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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Fortune{

    Voronoi diagram;

    SortedQueue<AEvent> events;

    Arc root;

    float ly;
    public Voronoi MakeDiagram()

        // Broken seeds: 14, 15, 
        diagram = new Voronoi();
        events = new SortedQueue<AEvent>(sortByY);

        return diagram;

    private void createSites(int count)
        for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            events.Enqueue(new SiteEvent(new Vector2(Random.Range(0, 100), Random.Range(0, 100))));

    private void constructDiagram()
        while(events.Size() > 0)


        for(int i = 0; i < diagram.edges.Count; i++)
            VEdge e = diagram.edges[i];

            if(e.neighbour != null)
              e.start = e.neighbour.end;

    //Inser new parabol to beachline
    public void AddParabol(Vector2 point)
        ly = point.y;
        Debug.DrawLine(point, point + Vector2.up, Color.blue, 100f);
        if (root == null)
            root = new Arc(point);

        if(root.isLeaf && root.site.y - point.y < 1)
            root.isLeaf = false;
            root.SetLeft(new Arc(root.site.point));
            root.SetRight(new Arc(point));

            VPoint mid2 = new VPoint((root.site.x + point.x) / 2, 100);
            if(root.site.x > point.x)
                root.edge = new VEdge(mid2, point, root.site.point);
                root.edge = new VEdge(mid2, root.site.point, point);

        Arc a = GetArcUnderPoint(root, point);

        if(a.cevent != null)

        VPoint mid = new VPoint(point.x, GetY(a, point.x));

        Debug.DrawLine(mid.point, mid.point + Vector2.up, Color.cyan, 100f);
        VEdge l = new VEdge(mid, a.site.point, point);
        VEdge r = new VEdge(mid, point, a.site.point);


        l.neighbour = r;

        Arc lc = new Arc(a.site.point);
        Arc m = new Arc(point);
        Arc rc = new Arc(a.site.point);


        Arc inter = new Arc();


        a.isLeaf = false;

        a.edge = l;
        inter.edge = r;


    //Remove arc from tree
    public void RemoveParabol(CircleEvent e)
        ly = e.y;
        Arc a = e.a;

        Arc lp = a.leftParent;
        Arc rp = a.rightParent;

        Arc lc = lp.leftChild;
        if (lc.cevent != null) events.Remove(lc.cevent);
        Arc rc = rp.rightChild;
        if (rc.cevent != null) events.Remove(rc.cevent);

        VPoint end = new VPoint(e.x, GetY(a,e.x));

        lp.edge.end = end;
        rp.edge.end = end;

        VEdge ne = new VEdge(end, lc.site.point, rc.site.point);

        Arc higher = new Arc();
        Arc cur = a;
        while (cur != root)
            cur = cur.parent;
            if (cur == lp) higher = lp;
            if (cur == rp) higher = rp;

        higher.edge = ne;


        Arc gp = a.parent.parent;

        if(a.parent.left == a)
            if (gp.left == a.parent) gp.SetLeft(a.parent.right);
            if (gp.right == a.parent) gp.SetRight(a.parent.right);
            if (gp.left == a.parent) gp.SetLeft(a.parent.left);
            if (gp.right == a.parent) gp.SetRight(a.parent.left);


    //Check if there is any circle events to come
    public void CheckCircleEvent(Arc a)
        Arc lp = a.leftParent;
        Arc rp = a.rightParent;

        if (lp == null || rp == null) return;
        Arc lc = lp.leftChild;
        Arc rc = rp.rightChild;

        if (lc.site == rc.site) return;

        VPoint s = Intersection(lp.edge, rp.edge);
        if (s == null) return;

        float r = Vector2.Distance(s.point, a.site.point);
        if (s.y - r > ly) return;

        CircleEvent e = new CircleEvent(a);
        e.y = s.y - r;
        e.x = s.x;
        e.a = a;
        a.cevent = e;


    //Find intersection of 2 edges and check if edge directions point to intersection point
    public VPoint Intersection(VEdge left, VEdge right)
         * y = f1*x + g1
         * y = f2*x + g2
         * f1*x +g1 = f2*x+g2
         * f1*x - f2*x = g2-g1
         * x = (g2-g1)/(f1-f2) 

        float x = (right.g - left.g) / (left.f - right.f);
        float y = left.f * x + left.g;

        Vector2 s = new Vector2(x, y);
        if ((x - left.start.x) / left.dir.x < 0) return null;
        if ((y - left.start.y) / left.dir.y < 0) return null;
        if ((x - right.start.x) / right.dir.x < 0) return null;
        if ((y - right.start.y) / right.dir.y < 0) return null;

        return new VPoint(s);  

    // What if no intersection
    public Arc GetArcUnderPoint(Arc root, Vector2 point)
     //   drawTree(root);
        Arc curr = root;
        while (!curr.isLeaf)
            float x = ArcIntersectionX(curr, point.x);
            Debug.Log("Returned =" + x);
            if (float.IsNaN(x) || float.IsInfinity(x))
           //     drawTree(curr);
            if (x > point.x) curr = curr.left;
            else curr = curr.right;
        return curr;

    //Draws parabols to see where issueas are
    public void drawTree(Arc a)
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                float y = GetY(a, i);
                Vector2 t = new Vector2(i, y);
                Debug.DrawLine(t, t + Vector2.up, Color.yellow, 100f);

        if (!a.isLeaf)

    // Find x coordinate of 2 arc intersection. Arcs are thel eft and right child of given node(Arc in tree)
    public float ArcIntersectionX(Arc a, float x)
        Arc lc = a.leftChild;
        Arc rc = a.rightChild;

        VPoint ls = lc.site;
        VPoint rs = rc.site;
        /*Intersection of 2 parabols
         * y1 =   1 / 4f1 x ^ 2 - v11 / 2f1 x + v11 ^ 2 / 4f1 + v12 
         * y2 =   1 / 4f2 x ^ 2 - v21 / 2f2 x + v21 ^ 2 / 4f2 + v22
         * 1 / 4f1 x ^ 2 - 1 / 4f2 x ^ 2 - v11 / 2f1 x + v21 / 2f2 x + v11 ^ 2 / 4f1 - v21 ^ 2 / 4f2 + v12 - v22 =
         * (1 / 4f1 - 1 / 4f2) x ^ 2 + (-v11 / 2f1 + v21 / 2f2) x + (v11 ^ 2 / 4f1 - v21 ^ 2 / 4f2 + c12 - v22) = 0
         * v11 = ls.x
         * v21 = rs.x
         * v12 = ls.y - f1
         * v22 = rs.y - f2
         * f1 = (ls.y - ly) / 2
         * f2 = (rs.y - ly) / 2

        float f1 = (ls.y - ly) / 2;
        float f2 = (rs.y - ly) / 2;

        float a1 = (1/(4*f1) - 1/(4*f2));
        float b1 = -ls.x / (2 * f1) + rs.x / (2 * f2);
        float c1 = ls.x * ls.x / (4 * f1) - rs.x * rs.x / (4 * f2) + (ls.y - f1) - (rs.y - f2);

        float D = Mathf.Sqrt(b1 * b1 - 4 * a1 * c1);
        float x1 = (-b1 + D) / (2 * a1);
        float x2 = (-b1 - D) / (2 * a1);

        Vector2 p1 = new Vector2(x1, GetY(lc, x1));
        Vector2 p2 = new Vector2(x2, GetY(lc, x2));

        if(ls.y > rs.y)
            return Mathf.Min(x1, x2);
            return Mathf.Max(x1, x2);

    public bool HasValue(float val)
        return (!float.IsNaN(val) && !float.IsInfinity(val));

    // Find where x = cons and arc intersect
    public float GetY(Arc a, float x)
         * y = 1 / 4f (x - v1)^2 + v2 
         * f = (a.site.y - ly) / 2
         * v1 = a.site.x
         * v2 = a.site.y - f
        float f = (a.site.y - ly) / 2;
        return 1 / (4 * f) * (x - a.site.x) * (x - a.site.x) + (a.site.y-f);

    public void FinishEdges(Arc root)
        if (root.isLeaf) return;

        VEdge e = root.edge;

        if(e.end == null)
            float mx;
            if (e.dir.x > 0) mx = Mathf.Max(100, e.start.x + 10);
            else mx = Mathf.Min(0, e.start.x - 10);

            float my = mx * e.f + e.g;
            if(my > 100)
                my = 100;
                mx = (100 - e.g) / e.f;
            else if(my < 0)
                my = 0;
                mx = -e.g / e.f;

            VPoint end = new VPoint(mx, my);
            e.end = end;


    public static int sortByY(AEvent a, AEvent b)
        if (a.y > b.y) return -1;
        if (a.y < b.y) return 1;

        if (a.x < b.x) return -1;
        if (a.x > b.x) return 1;
        return 0;



c# algorithm unity3d voronoi


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