我已经使用查找表和低阶多项式逼近实现了定点log2函数,但对整个32位定点范围[-1,+ 1]的准确度不太满意。输入格式为s0.31,输出格式为s15.16。
为了计算对数的小数部分,两个主要的明显竞争者是表中的插值和极小极大多项式近似。在这种特殊情况下,相当小的表格中的二次插值似乎是更具吸引力的选择。 x = 2i *(1 + f),0≤f<1。我们如上所述确定i
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <math.h>
#define FRAC_BITS_OUT (16)
#define INT_BITS_OUT (15)
#define FRAC_BITS_IN (31)
#define INT_BITS_IN ( 0)
/* count leading zeros: intrinsic or machine instruction on many architectures */
int32_t clz (uint32_t x)
uint32_t n, y;
n = 31 + (!x);
if ((y = (x & 0xffff0000U))) { n -= 16; x = y; }
if ((y = (x & 0xff00ff00U))) { n -= 8; x = y; }
if ((y = (x & 0xf0f0f0f0U))) { n -= 4; x = y; }
if ((y = (x & 0xccccccccU))) { n -= 2; x = y; }
if (( (x & 0xaaaaaaaaU))) { n -= 1; }
return n;
#define LOG2_TBL_SIZE (6)
#define TBL_SIZE ((1 << LOG2_TBL_SIZE) + 2)
/* for i = [0,65]: log2(1 + i/64) * (1 << 31) */
const uint32_t log2Tab [TBL_SIZE] =
0x00000000, 0x02dcf2d1, 0x05aeb4dd, 0x08759c50,
0x0b31fb7d, 0x0de42120, 0x108c588d, 0x132ae9e2,
0x15c01a3a, 0x184c2bd0, 0x1acf5e2e, 0x1d49ee4c,
0x1fbc16b9, 0x22260fb6, 0x24880f56, 0x26e2499d,
0x2934f098, 0x2b803474, 0x2dc4439b, 0x30014ac6,
0x32377512, 0x3466ec15, 0x368fd7ee, 0x38b25f5a,
0x3acea7c0, 0x3ce4d544, 0x3ef50ad2, 0x40ff6a2e,
0x43041403, 0x450327eb, 0x46fcc47a, 0x48f10751,
0x4ae00d1d, 0x4cc9f1ab, 0x4eaecfeb, 0x508ec1fa,
0x5269e12f, 0x5440461c, 0x5612089a, 0x57df3fd0,
0x59a80239, 0x5b6c65aa, 0x5d2c7f59, 0x5ee863e5,
0x60a02757, 0x6253dd2c, 0x64039858, 0x65af6b4b,
0x675767f5, 0x68fb9fce, 0x6a9c23d6, 0x6c39049b,
0x6dd2523d, 0x6f681c73, 0x70fa728c, 0x72896373,
0x7414fdb5, 0x759d4f81, 0x772266ad, 0x78a450b8,
0x7a231ace, 0x7b9ed1c7, 0x7d17822f, 0x7e8d3846,
0x80000000, 0x816fe50b
#define RND_SHIFT (31 - FRAC_BITS_OUT)
#define RND_CONST ((1 << RND_SHIFT) / 2)
#define RND_ADJUST (0x10d) /* established heuristically */
compute log2(x) in s15.16 format, where x is in s0.31 format
maximum absolute error 8.18251e-6 @ 0x20352845 (0.251622232)
int32_t fixed_log2 (int32_t x)
int32_t f1, f2, dx, a, b, approx, lz, i, idx;
uint32_t t;
/* x = 2**i * (1 + f), 0 <= f < 1. Find i */
lz = clz (x);
i = INT_BITS_IN - lz;
/* normalize f */
t = (uint32_t)x << (lz + 1);
/* index table of log2 values using LOG2_TBL_SIZE msbs of fraction */
idx = t >> (32 - LOG2_TBL_SIZE);
/* difference between argument and smallest sampling point */
dx = t - (idx << (32 - LOG2_TBL_SIZE));
/* fit parabola through closest three sampling points; find coeffs a, b */
f1 = (log2Tab[idx+1] - log2Tab[idx]);
f2 = (log2Tab[idx+2] - log2Tab[idx]);
a = f2 - (f1 << 1);
b = (f1 << 1) - a;
/* find function value for argument by computing ((a*dx+b)*dx) */
approx = (int32_t)((((int64_t)a)*dx) >> (32 - LOG2_TBL_SIZE)) + b;
approx = (int32_t)((((int64_t)approx)*dx) >> (32 - LOG2_TBL_SIZE + 1));
approx = log2Tab[idx] + approx;
/* round fractional part of result */
approx = (((uint32_t)approx) + RND_CONST + RND_ADJUST) >> RND_SHIFT;
/* combine integer and fractional parts of result */
return (i << FRAC_BITS_OUT) + approx;
/* convert from s15.16 fixed point to double-precision floating point */
double fixed_to_float_s15_16 (int32_t a)
return a / 65536.0;
/* convert from s0.31 fixed point to double-precision floating point */
double fixed_to_float_s0_31 (int32_t a)
return a / (65536.0 * 32768.0);
int main (void)
double a, res, ref, err, maxerr = 0.0;
int32_t x, start, end;
start = 0x00000001;
end = 0x7fffffff;
printf ("testing fixed_log2 with inputs in [%17.10e, %17.10e)\n",
fixed_to_float_s0_31 (start), fixed_to_float_s0_31 (end));
for (x = start; x < end; x++) {
a = fixed_to_float_s0_31 (x);
ref = log2 (a);
res = fixed_to_float_s15_16 (fixed_log2 (x));
err = fabs (res - ref);
if (err > maxerr) {
maxerr = err;
printf ("max. err = %g\n", maxerr);
的典型方法是使用x = 2i *(1 + f)并在[√½,√2]中使用log2(1 + f)逼近(1 + f),这意味着我们使用初等近似区间的多项式p(f)
/* on 32-bit architectures, there is often an instruction/intrinsic for this */
int32_t mulhi (int32_t a, int32_t b)
return (int32_t)(((int64_t)a * (int64_t)b) >> 32);
#define RND_SHIFT (25 - FRAC_BITS_OUT)
#define RND_CONST ((1 << RND_SHIFT) / 2)
#define RND_ADJUST (-2) /* established heuristically */
compute log2(x) in s15.16 format, where x is in s0.31 format
maximum absolute error 1.11288e-5 @ 0x5a82689f (0.707104757)
int32_t fixed_log2 (int32_t x)
int32_t lz, i, f, p, approx;
uint32_t t;
/* x = 2**i * (1 + f), 0 <= f < 1. Find i */
lz = clz (x);
i = INT_BITS_IN - lz;
/* force (1+f) into range [sqrt(0.5), sqrt(2)] */
t = (uint32_t)x << lz;
if (t > (uint32_t)(1.414213562 * (1U << 31))) {
t = t >> 1;
/* compute log2(1+f) for f in [-0.2929, 0.4142] */
f = t - (1U << 31);
p = + (int32_t)(-0.206191055 * (1U << 31) - 1);
p = mulhi (p, f) + (int32_t)( 0.318199910 * (1U << 30) - 18);
p = mulhi (p, f) + (int32_t)(-0.366491705 * (1U << 29) + 22);
p = mulhi (p, f) + (int32_t)( 0.479811855 * (1U << 28) - 2);
p = mulhi (p, f) + (int32_t)(-0.721206390 * (1U << 27) + 37);
p = mulhi (p, f) + (int32_t)( 0.442701618 * (1U << 26) + 35);
p = mulhi (p, f) + (f >> (31 - 25));
/* round fractional part of the result */
approx = (p + RND_CONST + RND_ADJUST) >> RND_SHIFT;
/* combine integer and fractional parts of result */
return (i << FRAC_BITS_OUT) + approx;