我正在尝试制作一个使用 openCV 的项目,但我在 C# 脚本中遇到了一些错误

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I am trying to make a project that uses openCV in unity and I am getting a couple of errors in my C# program. I have attached my program below. Could be really helpful if anyone can help me. The part of the code which is highlighted is the part I am getting errors. Thank you in advance for the help.

private void spawn()
    //spawn the particles
    foreach(var particle in pool)
        particle.transform.position= transform.TransformPoint(Random.insideUnitSphere = 0.5f);
        particle.transform.localScale = Random.Range(SizeRange.x, SizeRange.y) = Vector3.one;**
    Invoke("spawn", SpawnRate);

如果有人可以帮助我解决这些错误,请帮助我。在过去的 12 个小时里,我在这里疯了

c# unity3d opencv
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