> head(big_metric[,c(30:37)])
Recall_41365 Accuracy_41361 Precision_41361 Recall_41361 Accuracy_41365 Precision_41365 Recall_41365 Prob
1: 1.0000000 0.9516129 0.9516129 1 0.8189655 0.8189655 1 0.0
2: 1.0000000 0.9516129 0.9516129 1 0.8189655 0.8189655 1 0.1
3: 1.0000000 0.9516129 0.9516129 1 0.8189655 0.8189655 1 0.2
4: 1.0000000 0.9516129 0.9516129 1 0.8189655 0.8189655 1 0.3
5: 1.0000000 0.9516129 0.9516129 1 0.8189655 0.8189655 1 0.4
6: 0.9936909 0.9516129 0.9516129 1 0.8189655 0.8189655 1 0.5
值。 mean
qazxsw poi:qazxsw poi值为具有标题模式qazxsw poi的列
qazxsw poi:qazxsw poi值为具有标题模式qazxsw poi的列
qazxsw poi:qazxsw poi值为具有标题模式qazxsw poi的列
中的> dput(big_metric)
structure(list(Accuracy_41365 = c(0.89119171, 0.89119171, 0.89119171,
0.89119171, 0.89119171, 0.888601036, 0.886010363, 0.883419689,
0.867875648, 0.870466321), Precision_41365 = c(0.89119171, 0.89119171,
0.89119171, 0.89119171, 0.89119171, 0.890909091, 0.901069519,
0.909589041, 0.910364146, 0.92), Recall_41365 = c(1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 0.997093023, 0.979651163, 0.965116279, 0.944767442, 0.936046512
), Accuracy_41366 = c(0.836898396, 0.836898396, 0.836898396,
0.836898396, 0.836898396, 0.820855615, 0.839572193, 0.839572193,
0.831550802, 0.826203209), Precision_41366 = c(0.836898396, 0.836898396,
0.836898396, 0.836898396, 0.836898396, 0.83423913, 0.856338028,
0.870967742, 0.87202381, 0.892405063), Recall_41366 = c(1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 0.980830671, 0.971246006, 0.948881789, 0.936102236,
0.900958466), Accuracy_41365 = c(0.810344828, 0.810344828, 0.810344828,
0.810344828, 0.810344828, 0.793103448, 0.801724138, 0.818965517,
0.801724138, 0.793103448), Precision_41365 = c(0.810344828, 0.810344828,
0.810344828, 0.810344828, 0.810344828, 0.807017544, 0.825688073,
0.841121495, 0.838095238, 0.836538462), Recall_41365 = c(1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 0.978723404, 0.957446809, 0.957446809, 0.936170213,
0.925531915), Accuracy_41366 = c(0.972477064, 0.972477064, 0.972477064,
0.972477064, 0.972477064, 0.972477064, 0.926605505, 0.889908257,
0.844036697, 0.779816514), Precision_41366 = c(0.972477064, 0.972477064,
0.972477064, 0.972477064, 0.972477064, 0.972477064, 0.99, 1,
1, 1), Recall_41366 = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.933962264, 0.886792453,
0.839622642, 0.773584906), Accuracy_41361 = c(0.851162791, 0.851162791,
0.851162791, 0.851162791, 0.851162791, 0.837209302, 0.809302326,
0.795348837, 0.776744186, 0.795348837), Precision_41361 = c(0.851162791,
0.851162791, 0.851162791, 0.851162791, 0.851162791, 0.849056604,
0.858585859, 0.863874346, 0.860962567, 0.879781421), Recall_41361 = c(1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 0.983606557, 0.928961749, 0.901639344, 0.879781421,
0.879781421), Accuracy_41366 = c(0.703208556, 0.703208556, 0.703208556,
0.703208556, 0.703208556, 0.697860963, 0.711229947, 0.703208556,
0.684491979, 0.687165775), Precision_41366 = c(0.703208556, 0.703208556,
0.703208556, 0.703208556, 0.703208556, 0.701612903, 0.715877437,
0.717142857, 0.711370262, 0.715976331), Recall_41366 = c(1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 0.992395437, 0.977186312, 0.954372624, 0.927756654,
0.920152091), Accuracy_41361 = c(0.790322581, 0.790322581, 0.790322581,
0.790322581, 0.790322581, 0.758064516, 0.725806452, 0.661290323,
0.629032258, 0.612903226), Precision_41361 = c(0.790322581, 0.790322581,
0.790322581, 0.790322581, 0.790322581, 0.783333333, 0.785714286,
0.769230769, 0.76, 0.755102041), Recall_41361 = c(1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 0.959183673, 0.897959184, 0.816326531, 0.775510204, 0.755102041
), Accuracy_41366 = c(0.798165138, 0.798165138, 0.798165138,
0.798165138, 0.798165138, 0.788990826, 0.76146789, 0.752293578,
0.724770642, 0.706422018), Precision_41366 = c(0.798165138, 0.798165138,
0.798165138, 0.798165138, 0.798165138, 0.796296296, 0.796116505,
0.8, 0.793814433, 0.795698925), Recall_41366 = c(1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 0.988505747, 0.942528736, 0.91954023, 0.885057471, 0.850574713
), Accuracy_41361 = c(0.874418605, 0.874418605, 0.874418605,
0.874418605, 0.874418605, 0.860465116, 0.846511628, 0.846511628,
0.841860465, 0.841860465), Precision_41361 = c(0.874418605, 0.874418605,
0.874418605, 0.874418605, 0.874418605, 0.872641509, 0.87804878,
0.885572139, 0.885, 0.896907216), Recall_41361 = c(1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 0.984042553, 0.957446809, 0.946808511, 0.941489362, 0.925531915
), Accuracy_41365 = c(0.821243523, 0.821243523, 0.821243523,
0.821243523, 0.821243523, 0.816062176, 0.816062176, 0.810880829,
0.803108808, 0.792746114), Precision_41365 = c(0.821243523, 0.821243523,
0.821243523, 0.821243523, 0.821243523, 0.8203125, 0.828877005,
0.82972973, 0.828337875, 0.831932773), Recall_41365 = c(1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 0.993690852, 0.977917981, 0.968454259, 0.958990536,
0.936908517), Accuracy_41361 = c(0.951612903, 0.951612903, 0.951612903,
0.951612903, 0.951612903, 0.951612903, 0.919354839, 0.919354839,
0.887096774, 0.870967742), Precision_41361 = c(0.951612903, 0.951612903,
0.951612903, 0.951612903, 0.951612903, 0.951612903, 0.965517241,
0.965517241, 0.964285714, 0.981132075), Recall_41361 = c(1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 0.949152542, 0.949152542, 0.915254237, 0.881355932
), Accuracy_41365 = c(0.818965517, 0.818965517, 0.818965517,
0.818965517, 0.818965517, 0.818965517, 0.810344828, 0.801724138,
0.801724138, 0.793103448), Precision_41365 = c(0.818965517, 0.818965517,
0.818965517, 0.818965517, 0.818965517, 0.818965517, 0.834862385,
0.839622642, 0.839622642, 0.844660194), Recall_41365 = c(1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 0.957894737, 0.936842105, 0.936842105, 0.915789474
), Prob = c(0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9)), row.names = c(NA,
-10L), class = c("data.table", "data.frame"), .internal.selfref = <pointer: 0x00000000052e1ef0>)
the big_metric,循环split
,# find the column names that start with 'Recall', 'Accuracy', 'Precision'
nm1 <- grep("^(Recall|Accuracy|Precision)", names(big_metric), value = TRUE)
# split the dataset with the substring of nm1 into a list
# loop through the list and get the rowMeans
out <- sapply(split.default(big_metric[, ..nm1], sub("_.*", "", nm1)), rowMeans)
# assign that columns to create new columns in the original dataset
big_metric[, colnames(out) := as.data.frame(out)]
创造out1 <- melt(big_metric[, rn := seq_len(.N)],
measure = patterns("^Recall", "^Precision", "^Accuracy"))[,
lapply(.SD, mean), rn, .SDcols = value1:value3]
big_metric[, c("Recall", "Precision", "Accuracy") := out1[, 2:4]]