我正在创建一个闪亮的应用程序,它将显示多年来在特定地点进行的所有项目的直方图。但是,我使用的数据有多列用于位置(location_1,location_2,...等)和其他类别,如author_1,author_2等(也就是说,我无法重新创建数据框以拥有一列位置而不创建指数级更大的 df)。我的实际数据有几百行,这只是一个简化版本。 目前我的代码如下所示:
df <- data.frame(
title = c("Project 1", "Project 2", "Project 3"),
year = c(2021, 2020, 2023),
author_1 = c("Bob", "Jane", "Taylor"),
author_2 = c("Alex", "Ann", NA),
author_3 = c("Charlie", NA, NA),
location_1 = c("London", "Berlin", "Paris"),
location_2 = c("Beijing", "Delhi", NA),
location_3 = c("New York City", NA, NA)
ui <- fluidPage(sliderInput(inputId = "year",
label = "Project Funding Year:",
min = min(df$year),
max = max(df$year),
value = c(min(df$year), max(df$year)),
sep = "",
step = 1),
selectInput(inputId = "location",
label = "Location",
choices = list("London", "Berlin", "Paris", "Beijing", "Delhi", "New York City")),
plotOutput(outputId = "histogram")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$histogram <- renderPlot(
df %>% filter(year == input$year,
location_1 == input$location) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = location_1))+
geom_histogram(stat = "count")
shinyApp(ui, server)
例如,在 renderPlot 的输入中是否可以从数据框中的多个列(例如 location_1、location_2,...等)中选择输入?感谢您的任何建议!
pivot_column_set <- function(colName, d) {
d %>%
names_to = "index",
values_to = "value",
names_prefix = paste0(colName, "_")
) %>%
mutate(source = colName) %>%
select(title, year, index, source, value)
[请注意,这不是我通常编写这样的函数的方式。 由于多种原因,它不符合 tidyverse 的精神。它又快又脏,但它有效......]
pivot_column_set("location", df)
# A tibble: 9 × 5
title year index source value
<chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 Project 1 2021 1 location London
2 Project 1 2021 2 location Beijing
3 Project 1 2021 3 location New York City
4 Project 2 2020 1 location Berlin
5 Project 2 2020 2 location Delhi
6 Project 2 2020 3 location NA
7 Project 3 2023 1 location Paris
8 Project 3 2023 2 location NA
9 Project 3 2023 3 location NA
tidyData <- lapply(
c("author", "location"),
d = df
) %>%
bind_rows() %>%
names_from = source,
values_from = value
# A tibble: 9 × 5
title year index author location
<chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 Project 1 2021 1 Bob London
2 Project 1 2021 2 Alex Beijing
3 Project 1 2021 3 Charlie New York City
4 Project 2 2020 1 Jane Berlin
5 Project 2 2020 2 Ann Delhi
6 Project 2 2020 3 NA NA
7 Project 3 2023 1 Taylor Paris
8 Project 3 2023 2 NA NA
9 Project 3 2023 3 NA NA
因此,现在整理输入数据是一件容易的事情,无论列集的数量以及它们各自包含的条目数量如何。 [尽管我在这里做了一些——希望是合理的——假设。]
这使您的应用程序非常简单。 请注意,我已经
的使用,以正确处理返回范围的 sliderInput
multiple = TRUE
中添加了 input$year
,以便轻松查看数据选择是否正常工作ui <- fluidPage(
inputId = "year",
label = "Project Funding Year:",
min = min(df$year),
max = max(df$year),
value = c(min(df$year), max(df$year)),
sep = "",
step = 1
inputId = "location",
label = "Location",
choices = list("London", "Berlin", "Paris", "Beijing", "Delhi", "New York City"),
# Allow multiple selections to demonstrate correct function with limited test data
multiple = TRUE
plotOutput(outputId = "histogram")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
filteredData <- reactive({
tidyData %>% filter(
# Noite correct use of a sliderInput with a range
year >= input$year[1] & year <= input$year[2],
# To cater for multiple selections
location %in% input$location
output$histogram <- renderPlot(
filteredData() %>%
ggplot(aes(x = location)) +
shinyApp(ui, server)