如何在 C++ 中搜索和比较结构体中的特定变量

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您好,我有一个学校项目,需要使用 C++ 创建索引系统。


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
   //create the structure
   struct example{
     string name;
     int age; }

   // declare two different struct variables
   example 1;
   1.name = "Hello World!";
   1.age = 60;
   example 2;
   2.name = "Toothpaste";
   2.age = 75;

   // create another string
   new_string = "Hello World!";

   //this is were I have my problems with the if statement
   if(new_string == 1.name){
     cout << "Your string is named " << 1.name << " and is " << 1.age << "years old" << endl;

   else if(new_string == 2.name){
     cout << "Your string is named " << 2.name << " and is " << 2.age << "years old" << endl;


这会创建大量我认为不必要的代码,我想知道如何创建一个系统,在该系统中我可以检查字符串是否等于任何内容,然后调用整个结构,而不需要 25 个不同的“else if”声明。考虑到我的结构也有更多的变量,尝试输入所有这些变量似乎是一座大山......

c++ indexing struct

C++20 代码看起来像这样

  • 请勿使用
    using namespace std;
  • 如果你的老师正在教授不同的风格,他/她就不是最新的
  • 避免索引循环
    #include <vector>
    #include <string>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <ranges>
    struct example_t
        std::string name;
        int age;
    // Output an example to a stream, makes later code more readable
    // pass example_t by const, becuase it should not be modified
    // pass by reference to avoid the struct to be copied
    std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const example_t& example)
        os << "name = " << example.name << ", age = " << example.age;
        return os;
    auto ShowExampleByName(std::ranges::forward_range auto& range, const std::string& name_to_find)
        // https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/ranges/find
        auto findByName = [&](const std::string name) { return name == name_to_find; };
        auto it = std::ranges::find_if(range, findByName, &example_t::name);
        if (it != range.end())
            std::cout << "found : " << *it << "\n";
    int main()
        // in C++ if you need more than one thing of something
        // use std::vector
        std::vector<example_t> examples{ {"Alice",21}, {"Bob",33}, {"Charlie",12} };
        // try to avoid index based for loops, so use a range based for loop
        for (const auto& example : examples)
            std::cout << example << "\n";
        // and the reusable code matching your example
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