使用 PowerShell Invoke-RestMethod 将 appRoles 修补到现有 Entra 应用程序

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在为自动化 DevOps 管道创建 BICEP 资源,该管道可自动在 Microsoft EntraID 中创建应用程序注册。 BICEP 使用 Microsoft.Resources/deploymentScripts@2023-08-01 资源,该资源包含一段脚本,该脚本实际上调用 Azure 服务中的 powershell 脚本。基本实现来自Medium Automate App Registrations


目前我可以创建一个应用程序并使用例如秘密、API 权限等对其进行更新...返回 BadRequest 的唯一内容是应用程序角色的更新(AppRoles Resource)。 PowerShell示例中的具体模型我使用了微软自己给出的示例:AppRoles更新示例。在我的 powershell 中,我使用 Azure 请求调用,到目前为止,它仅响应 BadRequest,没有任何特定消息,仅显示“从 JSON 读取时发现意外的“PrimitiveValue”节点。预计会出现“StartArray”节点。” JSON 内容中的 App Roles 数组已经是 Microsoft 示例中的数组。

到目前为止,这是我最新的 POC 代码,它必须应用应用程序角色。我验证了应用程序注册存在。此外,配置的托管用户身份具有足够的访问权限:

foreach ($role in $roles) {
    $splitRole = $role.Split(";")
    $roleName = $splitRole[0]
    $roleDescription = $splitRole[1]
    Write-Host "RoleName: $($roleName)"
    Write-Host "RoleDescription: $($roleDescription)"

    $appRegistration = (Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Headers $headers -Uri "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/applications/$($app.id)")
    Write-Host "App Registration: $($appRegistration)"

    # Convert the JSON output to a PowerShell object
    $appRoles = $appRegistration.appRoles
    Write-Host "App Registration Roles: $($appRoles)"

    # Extract and filter the app roles based on the DisplayName
    $filteredRoles = $appRoles | Where-Object { $_.displayName -eq $roleName }
    Write-Host "App Registration filtered roles: $($filteredRoles)"

    if ($null -eq $filteredRoles) {
        Write-Host "Role not found, create new role..."

        $newAppRole = @{
            appRoles = @(
                    allowedMemberTypes = @(
                    description        = $($roleDescription)
                    displayName        = $($roleName)
                    id                 = [Guid]::NewGuid()
                    isEnabled          = $false
                    origin             = "Application"
                    value              = $($roleName)

        Write-Host "Updated App Registration:"
        Write-Host ($newAppRole.appRoles | Format-Table | Out-String)

        Write-Host "Updated as JSON: $($newAppRole | ConvertTo-Json)"

        try {
            $createdAppRole = Invoke-RestMethod -Method PATCH -Headers $headers -Uri "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/applications/$($app.id)" -Body ($newAppRole | ConvertTo-Json)
            Write-Host("App Registration patch result: $($createdAppRole)")
        catch {
            Write-Host "Failed to patch app roles:"
            Write-Host ($_ | Format-Table | Out-String)

            Write-Host "Other properties:"
            Write-Host ($_.message)
            Write-Host ($_.message | Format-Table | Out-String)

            Write-Host ($_.Exception.Response)
            Write-Host ($_.message)
            Write-Host ($_.message)


            Write-Host "Exception details: "
            $e = $_.Exception
            Write-Host ("`tMessage: " + $e.Message)
            Write-Host ("`tStatus code: " + $e.Response.StatusCode)
            Write-Host ("`tStatus description: " + $e.Response.StatusDescription)

在我的日志记录中,应用程序角色的 JSON 结果是:

  "appRoles": [
      "origin": "Application",
      "id": "b1d3d9dd-1cf6-4e2e-bcf1-b586a2a62244",
      "displayName": "app.customers",
      "allowedMemberTypes": "Application",
      "value": "app.customers",
      "description": "System has access to all functionalities in customer module.",
      "isEnabled": false

我不是一个很好的 PowerShell 开发人员,所以也许我做错了什么或忽略了一些愚蠢的事情;-) 希望有人可以提供帮助。

更新: 我发现另一个线程看起来与这个问题类似:Other thread。但是,该消息并不指向特定属性“allowedMemberTypes”。也不在innerException 中。 JSON Convert 不会从该属性创建数组。将尝试强制 ConvertTo-Json 获取真正的 JSON 数组表示形式。

更新: 我注意到我学到了有关 PowerShell 的新东西。 Mathias R. Jessen 关于 JSON 部门的说法是正确的。这解决了我的问题。非常感谢!

powershell azure-powershell microsoft-entra-id azure-app-registration

我注意到我学到了有关 PowerShell 的新东西。 Mathias R. Jessen 关于 JSON 部门的说法是正确的。这解决了我的问题。非常感谢!

新的 AppRole 脚本如下所示,其部门足够大以供将来使用:

$newAppRole = @{
appRoles = @(
        allowedMemberTypes = @(
        description        = $($roleDescription)
        displayName        = $($roleName)
        id                 = [Guid]::NewGuid()
        isEnabled          = $true
        origin             = "Application"
        value              = $($roleName)

Write-Host "Updated App Registration:"
Write-Host ($newAppRole.appRoles | Format-Table | Out-String)

try {
    $createdAppRole = Invoke-RestMethod -Method PATCH -Headers $headers -Uri "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/applications/$($app.id)" -Body ($newAppRole | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5)
    Write-Host("App Registration patch result: $($createdAppRole)")
catch {
    Write-Host "Failed to patch app roles:"
    Write-Host ($_ | Format-Table | Out-String)
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