
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我在SQL Server中有一个XML列,其中包含如下数据:

   <Section name='BOX'>
       <InputNumber description="[1] What is the height of the Box."> 
       <InputNumber description="[2] What is the width of the Box."> 


[1]盒子的高度是多少。 ------ [2]盒子的宽度是多少。

25                                        30


sql-server xml tsql xquery
正如@Martin Smith指出的那样,只有动态SQL才能提供帮助。这是实现方法。


-- DDL and sample data population, start USE tempdb; GO DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dbo.tbl; CREATE TABLE dbo.tbl (ID INT IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, [Configuration] xml); INSERT INTO dbo.tbl ([Configuration]) VALUES (N'<Package> <Section name="BOX"> <InputNumber description="[1] What is the height of the Box."> <value>25</value> </InputNumber> <InputNumber description="[2] What is the width of the Box."> <value>30</value> </InputNumber> </Section> </Package>') , (N'<Package> <Section name="BOX"> <InputNumber description="[1] What is the height of the Box."> <value>770</value> </InputNumber> <InputNumber description="[2] What is the width of the Box."> <value>771</value> </InputNumber> </Section> </Package>'); -- DDL and sample data population, end DECLARE @xml XML , @colHeader VARCHAR(100) , @CrLf CHAR(2) = CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) , @SQL AS NVARCHAR(MAX); SET @xml = (SELECT TOP(1) [Configuration] FROM dbo.tbl); -- count total number of columns DECLARE @cnt INT, @i INT; SET @cnt = @xml.value('count(/Package/Section/InputNumber)', 'INT'); SET @SQL = 'SELECT ID' + @CrLf; -- loop through XML SET @i = 1; WHILE @i <= @cnt BEGIN SET @colHeader = @xml.value('(/Package/Section/InputNumber[position() = sql:variable("@i")]/@description)[1]', 'VARCHAR(100)'); SET @SQL += ', c.value(''(InputNumber[' + CAST(@i AS VARCHAR(5)) + ']/value/text())[1]'', ''NVARCHAR(MAX)'') AS "' + @colHeader + '"' + @CrLf SET @i += 1; END SET @SQL += 'FROM dbo.tbl as tbl CROSS APPLY tbl.[Configuration].nodes(''/Package/Section'') AS t(c);'; PRINT @SQL; EXEC sys.sp_executesql @SQL;


+----+------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | ID | [1] What is the height of the Box. | [2] What is the width of the Box. | +----+------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | 1 | 25 | 30 | | 2 | 770 | 771 | +----+------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+

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