获取.Net Core 2.1中USB存储设备的序列号

问题描述 投票:5回答:2

如何在。Net Core 2.1中获得USB存储设备的序列号

我找到了不同的解决方案,但遗憾的是,由于.Net Core中缺少Windows注册表和WMI支持,它们无法正常工作。

在Powershell中,这确实很简单,但是我无法在Powershell Core中找到实现。

PS C:\> Get-Disk | Select-Object SerialNumber



c# .net-core wmi usb-drive .net-core-2.1

。Net Core 2.1(NuGet软件包)需要Microsoft .Net System.Management 4.5可以使用Visual Studio NuGet Package Manager轻松找到并安装。关于Linux支持,请阅读:Windows Management Instrumentation Now A Formal Bus With Linux 4.13

也请注意Windows Compatibility Pack for .NET Core。新的跨平台程序集会不断添加和更新。



SystemUSBDrives systemUSBDrives = new SystemUSBDrives("[Computer Name]");

[[Computer Name]为空或为空时,它使用本地计算机名称。


var USBDrivesEnum = systemUSBDrives.GetUSBDrivesInfo([UserName], [Password], [Domain]);

[UserName], [Password], [Domain]用于连接到NT域。如果不需要,这些参数可以为null或为空字符串。


Local Machine, no authentication):

SystemUSBDrives systemUSBDrives = new SystemUSBDrives(null); var USBDrivesEnum = systemUSBDrives.GetUSBDrivesInfo(null, null, null);

Visual Studio Pro 15.7.6 - 15.8.5.Net Framework Core 2.1C# 6.0 -> 7.3.Net System.Management 4.5

using System.Management; public class SystemUSBDrives { string m_ComputerName = string.Empty; public SystemUSBDrives(string ComputerName) { this.m_ComputerName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ComputerName) ? Environment.MachineName : ComputerName; } public class USBDriveInfo { public bool Bootable { get; private set; } public bool BootPartition { get; private set; } public string Caption { get; private set; } public string DeviceID { get; private set; } public UInt32 DiskIndex { get; private set; } public string FileSystem { get; private set; } public string FirmwareRevision { get; private set; } public UInt64 FreeSpace { get; private set; } public string InterfaceType { get; private set; } public string LogicalDisk { get; private set; } public bool MediaLoaded { get; private set; } public string MediaType { get; private set; } public string Model { get; private set; } public UInt32 Partitions { get; private set; } public UInt64 PartitionBlockSize { get; private set; } public UInt64 PartitionNumberOfBlocks { get; private set; } public UInt64 PartitionStartingOffset { get; private set; } public string PNPDeviceID { get; private set; } public bool PrimaryPartition { get; private set; } public string SerialNumber { get; private set; } public UInt64 Size { get; private set; } public string Status { get; private set; } public bool SupportsDiskQuotas { get; private set; } public UInt64 TotalCylinders { get; private set; } public UInt32 TotalHeads { get; private set; } public UInt64 TotalSectors { get; private set; } public UInt64 TotalTracks { get; private set; } public UInt32 TracksPerCylinder { get; private set; } public string VolumeName { get; private set; } public string VolumeSerialNumber { get; private set; } public void GetDiskDriveInfo(ManagementObject DiskDrive) { this.Caption = DiskDrive["Caption"]?.ToString(); this.DeviceID = DiskDrive["DeviceID"]?.ToString(); this.FirmwareRevision = DiskDrive["FirmwareRevision"]?.ToString(); this.InterfaceType = DiskDrive["InterfaceType"]?.ToString(); this.MediaLoaded = (bool?)DiskDrive["MediaLoaded"] ?? false; this.MediaType = DiskDrive["MediaType"]?.ToString(); this.Model = DiskDrive["Model"]?.ToString(); this.Partitions = (UInt32?)DiskDrive["Partitions"] ?? 0; this.PNPDeviceID = DiskDrive["PNPDeviceID"]?.ToString(); this.SerialNumber = DiskDrive["SerialNumber"]?.ToString(); this.Size = (UInt64?)DiskDrive["Size"] ?? 0L; this.Status = DiskDrive["Status"]?.ToString(); this.TotalCylinders = (UInt64?)DiskDrive["TotalCylinders"] ?? 0; this.TotalHeads = (UInt32?)DiskDrive["TotalHeads"] ?? 0U; this.TotalSectors = (UInt64?)DiskDrive["TotalSectors"] ?? 0; this.TotalTracks = (UInt64?)DiskDrive["TotalTracks"] ?? 0; this.TracksPerCylinder = (UInt32?)DiskDrive["TracksPerCylinder"] ?? 0; } public void GetDiskPartitionInfo(ManagementObject Partitions) { this.Bootable = (bool?)Partitions["Bootable"] ?? false; this.BootPartition = (bool?)Partitions["BootPartition"] ?? false; this.DiskIndex = (UInt32?)Partitions["DiskIndex"] ?? 0; this.PartitionBlockSize = (UInt64?)Partitions["BlockSize"] ?? 0; this.PartitionNumberOfBlocks = (UInt64?)Partitions["NumberOfBlocks"] ?? 0; this.PrimaryPartition = (bool?)Partitions["PrimaryPartition"] ?? false; this.PartitionStartingOffset = (UInt64?)Partitions["StartingOffset"] ?? 0; } public void GetLogicalDiskInfo(ManagementObject LogicalDisk) { this.FileSystem = LogicalDisk["FileSystem"]?.ToString(); this.FreeSpace = (UInt64?)LogicalDisk["FreeSpace"] ?? 0; this.LogicalDisk = LogicalDisk["DeviceID"]?.ToString(); this.SupportsDiskQuotas = (bool?)LogicalDisk["SupportsDiskQuotas"] ?? false; this.VolumeName = LogicalDisk["VolumeName"]?.ToString(); this.VolumeSerialNumber = LogicalDisk["VolumeSerialNumber"]?.ToString(); } } public List<USBDriveInfo> GetUSBDrivesInfo(string UserName, string Password, string Domain) { List<USBDriveInfo> WMIQueryResult = new List<USBDriveInfo>(); ConnectionOptions ConnOptions = GetConnectionOptions(UserName, Password, Domain); EnumerationOptions mOptions = GetEnumerationOptions(false); ManagementScope mScope = new ManagementScope(@"\\" + this.m_ComputerName + @"\root\CIMV2", ConnOptions); SelectQuery selQuery = new SelectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_DiskDrive " + "WHERE InterfaceType='USB'"); mScope.Connect(); using (ManagementObjectSearcher moSearcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(mScope, selQuery, mOptions)) { foreach (ManagementObject moDiskDrive in moSearcher.Get()) { USBDriveInfo usbInfo = new USBDriveInfo(); usbInfo.GetDiskDriveInfo(moDiskDrive); var relQuery = new RelatedObjectQuery("Associators of {Win32_DiskDrive.DeviceID='" + moDiskDrive.Properties["DeviceID"].Value.ToString() + "'} " + "where AssocClass=Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition"); using (ManagementObjectSearcher moAssocPart = new ManagementObjectSearcher(mScope, relQuery, mOptions)) { foreach (ManagementObject moAssocPartition in moAssocPart.Get()) { usbInfo.GetDiskPartitionInfo(moAssocPartition); relQuery = new RelatedObjectQuery("Associators of {Win32_DiskPartition.DeviceID='" + moAssocPartition.Properties["DeviceID"].Value.ToString() + "'} " + "where AssocClass=CIM_LogicalDiskBasedOnPartition"); using (ManagementObjectSearcher moLogDisk = new ManagementObjectSearcher(mScope, relQuery, mOptions)) { foreach (ManagementObject moLogDiskEnu in moLogDisk.Get()) { usbInfo.GetLogicalDiskInfo(moLogDiskEnu); moLogDiskEnu.Dispose(); } } moAssocPartition.Dispose(); } WMIQueryResult.Add(usbInfo); } moDiskDrive.Dispose(); } return WMIQueryResult; } } //GetUSBDrivesInfo() private ConnectionOptions GetConnectionOptions(string UserName, string Password, string DomainAuthority) { ConnectionOptions ConnOptions = new ConnectionOptions() { EnablePrivileges = true, Timeout = ManagementOptions.InfiniteTimeout, Authentication = AuthenticationLevel.PacketPrivacy, Impersonation = ImpersonationLevel.Impersonate, Username = UserName, Password = Password, Authority = DomainAuthority //Authority = "NTLMDOMAIN:[domain]" }; return ConnOptions; } private System.Management.EnumerationOptions GetEnumerationOptions(bool DeepScan) { System.Management.EnumerationOptions mOptions = new System.Management.EnumerationOptions() { Rewindable = false, //Forward only query => no caching ReturnImmediately = true, //Pseudo-async result DirectRead = true, //True => Direct access to the WMI provider, no super class or derived classes EnumerateDeep = DeepScan //False => only immediate derived class members are returned. }; return mOptions; } } //SystemUSBDrives

using System.Management; public class USBDeviceInfo { public string Availability { get; set; } public string Caption { get; set; } public string ClassCode { get; set; } public uint ConfigManagerErrorCode { get; set; } public bool ConfigManagerUserConfig { get; set; } public string CreationClassName { get; set; } public string CurrentAlternateSettings { get; set; } public string CurrentConfigValue { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } public string DeviceID { get; set; } public string ErrorCleared { get; set; } public string ErrorDescription { get; set; } public string GangSwitched { get; set; } public string InstallDate { get; set; } public string LastErrorCode { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string NumberOfConfigs { get; set; } public string NumberOfPorts { get; set; } public string PNPDeviceID { get; set; } public string PowerManagementCapabilities { get; set; } public string PowerManagementSupported { get; set; } public string ProtocolCode { get; set; } public string Status { get; set; } public string StatusInfo { get; set; } public string SubclassCode { get; set; } public string SystemCreationClassName { get; set; } public string SystemName { get; set; } public string USBVersion { get; set; } } public static List<USBDeviceInfo> GetUSBDevices() { ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(@"Select * From Win32_USBHub"); ManagementObjectCollection collection = searcher.Get(); List<USBDeviceInfo> devices = new List<USBDeviceInfo>(); foreach (var device in collection) { USBDeviceInfo deviceInfo = new USBDeviceInfo(); deviceInfo.Availability = (string)device.GetPropertyValue("Availability"); deviceInfo.Caption = (string)device.GetPropertyValue("Caption"); deviceInfo.ClassCode = (string)device.GetPropertyValue("ClassCode"); deviceInfo.ConfigManagerErrorCode = (uint)device.GetPropertyValue("ConfigManagerErrorCode"); deviceInfo.ConfigManagerUserConfig = (bool)device.GetPropertyValue("ConfigManagerUserConfig"); deviceInfo.CreationClassName = (string)device.GetPropertyValue("CreationClassName"); deviceInfo.CurrentAlternateSettings = (string)device.GetPropertyValue("CurrentAlternateSettings"); deviceInfo.CurrentConfigValue = (string)device.GetPropertyValue("CurrentConfigValue"); deviceInfo.Description = (string)device.GetPropertyValue("Description"); deviceInfo.DeviceID = (string)device.GetPropertyValue("DeviceID"); deviceInfo.ErrorCleared = (string)device.GetPropertyValue("ErrorCleared"); deviceInfo.ErrorDescription = (string)device.GetPropertyValue("ErrorDescription"); deviceInfo.GangSwitched = (string)device.GetPropertyValue("GangSwitched"); deviceInfo.InstallDate = (string)device.GetPropertyValue("InstallDate"); deviceInfo.LastErrorCode = (string)device.GetPropertyValue("LastErrorCode"); deviceInfo.Name = (string)device.GetPropertyValue("Name"); deviceInfo.NumberOfConfigs = (string)device.GetPropertyValue("NumberOfConfigs"); deviceInfo.NumberOfPorts = (string)device.GetPropertyValue("NumberOfPorts"); deviceInfo.PNPDeviceID = (string)device.GetPropertyValue("PNPDeviceID"); deviceInfo.PowerManagementCapabilities = (string)device.GetPropertyValue("PowerManagementCapabilities"); deviceInfo.PowerManagementSupported = (string)device.GetPropertyValue("PowerManagementSupported"); deviceInfo.ProtocolCode = (string)device.GetPropertyValue("ProtocolCode"); deviceInfo.Status = (string)device.GetPropertyValue("Status"); deviceInfo.StatusInfo = (string)device.GetPropertyValue("StatusInfo"); deviceInfo.SubclassCode = (string)device.GetPropertyValue("SubclassCode"); deviceInfo.SystemCreationClassName = (string)device.GetPropertyValue("SystemCreationClassName"); deviceInfo.SystemName = (string)device.GetPropertyValue("SystemName"); deviceInfo.USBVersion = (string)device.GetPropertyValue("USBVersion"); devices.Add(deviceInfo); } collection.Dispose(); searcher.Dispose(); return devices; }
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