Spring Security Webflux 也在允许的端点上调用 AuthenticationErrorHandler

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我使用 Spring Security 和 oatuh 2 资源服务器。 我已配置为允许某些端点无需身份验证。例如:/actuator/health

身份验证检查得到正确处理,/actuator API 调用在没有身份验证标头的情况下进行,但仍然调用 ServerAuthenticationEntryPoint,在我的案例中记录错误。

我看到 ServerAuthenticationEntryPoint.commence 在不允许的 API 上被调用了两次,而在允许的 API 上它被调用了一次。所以有些东西正在第二次调用 ServerAuthenticationEntryPoint.commence。


我尝试通过 permitAll:

    //Disable Http Basic Auth and CSRF (not required because no cookies are used)
    //All request need to be authenticated except OPTIONS and /actuator/**
    //Allow all actuator calls
    //Any other exchange need to be authenticated
    //Do not allow sessions
    //Exception Handling
    .exceptionHandling().authenticationEntryPoint(new AuthenticationErrorHandler())
    //JWT validation via OAuth Resource Server

通过 NegatedServerWebExchangeMatcher:

    //Disable Http Basic Auth and CSRF (not required because no cookies are used)
    //Allow all actuator calls
    .securityMatcher(new NegatedServerWebExchangeMatcher(
    //Any other exchange need to be authenticated
    //Do not allow sessions
    //Exception Handling
    .exceptionHandling().authenticationEntryPoint(new AuthenticationErrorHandler()).and()
    //JWT validation via OAuth Resource Server
spring security spring-security spring-webflux
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