total_cost = float(input("Cost of dream house"))
down_payment = total_cost * 0.25
annual_salary = float(input("Annual salary"))
monthly_salary = annual_salary / 12
current_savings = 0
x = 100.0000
low = 0.0000
high = 1.0000
guess = (high + low) / 2
r = 0.04
portion_saved = monthly_salary * guess
semi_annual_raise = (100 + 100*(float(input("Semi annual raise")))) / 100
number_of_months = 0.00
max_number_of_months = float(input("Max Time (in months)"))
while abs(current_savings - down_payment) > x:
if current_savings - down_payment > x:
high = guess
guess = (high + low) / 2
portion_saved = monthly_salary * guess
current_savings = 0
elif down_payment - current_savings > x:
low = guess
guess = (high + low) / 2
portion_saved = monthly_salary * guess
current_savings = 0
guess = guess
portion_saved = monthly_salary * guess
if number_of_months < max_number_of_months and number_of_months % 6 == 0:
current_savings *= (100 + r / 12) / 100
portion_saved *= semi_annual_raise
current_savings += portion_saved
number_of_months += 1
elif number_of_months < max_number_of_months and number_of_months % 6 != 0:
current_savings *= (100 + r / 12) / 100
current_savings += portion_saved
number_of_months += 1
预期结果:第一个if else语句提供了在第二个if else语句中使用的guess值,如果它是abs(current_savings - downpayment)> x,则循环再次运行直到abs(current_savings - downpayment)<x。实际结果:程序在第一个if语句中陷入无限循环。
""" x = current_savings y = portion_saved z = number_of_months """
while x < 250000:
if z >= 1 and z % 6 == 0:
x *= (100 + 4 / 12) / 100
y *= 1.07
x += y
z += 1
x *= (100 + 4 / 12) / 100
x += y
z += 1
L1 = [x, z]
return L1
def rate(a, r_rate, lo, hi):
""" a = number_of_months"""
if a - 36 > 0:
lo = r_rate
r_rate = (hi + lo) / 2.0
L2 = [r_rate, lo]
return L2
hi = r_rate
r_rate = (hi + lo) / 2.0
L3 = [r_rate, hi]
return L3
total_cost = 1000000
down_payment = total_cost * 0.25
annual_salary = int(input("Annual Salary"))
monthly_salary = annual_salary / 12
current_savings = 0
number_of_months = 0
low = 0.0
high = 1.0
r = 0.5
num_tries = 0
while abs(current_savings - down_payment) > 100:
portion_saved = monthly_salary * r
current_savings = 0
number_of_months = 0
L5 = [savings(current_savings, portion_saved, number_of_months)[0], savings(current_savings, portion_saved, number_of_months)[1]]
current_savings = L5[0]
number_of_months = L5[1]
L6 = [(rate(number_of_months, r, low, high)[0]), (rate(number_of_months, r, low, high)[1])]
r = L6[0]
if number_of_months - 36 > 0:
low = L6[1]
high = L6[1]
num_tries += 1