我正在努力在 JavaScript/TypeScript 中为 KZG 承诺创建一个粗略算法,该算法的步骤之一包括将为某些给定字符串构造的多项式的系数与结构化参考字符串 (SRS) 的适当幂相乘。
我卡在第 4 步)。
我知道如何使用拉格朗日插值从 JS/TS 中的给定字符串构造多项式,但我在提取其系数时遇到困难,我需要能够将它们与 SRS 相乘。
下面是我的拉格朗日插值算法 - 请注意,它可以为我解决 5),但我没有看到从中获得精确系数的明显方法:
type Point = { x: number; y: number };
// The function basically reconstructs the whole Lagrange Polynomial each time
// it needs to evaluate it at some given point `newX`, which is a problem as
// there is no way to extract the coefficients.
function lagrangeInterpolation(points: Point[], newX: number) {
const n = points.length;
let newY = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
let { x, y } = points[i];
let term = y;
for (let j = 0; j < n; j++) {
if (i !== j) {
let { x: xj } = points[j];
term = (term * (newX - xj)) / (x - xj);
newY = newY + term;
return newY;
我找不到任何可以解决这个问题的 JS 库。我能找到的最接近的如下,但它们仍然不适用于解决这个问题:
您可以使用@guest 在拉格朗日多项式的系数中描述的基于矩阵的方法。
function determinant(mat) { // Gaussian elimination method
const n = mat.length;
let det = 1;
for (let r = 0; r < n; r++) {
let r2 = r;
while (!mat[r2][r]) {
if (r2 >= mat.length) return 0;
const row = mat[r2];
if (r2 !== r) { // Swap rows
mat[r2] = mat[r];
mat[r] = row;
det = -det;
let div = row[r];
if (!div) return 0;
det *= div;
for (let c = r; c < n; c++) row[c] /= div;
for (let r2 = r+1; r2 < n; r2++) {
const row2 = mat[r2];
const mul = row2[r];
for (let c = r; c < n; c++) {
row2[c] -= mul * row[c];
return det;
// Similar to
function lagrangeInterpolationCoefficients(points) {
const lagrangeDet = (j) => determinant(, i) =>[a, b]) => i == j ? b : a ** i)
const denom = lagrangeDet(-1);
return, j) => lagrangeDet(j) / denom);
const coefficientsToFunction = (coefficients) =>
x => coefficients.reduce((sum, coeff, i) => sum + coeff * x**i, 0);
// Simple (imperfect) rendering of the polynomial:
const coefficientsToString = (coefficients) =>, i) => `${coeff}x^${i}`)
.reverse().join(" + ")
.replace(/x\^0|\^1\b|\b0x^\d+/g, "")
.replaceAll("+ -", "- ");
// Demo
const points = [[0, -1], [1, 1], [3, 8], [4, 10]];
const coefficients = lagrangeInterpolationCoefficients(points);
console.log("f(x) =", coefficientsToString(coefficients));
const f = coefficientsToFunction(coefficients);
// Verify that the created function returns
// the correct results for the given points
for (const [x, y] of points) {
console.log({x, y, "f(x)": f(x)});