
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我尝试使用 STM32F100RBTx 发送 PWM 信号,但它不起作用。我仔细检查了所有地址,但仍然是一样的。我不确定一开始是否闪烁,但我将 PB7 引脚配置为 GPIO 输出并连接到 LED,并且 LED 正在工作,因此我可以闪烁它,并且我的 GPIO 配置必须工作。这是代码,我不知道该尝试什么:


#include <stdint.h>

#define RCC         0x40021000
#define RCC_AHBENR  0x40021014
#define RCC_APB2ENR 0x40021018
#define RCC_APB1ENR 0x4002101C

#define AFIO        0x40010000
#define AFIO_MAPR   0x40010004

#define GPIOB       0x40010C00
#define GPIOB_ODR   0x40010C0C 

#define TIM4        0x40000800  
#define TIM4_CR1    0x40000800 
#define TIM4_CR2    0x40000804
#define TIM4_SMCR   0x40000808
#define TIM4_DIER   0x4000080C
#define TIM4_SR     0x40000810
#define TIM4_EGR    0x40000814
#define TIM4_CCMR1  0x40000818
#define TIM4_CCMR2  0x4000081C
#define TIM4_CCER   0x40000820
#define TIM4_CNT    0x40000824
#define TIM4_PSC    0x40000828
#define TIM4_ARR    0x4000082C
#define TIM4_CCR1   0x40000834
#define TIM4_CCR2   0x40000838
#define TIM4_CCR3   0x4000083C
#define TIM4_CCR4   0x40000840
#define TIM4_DCR    0x40000848
#define TIM4_DMAR   0x4000084C


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "TUFAN_VLDCMS_Global.h"

int main(){

     volatile uint32_t * tim4Cr1     =  (volatile uint32_t *) TIM4_CR1;
     volatile uint32_t * tim4Psc     =  (volatile uint32_t *) TIM4_PSC;
     volatile uint32_t * tim4Arr     =  (volatile uint32_t *) TIM4_ARR;
     volatile uint32_t * tim4Ccr1    =  (volatile uint32_t *) TIM4_CCR1;
     volatile uint32_t * tim4Ccmr1   =  (volatile uint32_t *) TIM4_CCMR1;
     volatile uint32_t * tim4Ccer    =  (volatile uint32_t *) TIM4_CCER;
     volatile uint32_t * tim4Egr     =  (volatile uint32_t *) TIM4_EGR;

     volatile uint32_t * rccApb1enr  =  (volatile uint32_t *) RCC_APB1ENR;
     volatile uint32_t * rccApb2enr  =  (volatile uint32_t *) RCC_APB2ENR;

     volatile uint32_t * gpiobCrL    =  (volatile uint32_t *) GPIOB;
     volatile uint32_t * gpiobOdr    =  (volatile uint32_t *) GPIOB_ODR;

     volatile uint32_t * afioMapr    =  (volatile uint32_t *) AFIO_MAPR;

     *rccApb1enr    |= (1<<2);     //enable TIM4 from APB1
     *rccApb2enr    |= (1<<0);     //enable AFIO from APB2
     *rccApb2enr    |= (1<<3);     //enable IOPB from APB2

     *afioMapr      &= ~(1<<12);   //set alternate function remap to 0

     *gpiobCrL      |= (3<<24);    //PB6 Output Mode 50Mhz
     *gpiobCrL      |= (2<<26);    //PB6 Alternate function Push-Pull
     *gpiobCrL      |= (3<<28);    //Configuring PB7 to for test to see if i can flash it
     *gpiobCrL      &= ~(3<<30);   

     *tim4Cr1       |= 0x0000;     //reseting it just in case 
     *tim4Psc       =  7;          //calculated it thinking default clock speed is 8MHz
     *tim4Arr       =  62;         //I want to have PWM signal around 16kHz
     *tim4Ccr1      =  31;         //and %50 duty cycle

     *tim4Ccmr1     |= 0x68;       //configuring channel 1
     *tim4Ccer      |= (1<<0);     //enabling channel 1

     *tim4Cr1       |= (1<<0);     //enable the timer
     *tim4Egr       |= (1<<0);

     while (1){
          *tim4Ccr1      =  31;
          *gpiobOdr      |= (1<<7);
timer embedded stm32 pwm stm32f1

在 @AndreyTurkin 的回答之后,我学会了如何使用 OpenOCD 查看内存地址,并意识到 GPIOB_CRL 寄存器的值与我写入的值不同。我通过写

*gpiobCrL = 0x3B444444;

 *gpiobCrL      |= (3<<24);   //PB6 Output Mode 50Mhz
 *gpiobCrL      |= (2<<26);   //PB6 Alternate function Push-Pull
 *gpiobCrL      |= (3<<28);   
 *gpiobCrL      &= ~(3<<30);


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