -Format " ...
    +           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [Add-Content], ParameterBindingException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId :         

An error occurred:
Key not valid for use in specified state.

Add-Content : A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument '+'.
At E:\Kistler Script\Batch ID with log 2021-11-29.ps1:186 char:11
+           Add-Content -Path $ErrorFileName -Value (Get-Date -Format " ...
+           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [Add-Content], ParameterBindingException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId :     

脚本如下 谢谢你的帮助

`# Declare global variables

$fmSourcePath = "E:\Kistler\CoMo Services\Data\5336_L1.4345277\"
$shSourcePath = "E:\Kistler\CoMo Services\Data\5338_L1.5338_L1\"

$fmDesinationPath = "E:\Kistler XML Files\FM\"
$shDesinationPath = "E:\Kistler XML Files\SH\"

$fmWebAPI = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
$shWebAPI = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

# the path to stored credential
$credPath = "E:\Kistler Script\Cred.xml"
$logFileName = "BatchLog.txt"

#Path to the error log file
$ErrorFileName = "E:\Kistler Script\errorlog.txt"

function Move_Kistler_Files {
    param (

try {

    # check for stored credential
    if ( Test-Path $credPath ) {
        #crendetial is stored, load it 
        $cred = Import-CliXml -Path $credPath
    } else {
        # no stored credential then: create store, get credential and save it
        $parent = split-path $credpath -parent
        if ( -not ( test-Path $parent ) ) {
            New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $parent
        $cred = get-credential
        $cred | Export-CliXml -Path $credPath

    # Get the current batch id using the Web-API call 
    $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Credential $Cred
    $BatchID = $result.Value

    $BatchFolder = $DestinationPath + $BatchID

    Write-Host $BatchFolder

    # Create a new folder in the destination path based on the Batch ID
    If(!(test-path $BatchFolder))
          New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $BatchFolder | Out-Null

          # Add the current date/time to the log file
          $LogFile = $DestinationPath + $logFileName

          # if file exist Update the last record with the batch end date
          If((test-path $LogFile)){
                $txt = get-content $LogFile

                $txt[$txt.length - 1 ] = $txt[$txt.length - 1 ] + ", " + (Get-Date)
                $txt | set-content $LogFile
                #add a header row in the file
                Add-Content -Path $LogFile -Value "BatchID, StartDate, EndDate"
          # create a new record in the log file with current Batch Id and date as start of     
batch indicator
          $msg = $BatchID + ", " + (Get-Date)
          Add-Content -Path $LogFile -Value $msg 

    # Copy the Kistler XML files from the source to the destination

    # get al the Kistler XML files in the source folder
    $Files = get-childitem -path $SourcePath -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.Extension -eq ".XML"} 
| Sort-Object LastWriteTime -Descending
    # If we have files to process do it
    if ($Files.Length -gt 0) {

        # read back the batch start and end dates from the log table
        $LogFile = $DestinationPath + $logFileName
        $txt = get-content $LogFile

        # Get the latest Batch Id and it's start date
        $FileMoveCount = 0
        $FileNotMoveCount = 0
        $ptr = 1
        $batchArray =$txt[$txt.length - $ptr ].Split(",")
        $MoveToPath = $DestinationPath + $batchArray[0]
        $batchStartDate = $batchArray[1]

        #Process each XML file
        Foreach ($File in $Files ) {

            $FileTime = $File.LastWriteTime
            #write-host $File.FullName $File.Name $FileTime $MoveToPath $batchStartDate

            #if the XML file's date-time is older than the batch start time, skip to the     
previus Batch Id and start time
            while ( ([DateTime]$FileTime -lt [DateTime]$batchStartDate) -and ($ptr -lt 
($txt.length)-1) ) {

                #Write a log for the number of files copied
                if ($FileMoveCount -gt 0){
                    Add-Content -Path $ErrorFileName -Value ((Get-Date -Format "dd/MM/yyyy 
HH:mm") + ": " + $FileMoveCount + " XML files moved to " + $MoveToPath) 
                    $FileMoveCount = 0

                $batchArray =$txt[$txt.length - $ptr ].Split(",")

                $MoveToPath = $DestinationPath + $batchArray[0]
                $batchStartDate = $batchArray[1]

                #write-host $MoveToPath $batchStartDate

            #Copy the XML file to the destination folder
            if ([DateTime]$FileTime -ge [DateTime]$batchStartDate){
                Move-Item $File.FullName -Destination ($MoveToPath + "\" + $File.Name)
                Move-Item $File.FullName -Destination ($DestinationPath + "\NoBatch\" + 

      #Write a log for the number of files copied
      if ($FileMoveCount -gt 0){
        Add-Content -Path $ErrorFileName -Value ((Get-Date -Format "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm") + ": " 
+ $FileMoveCount + " XML files moved to " + $MoveToPath) 

      if ($FileNotMoveCount -gt 0){
        Add-Content -Path $ErrorFileName -Value ((Get-Date -Format "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm") + ": 
Could not find batch ID for " + $FileNotMoveCount + " XML files " )


      #Write the error 
      Write-Host "An error occurred:" -ForegroundColor red
      Write-Host $_  -ForegroundColor red

      Add-Content -Path $ErrorFileName -Value (Get-Date -Format "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm") + ": " + 

### Process the FM Kistler files 
Move_Kistler_Files $fmWebAPI $fmSourcePath $fmDesinationPath

### Process the SH Kistler files 
Move_Kistler_Files $shWebAPI $shSourcePath $shDesinationPath`



$x =“22”+“11”


$x = $([字符串]"22" + [字符串]"11")

PowerShell 有时会认为您尝试将 33 添加 22+11 而不是“2211”

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