
问题描述 投票:-3回答:1

为了记录(我在代码中定义了int line, col;)

#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> int line, col; int i,j,ch; char fn[20],e,c,name[64]; FILE *fp1,*fp2,*fp; void NewFile(); void Copy(); void Delete(); void Display(); void comparison(); void main() { do { printf("\n\t\t***** TEXT EDITOR *****"); printf("\n\n\tMENU:\n\t\n"); printf("\n\t1.NEWFILE\t2.DISPLAY\t3.COPY\t\t4.DELETE\t5.COMPARISON\t6.EXIT\n"); printf("\n\tEnter your choice: "); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1: NewFile(); break; case 2: Display(); break; case 3: Copy(); break; case 4: Delete(); break; case 5: comparison(); break; case 6: exit(0); } }while(1); } void NewFile() { printf("\n\tEnter the name of the file to be created: "); scanf("%s", name); fp1=fopen(name,"w"); printf("\n\tEnter the text and press '.' to save\n\n\t"); while(1) { c=getchar(); fputc(c,fp1); if(c == '.') { fclose(fp1); break; } } } void comparison() { printf("\n\tEnter the first file: "); scanf("%s", name); fp1=fopen(name,"r"); printf("\n\tEnter the second file: "); scanf("%s", name); fp2=fopen(fn,"r"); int *line = 0; int *col = 0; do{ c = getc(fp1); e = getc(fp2); if (c == '\n') { *line += 1; *col = 0; } if (c != e) printf("Files not equal"); else *col += 1; }while(c != EOF && e != EOF); if (c == EOF && e == EOF) printf("Files are equal"); else printf("Files not equal"); } void Display() { printf("\n\tEnter the file name: "); scanf("%s",fn); fp1=fopen(fn,"r"); if(fp1==NULL) { printf("\n\tFile not found!"); fclose(fp1); printf("\n\n\tPress any key to continue\n"); } while(!feof(fp1)) { c=getc(fp1); printf("%c",c); } } void Copy() { printf("\n\tEnter the new filename to copy: "); scanf("%s",fn); printf("\n\tEnter the filename from which to copy: "); scanf("%s", name); fp1=fopen(name,"r"); fp2=fopen(fn,"w"); while(!feof(fp1)) { c=getc(fp1); putc(c,fp2); } printf("\n\tFile has been copied successfully"); fclose(fp2); } void Delete() { printf("\n\tEnter the file name: "); scanf("%s",fn); fp1=fopen(fn,"r"); if(fp1==NULL) { printf("\n\tFile not found!"); goto end2; } fclose(fp1); if(remove(fn)==0) { printf("\n\n\tFile has been deleted successfully!"); goto end2; } else printf("\n\tError!\n"); end2: printf("\n\n\tPress any key to continue\n"); }


Segmentation fault (core dumped)

c pointers

printf("\n\tEnter the first file: "); scanf("%s", name); fp1=fopen(name,"r"); printf("\n\tEnter the second file: "); scanf("%s", name); // ^^^^ fp2=fopen(fn,"r"); // ^^ (never assigned)


#include <string.h> void comparison() { printf("\n\tEnter the first file: "); scanf("%s", name); fp1 = fopen(name, "r"); printf("\n\tEnter the second file: "); scanf("%s", fn); fp2 = fopen(fn, "r"); int pC, pE; do { pC = getc(fp1); pE = getc(fp2); if (pC == '\n') { line += 1; col = 0; } if (pC != pE) printf("Files not equal"); else col += 1; } while (pC != EOF && pE != EOF); if (pC == EOF && pE == EOF) printf("Files are equal"); else printf("Files not equal"); }




  1. main()必须返回您的代码违反的整数。
  2. feof()永远不会给出正确的结果。避免使用它。
  3. [注释中描述了程序中分段错误的正确原因。

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