
问题描述 投票:0回答:1




Var <- c("https://eol.org/pages/401504/data",  "https://eol.org/pages/3089826/data",
         "https://eol.org/pages/52361/data",   "https://eol.org/pages/2967667/data",
         "https://eol.org/pages/587416/data",  "https://eol.org/pages/3096662/data",
         "https://eol.org/pages/3096667/data", "https://eol.org/pages/18009694/data", 
         "https://eol.org/pages/2967662/data", "https://eol.org/pages/2967669/data")




  iden<-"body > div.l-basic-main > div.l-tabs > div > div > div.names-wrapper > div.names > h1 > i"

  dmin<-"body > div.l-basic-main > div.l-content > div > div.l-below-filters > ul > li:nth-child(25) > div.trait-data > div.trait-val"

  dmax<-"body > div.l-basic-main > div.l-content > div > div.l-below-filters > ul > li:nth-child(24) > div.trait-data > div.trait-val"

  dminextra<-"body > div.l-basic-main > div.l-content > div > div.l-below-filters > ul > li:nth-child(24) > div.trait-data > div.trait-val"

  dmaxextra<-"body > div.l-basic-main > div.l-content > div > div.l-below-filters > ul > li:nth-child(27) > div.trait-data > div.trait-val"

  tmin<-"body > div.l-basic-main > div.l-content > div > div.l-below-filters > ul > li:nth-child(38) > div.trait-data > div.trait-val"

  tmax<-"body > div.l-basic-main > div.l-content > div > div.l-below-filters > ul > li:nth-child(54) > div.trait-data > div.trait-val"

  tminextra<-"body > div.l-basic-main > div.l-content > div > div.l-below-filters > ul > li:nth-child(53) > div.trait-data > div.trait-val"

  tmaxextra<-"body > div.l-basic-main > div.l-content > div > div.l-below-filters > ul > li:nth-child(52) > div.trait-data > div.trait-val"


  Tmaxtext<-gsub("degrees Celsius\n","",Tmaxtext)
  Tmaxtext<-gsub("\n","", Tmaxtext)

  Tmintext<-gsub("degrees Celsius\n","",Tmintext)
  Tmintext<-gsub("\n","", Tmintext)

  Tmaxextratext<-gsub("degrees Celsius\n","",Tmaxextratext)
  Tmaxextratext<-gsub("\n","", Tmaxextratext)

  Tminextratext<-gsub("degrees Celsius\n","",Tminextratext)

  Dmaxtext<-gsub(" m\n","",Dmaxextratext)

  Dmintext<-gsub(" m\n","",Dmintext)

  Dmaxextratext<-gsub(" m\n","",Dmaxextratext)

  Dminextratext<-gsub(" m\n","",Dminextratext)

  info=(c(as.character(Identext), as.character(Tmaxtext), as.character(Tmintext), as.character(Tminextratext), as.character(Dmaxtext), as.character(Dmaxextratext), as.character(Dminextratext)))


output2<- lapply(c(Var), function(x) tryCatch(GiveMeData(x), error = function(e){}))

r database web-scraping selector rvest





GiveMeData <- function(url)
  # Define some strings that we will use to find the nodes and parse strings
  number_regex   <- "-?[[:digit:]]+[.]*[[:digit:]]{0,10}"
  species_xpath  <- "//div[@class='names']//i"
  genus_xpath    <- "//div[@class='names']/h1"
  all_data_xpath <- "//div[@class='trait-data']"

  # Read the page using rvest
  furl    <- read_html(url)

  # Read the species name. If there isn't one, just get the genus
  species <- html_nodes(furl, xpath = species_xpath) %>% html_text()
  if(length(species) == 0)
    species <- html_nodes(furl, xpath = genus_xpath) %>% html_text()

  # Get an entry for each data element and parse the text into a two-column
  # data frame with the label and the data content
  html_nodes(furl, xpath = all_data_xpath) %>% 
  html_text()                              %>%
  strsplit("\n\n")                         %>% 
             x[which(x != "" & !grepl("URI:", x))]
         )                                 %>%
             values <- paste0(x[-1], collapse = " ");
             values <- gsub("\n", "", values);
             values <- gsub(" ([(]m(in|ax)[)])", "", values)
             data.frame(label = x[1], value = values, stringsAsFactors = F)
         )                                 %>%
  {do.call("rbind", .)}                     ->

  # extract the numbers from the value field
  gregexpr(number_regex, df$value) %>%
  {regmatches(df$value, .)}        %>%
  lapply( function(x) 
            if(length(x) > 0) 
            else NA)               %>%
  unlist -> df$number

  # Now remove numbers and terminal spaces from the "value" fields
  df$value                     %<>% 
  {gsub(number_regex, "", .)}  %>% 
  {gsub("(^ +)|( +$)", "", .)}

  # Finally, create a data frame with only one entry for each label, taking
  # max / min values for the numeric entries
  lapply(split.data.frame(df, df$label), 
            data.frame(species = species,
                       measure = x$label[1], 
                       min = min(x$number), 
                       max = max(x$number),
                       value = x$value[1], 
                       stringsAsFactors = F)
         )                            %>% 
  {do.call("rbind", .)}               %>% 
  `row.names<-.data.frame`(1:nrow(.)) %>%
  as_tibble()                         %>%


output2 <- lapply(c(Var), function(x) tryCatch(GiveMeData(x), error = function(e){}))


#> [[1]]
#> # A tibble: 15 x 5
#>    species            measure                         min     max value            
#>    <chr>              <chr>                         <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>            
#>  1 Bispira melanosti~ body length                 100     100     mm               
#>  2 Bispira melanosti~ ecomorphological guild       NA      NA     planktonic       
#>  3 Bispira melanosti~ geographic distribution in~  NA      NA     South Atlantic   
#>  4 Bispira melanosti~ habitat is                   NA      NA     marine benthic b~
#>  5 Bispira melanosti~ latitude                      7.24   30.3   degrees          
#>  6 Bispira melanosti~ longitude                   -97.6    93.7   degrees          
#>  7 Bispira melanosti~ trophic guild                NA      NA     suspension feeder
#>  8 Bispira melanosti~ water depth                   0.9    75     m                
#>  9 Bispira melanosti~ water dissolved O2 concent~   4.54    4.87  mL/L             
#> 10 Bispira melanosti~ water nitrate concentration   1.35    2.93  µmol/L           
#> 11 Bispira melanosti~ water O2 saturation          87.2    97.4   percent          
#> 12 Bispira melanosti~ water phosphate concentrat~   0.129   0.354 µmol/L           
#> 13 Bispira melanosti~ water salinity               36.3    36.4   PSU              
#> 14 Bispira melanosti~ water silicate concentrati~   1.49    2.17  µmol/L           
#> 15 Bispira melanosti~ water temperature            20.5    24.6   degrees Celsius  
#> [[2]]
#> # A tibble: 10 x 5
#>    species        measure                 min   max value                          
#>    <chr>          <chr>                 <dbl> <dbl> <chr>                          
#>  1 Branchiomma b~ body length           100   100   mm                             
#>  2 Branchiomma b~ ecomorphological gui~  NA    NA   planktonic                     
#>  3 Branchiomma b~ geographic distribut~  NA    NA   Coral Sea                      
#>  4 Branchiomma b~ habitat                NA    NA   marine                         
#>  5 Branchiomma b~ habitat is             NA    NA   marine benthic biome           
#>  6 Branchiomma b~ introduced range inc~  NA    NA   Spanish Exclusive Economic Zon~
#>  7 Branchiomma b~ invasive in            NA    NA   Cyprus                         
#>  8 Branchiomma b~ latitude               18.2  23.9 degrees                        
#>  9 Branchiomma b~ longitude             -97.8 -90.7 degrees                        
#> 10 Branchiomma b~ trophic guild          NA    NA   suspension feeder              
#> [[3]]
#> # A tibble: 8 x 5
#>   species     measure                          min   max value                     
#>   <chr>       <chr>                          <dbl> <dbl> <chr>                     
#> 1 Branchiomma body length                      100   100 mm                        
#> 2 Branchiomma ecomorphological guild            NA    NA planktonic                
#> 3 Branchiomma feeding structure                 NA    NA buccal organ absent or oc~
#> 4 Branchiomma geographic distribution inclu~    NA    NA Red Sea                   
#> 5 Branchiomma habitat is                        NA    NA marine benthic biome      
#> 6 Branchiomma marine larval development str~    NA    NA maternally derived nutrit~
#> 7 Branchiomma pattern of oogenesis              NA    NA extraovarian              
#> 8 Branchiomma trophic guild                     NA    NA suspension feeder         
#> [[4]]
#> # A tibble: 9 x 5
#>   species              measure                          min   max value            
#>   <chr>                <chr>                          <dbl> <dbl> <chr>            
#> 1 Branchiomma luculla~ body length                   100    100   mm               
#> 2 Branchiomma luculla~ ecomorphological guild         NA     NA   planktonic       
#> 3 Branchiomma luculla~ geographic distribution incl~  NA     NA   English Channel  
#> 4 Branchiomma luculla~ habitat is                     NA     NA   marine benthic b~
#> 5 Branchiomma luculla~ latitude                       30.6   50.8 degrees          
#> 6 Branchiomma luculla~ longitude                      -4.14  32.3 degrees          
#> 7 Branchiomma luculla~ pattern of oogenesis           NA     NA   extraovarian     
#> 8 Branchiomma luculla~ substrate type                 NA     NA   bedrock          
#> 9 Branchiomma luculla~ trophic guild                  NA     NA   suspension feeder
#> [[5]]
#> # A tibble: 22 x 5
#>    species         measure                       min   max value                   
#>    <chr>           <chr>                       <dbl> <dbl> <chr>                   
#>  1 Branchiomma bo~ body size                    50    50   mm                      
#>  2 Branchiomma bo~ ecomorphological guild       NA    NA   planktonic              
#>  3 Branchiomma bo~ ecosystem engineering        NA    NA   organism is an ecosyste~
#>  4 Branchiomma bo~ feeding structure            NA    NA   buccal organ absent or ~
#>  5 Branchiomma bo~ geographic distribution in~  NA    NA   Skagerrak               
#>  6 Branchiomma bo~ habitat is                   NA    NA   caves                   
#>  7 Branchiomma bo~ latitude                     36.6  80.7 degrees                 
#>  8 Branchiomma bo~ locomotion                   NA    NA   non-motile / semi-motile
#>  9 Branchiomma bo~ longitude                   -20    57.8 degrees                 
#> 10 Branchiomma bo~ marine larval development ~  NA    NA   maternally derived nutr~
#> # ... with 12 more rows
#> [[6]]
#> # A tibble: 5 x 5
#>   species           measure                           min   max value              
#>   <chr>             <chr>                           <dbl> <dbl> <chr>              
#> 1 Branchiomma picta body length                       100   100 mm                 
#> 2 Branchiomma picta ecomorphological guild             NA    NA planktonic         
#> 3 Branchiomma picta geographic distribution includ~    NA    NA Seto Inland Sea    
#> 4 Branchiomma picta habitat is                         NA    NA marine benthic bio~
#> 5 Branchiomma picta trophic guild                      NA    NA suspension feeder  
#> [[7]]
#> # A tibble: 4 x 5
#>   species              measure                  min   max value               
#>   <chr>                <chr>                  <dbl> <dbl> <chr>               
#> 1 Branchiomma wyvillei body length              100   100 mm                  
#> 2 Branchiomma wyvillei ecomorphological guild    NA    NA planktonic          
#> 3 Branchiomma wyvillei habitat is                NA    NA marine benthic biome
#> 4 Branchiomma wyvillei trophic guild             NA    NA suspension feeder   
#> [[8]]
#> # A tibble: 5 x 5
#>   species                 measure                       min   max value            
#>   <chr>                   <chr>                       <dbl> <dbl> <chr>            
#> 1 Branchiomma nigromacul~ body length                   100   100 mm               
#> 2 Branchiomma nigromacul~ ecomorphological guild         NA    NA planktonic       
#> 3 Branchiomma nigromacul~ geographic distribution in~    NA    NA South Atlantic   
#> 4 Branchiomma nigromacul~ habitat is                     NA    NA marine benthic b~
#> 5 Branchiomma nigromacul~ trophic guild                  NA    NA suspension feeder
#> [[9]]
#> # A tibble: 7 x 5
#>   species         measure                 min   max value                          
#>   <chr>           <chr>                 <dbl> <dbl> <chr>                          
#> 1 Branchiomma bo~ body length             100   100 mm                             
#> 2 Branchiomma bo~ ecomorphological gui~    NA    NA planktonic                     
#> 3 Branchiomma bo~ geographic distribut~    NA    NA Israeli part of the Mediterran~
#> 4 Branchiomma bo~ habitat                  NA    NA marine                         
#> 5 Branchiomma bo~ habitat is               NA    NA marine benthic biome           
#> 6 Branchiomma bo~ introduced range inc~    NA    NA Israeli part of the Mediterran~
#> 7 Branchiomma bo~ trophic guild            NA    NA suspension feeder              
#> [[10]]
#> # A tibble: 5 x 5
#>   species             measure                      min   max value                 
#>   <chr>               <chr>                      <dbl> <dbl> <chr>                 
#> 1 Branchiomma spongi~ body length                  100   100 mm                    
#> 2 Branchiomma spongi~ ecomorphological guild        NA    NA planktonic            
#> 3 Branchiomma spongi~ geographic distribution i~    NA    NA European waters (ERMS~
#> 4 Branchiomma spongi~ habitat is                    NA    NA marine benthic biome  
#> 5 Branchiomma spongi~ trophic guild                 NA    NA suspension feeder   


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