在Linux上安装python selenium,用于没有互联网访问的本地网络

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

下午好! 我需要为我的 Linux 服务器(RedOS)编写一个 Python 脚本,它将自动登录浏览器,在网站上执行某些设置并关闭浏览器窗口。 我为此使用 Selenium 库。 Windows 脚本运行没有问题。


服务器上正在运行Python 3.8.18。我用过 selenium-4.23.1.tar 文件.gz

我使用了文件 selenium-4.23.1.tar.gz 并使用它安装了它

pip3 install --no-index command selenium-4.23.1.tar.gz


Processing ./selenium-4.23.1.tar.gz
  Installing build dependencies ... error
  ERROR: Complete output from command /usr/bin/python3 /usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip install --ignore-installed --no-user --prefix /tmp/pip-build-env-vl02ygz6/overlay --no-warn-script-location --no-binary :none: --only-binary :none: --no-index -- setuptools setuptools-rust:
  ERROR: Collecting setuptools
    ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement setuptools (from versions: none)
  ERROR: No matching distribution found for setuptools
ERROR: Command "/usr/bin/python3 /usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip install --ignore-installed --no-user --prefix /tmp/pip-build-env-vl02ygz6/overlay --no-warn-script-location --no-binary :none: --only-binary :none: --no-index -- setuptools setuptools-rust" failed with error code 1 in None

要运行,我需要安装 setuptolls-rust。 我正在尝试通过文件 setuptools_rust-1.10.1.tar.gz 安装此软件包 我使用命令:

pip3 install --no-index setuptools_rust-1.10.1.tar.gz

Processing ./setuptools_rust-1.10.1.tar.gz
  Installing build dependencies ... error
  ERROR: Complete output from command /usr/bin/python3 /usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip install --ignore-installed --no-user --prefix /tmp/pip-build-env-gzdkukcg/overlay --no-warn-script-location --no-binary :none: --only-binary :none: --no-index -- 'setuptools>=62.4' setuptools_scm:
  ERROR: Collecting setuptools>=62.4
    ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement setuptools>=62.4 (from versions: none)
  ERROR: No matching distribution found for setuptools>=62.4
ERROR: Command "/usr/bin/python3 /usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip install --ignore-installed --no-user --prefix /tmp/pip-build-env-gzdkukcg/overlay --no-warn-script-location --no-binary :none: --only-binary :none: --no-index -- 'setuptools>=62.4' setuptools_scm" failed with error code 1 in None
This package requires setuptools version >=62.4.

但是,我已经安装了setuptools版本73.0.0(我尝试过早期版本,例如62.5.0) 调用“

pip3 list

Package                 Version
----------------------- ---------
Babel                   2.3.4
blivet                  3.5.0
blivet-gui              2.4.2
Brlapi                  0.7.0
cairocffi               1.1.0
CairoSVG                2.7.0
caja-extensions-redsoft 1.2
certifi                 2020.6.20
cffi                    1.13.2
charset-normalizer      2.0.7
configobj               5.0.6
configshell-fb          1.1.28
cryptography            37.0.2
cssselect2              0.3.0
cupshelpers             1.0
dasbus                  1.3
decorator               4.4.0
defusedxml              0.7.1
distro                  1.5.0
dnspython               2.2.1
gssapi                  1.7.3
idna                    2.10
initial-setup           0.3.84
ipaclient               4.10.1
ipalib                  4.10.1
ipaplatform             4.10.1
ipapython               4.10.1
Jinja2                  3.0.3
jwcrypto                0.6.0
kmod                    0.1
langtable               0.0.53
libcomps                0.1.15
MarkupSafe              2.1.1
netaddr                 0.7.19
netifaces               0.10.4
nftables                0.1
olefile                 0.45.1
onboard                 1.4.1
perf                    0.1
pid                     2.2.3
Pillow                  9.4.0
pip                     19.1.1
ply                     3.11
productmd               1.33
psutil                  5.9.1
pwquality               1.4.3
pyasn1                  0.4.8
pyasn1-modules          0.2.8
pycairo                 1.15.3
pycparser               2.14
pycups                  2.0.1
pydbus                  0.6.0
PyGObject               3.36.1
pykickstart             3.30
pyOpenSSL               21.0.0
pyparsing               2.4.7
pyparted                3.11.0
PyQt5                   5.15.0
PyQt5-sip               4.19.23
pysmbc                  1.0.23
PySocks                 1.7.1
pystray                 0.17.1
python-augeas           0.5.0
python-dateutil         2.8.1
python-gettext          4.0
python-ldap             3.1.0
python-linux-procfs     0.6.1
python-manatools        0.0.3
python-meh              0.48
python-xlib             0.19
python-yubico           1.3.2
pytz                    2022.1
pyudev                  0.21.0
pyusb                   1.0.0b1
pyxdg                   0.25
PyYAML                  5.4.1
qrcode                  7.3.1
redoswelcome            1.13.4
reportlab               3.4.0
requests                2.26.0
requests-file           1.4.3
requests-ftp            0.3.1
rpm                     4.17.0
rtslib-fb               2.1.74
schedutils              0.6
selinux                 2.9
sepolicy                1.1
setools                 4.1.1
setproctitle            1.1.10
setroubleshoot          1.1
setuptools              73.0.0
share-directory         6.3
simpleline              1.6
six                     1.15.0
slip                    0.6.4
slip.dbus               0.6.4
SSSDConfig              2.8.2
systemd-python          232
targetcli-fb            2.1.53
terminator              2.0.1
tinycss2                1.0.2
urllib3                 1.26.5
urwid                   2.0.1
webencodings            0.5.1
xcffib                  0.9.0

我在论坛上看到以下主题:https://translated.turbopages.org/proxy_u/en-ru.ru.692e55ab-66c48e59-1c01acfd-74722d776562/https/stackoverflow.com/questions/65712539/pip-install -无法识别之前安装的软件包

在这种情况下,要安装另一个软件包,您需要版本 setuptools>= 40.8.0,该版本已经安装。 为此使用了



pip3 install --no-index setuptools_rust-1.10.1.tar.gz --no-build-isolation


Processing ./setuptools_rust-1.10.1.tar.gz
    Preparing wheel metadata ... done
Collecting semantic-version<3,>=2.8.2 (from setuptools-rust==1.10.1)
  ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement semantic-version<3,>=2.8.2 (from setuptools-rust==1.10.1) (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for semantic-version<3,>=2.8.2 (from setuptools-rust==1.10.1)


各位同事,请问谁遇到过类似的问题? 我已经为这个问题苦苦挣扎了第二天,但我确信肯定有解决方案。

python linux selenium-webdriver


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