TFVC不支持团队项目之间的迁移。您可能考虑先迁移到临时git,然后再迁移到新的TFVC存储库(Migrate Git repository to new TFVC repository),但这可能太复杂了。
Step 1 : Download git-tfs using cmd, use the below given command to download.
curl -L -o GitTfs-0.30.0.zip "https://github.com/git-tfs/git-tfs/releases/download/v0.30/GitTfs-0.30.0.zip"
Step 2 : unzip GitTfs-0.30.0.zip and check "git-tfs.exe -version" in the cmd prompt.
Step 3 : Cloning tfvc repository from azure.
git-tfs.exe clone http://tfs:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection $/some_project
(wait for git-tfs to pull your history) (-or-)
git-tfs.exe quick-clone http://tfs:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection $/some_project
(cd some_project and hack away, using only git, until you need to share with TFS…)
Step 4 : Pushing git repository
git remote add new git@newserver:newproject.git
note - git@newserver:newproject.git is Bitbucket repo
Step 5 : git push --mirror new