如何在 WPF 中用鼠标围绕其中心旋转 3D 对象?

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private class MouseButtonInfo
    public MouseButtonInfo()
        prevPosition = new Point();
        isDown = false;
    public MouseButtonInfo(Point p, bool b)
        prevPosition = p;
        isDown = b; 
    public Point prevPosition;
    public bool isDown;

// right mouse button info
private MouseButtonInfo rmbInfo = new MouseButtonInfo();

private AxisAngleRotation3D cubeRotation = new AxisAngleRotation3D();
// rotation of the cube is bound to this
public AxisAngleRotation3D CubeRotation
    get => cubeRotation; 
        if(cubeRotation == value) { return;}
        cubeRotation = value;

private void viewport3d_MouseRightButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
    this.rmbInfo.isDown = true;
    this.rmbInfo.prevPosition = e.GetPosition(this.viewport3d);
    this.Cursor = Cursors.Hand;
    var el = (UIElement)sender;
    if (!el.CaptureMouse())
        throw new SystemException("Unable to capture the mouse");

private void viewport3d_MouseRightButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
    this.rmbInfo.isDown = false;
    this.Cursor = null;
    var el = (UIElement)sender;

private void viewport3d_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    if (this.rmbInfo.isDown)
        double currentAngle = this.CubeRotation.Angle;
        Point currentPos = e.GetPosition(this.viewport3d);
        double offset = currentPos.X - this.rmbInfo.prevPosition.X;
        this.CubeRotation = new AxisAngleRotation3D(new Vector3D(0, 1, 0), currentAngle + (offset*0.4)%360);
        this.rmbInfo.prevPosition = currentPos;

但我无法将其与自下而上的旋转结合起来。我认为最大的问题是旋转向量。在左右情况下很简单,但是当 X 轴和 Y 轴组合在一起时,它对我来说变得难以理解。

c# wpf 3d viewport3d

管理旋转以及旋转组合的最佳方法是使用四元数。 我不会在这里发布代码,因为它太长了,但你应该看一下 Helix 工具包(它位于 GitHub 上)。 他们已经实现了您需要的所有功能,(我认为有一个类“RotateHandler”和“CameraControl”您会特别感兴趣)

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