
问题描述 投票:1回答:1

我想绘制一个基本图,基本上由服务器场的两个列表组成x = [1,2,3,...,d],y = [y1,y2,...,yd]。在使用[pyplot.plot(x,y)之后,我收到大量的警告消息,涉及到[[findfont errors(请参见下文。)


我正在使用pycharm,python 3.6和Windows进行编程。

DEBUG findfont: Matching :family=sans-serif:style=normal:variant=normal:weight=normal:stretch=normal:size=10.0. DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'cmex10' (cmex10.ttf) normal normal 400 normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'STIXSizeOneSym' (STIXSizOneSymReg.ttf) normal normal regular normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'cmb10' (cmb10.ttf) normal normal 400 normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'DejaVu Sans' (DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf) normal normal bold normal>) = 0.33499999999999996 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'STIXNonUnicode' (STIXNonUniBolIta.ttf) italic normal bold normal>) = 11.335 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'DejaVu Sans Mono' (DejaVuSansMono-Bold.ttf) normal normal bold normal>) = 10.335 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'DejaVu Serif' (DejaVuSerif.ttf) normal normal 400 normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'cmr10' (cmr10.ttf) normal normal 400 normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'STIXGeneral' (STIXGeneralItalic.ttf) italic normal 400 normal>) = 11.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'STIXGeneral' (STIXGeneralBol.ttf) normal normal bold normal>) = 10.335 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'STIXSizeTwoSym' (STIXSizTwoSymBol.ttf) normal normal bold normal>) = 10.335 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'STIXSizeOneSym' (STIXSizOneSymBol.ttf) normal normal bold normal>) = 10.335 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'DejaVu Serif' (DejaVuSerif-BoldItalic.ttf) italic normal bold normal>) = 11.335 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'STIXGeneral' (STIXGeneral.ttf) normal normal regular normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'DejaVu Sans Mono' (DejaVuSansMono-BoldOblique.ttf) oblique normal bold normal>) = 11.335 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'DejaVu Sans Mono' (DejaVuSansMono-Oblique.ttf) oblique normal 400 normal>) = 11.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'STIXSizeFourSym' (STIXSizFourSymBol.ttf) normal normal bold normal>) = 10.335 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'STIXNonUnicode' (STIXNonUniIta.ttf) italic normal 400 normal>) = 11.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'DejaVu Serif' (DejaVuSerif-Bold.ttf) normal normal bold normal>) = 10.335 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'cmsy10' (cmsy10.ttf) normal normal 400 normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'STIXNonUnicode' (STIXNonUni.ttf) normal normal regular normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'STIXSizeFourSym' (STIXSizFourSymReg.ttf) normal normal regular normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'STIXSizeThreeSym' (STIXSizThreeSymBol.ttf) normal normal bold normal>) = 10.335 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'DejaVu Serif' (DejaVuSerif-Italic.ttf) italic normal 400 normal>) = 11.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'STIXSizeFiveSym' (STIXSizFiveSymReg.ttf) normal normal regular normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'cmss10' (cmss10.ttf) normal normal 400 normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'cmmi10' (cmmi10.ttf) normal normal 400 normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'DejaVu Sans Mono' (DejaVuSansMono.ttf) normal normal 400 normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'cmtt10' (cmtt10.ttf) normal normal 400 normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'STIXSizeTwoSym' (STIXSizTwoSymReg.ttf) normal normal regular normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'STIXNonUnicode' (STIXNonUniBol.ttf) normal normal bold normal>) = 10.335 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'DejaVu Sans Display' (DejaVuSansDisplay.ttf) normal normal 400 normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'DejaVu Serif Display' (DejaVuSerifDisplay.ttf) normal normal 400 normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'STIXSizeThreeSym' (STIXSizThreeSymReg.ttf) normal normal regular normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'DejaVu Sans' (DejaVuSans-Oblique.ttf) oblique normal 400 normal>) = 1.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'DejaVu Sans' (DejaVuSans-BoldOblique.ttf) oblique normal bold normal>) = 1.335 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'STIXGeneral' (STIXGeneralBolIta.ttf) italic normal bold normal>) = 11.335 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'DejaVu Sans' (DejaVuSans.ttf) normal normal 400 normal>) = 0.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Franklin Gothic Book' (FRABK.TTF) normal normal book normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Microsoft Yi Baiti' (msyi.ttf) normal normal 400 normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Matura MT Script Capitals' (MATURASC.TTF) normal normal 400 normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Wide Latin' (LATINWD.TTF) normal normal 400 expanded>) = 10.25 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Gigi' (GIGI.TTF) normal normal 400 normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Georgia' (georgiab.ttf) normal normal bold normal>) = 10.335 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Microsoft Tai Le' (taile.ttf) normal normal 400 normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Wingdings 3' (WINGDNG3.TTF) normal normal 400 normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Copperplate Gothic Bold' (COPRGTB.TTF) normal normal bold normal>) = 10.335 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Palatino Linotype' (palabi.ttf) italic normal bold normal>) = 11.335 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Segoe UI' (segoeuii.ttf) italic normal 400 normal>) = 11.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Arial Rounded MT Bold' (ARLRDBD.TTF) normal normal bold normal>) = 10.335 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Verdana' (verdanai.ttf) italic normal 400 normal>) = 4.6863636363636365 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Microsoft Himalaya' (himalaya.ttf) normal normal 400 normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Gloucester MT Extra Condensed' (GLECB.TTF) normal normal 400 condensed>) = 10.25 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Palatino Linotype' (palab.ttf) normal normal bold normal>) = 10.335 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Playbill' (PLAYBILL.TTF) normal normal 400 normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Rage Italic' (RAGE.TTF) italic normal 400 normal>) = 11.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Perpetua' (PERI____.TTF) italic normal 400 normal>) = 11.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Constantia' (constani.ttf) italic normal 400 normal>) = 11.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Segoe UI Emoji' (seguiemj.ttf) normal normal 400 normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'KaiTi' (simkai.ttf) normal normal 400 normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Tw Cen MT Condensed' (TCCM____.TTF) normal normal 400 condensed>) = 10.25 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Corbel' (corbel.ttf) normal normal 400 normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Nirmala UI' (Nirmala.ttf) normal normal 400 normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Baskerville Old Face' (BASKVILL.TTF) normal normal 400 normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Wingdings' (wingding.ttf) normal normal 400 normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Segoe UI' (segoeui.ttf) normal normal 400 normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Arial' (ariblk.ttf) normal normal black normal>) = 6.888636363636364 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Courier New' (cour.ttf) normal normal 400 normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Courier New' (couri.ttf) italic normal 400 normal>) = 11.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Bookshelf Symbol 7' (BSSYM7.TTF) normal normal book normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Microsoft Uighur' (MSUIGHUB.TTF) normal normal bold normal>) = 10.335 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Lucida Fax' (LFAXDI.TTF) italic normal demibold normal>) = 11.24 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Garamond' (GARA.TTF) normal normal 400 normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Consolas' (consolai.ttf) italic normal 400 normal>) = 11.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Lucida Sans Typewriter' (LTYPE.TTF) normal normal regular normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Perpetua Titling MT' (PERTIBD.TTF) normal normal bold normal>) = 10.335 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Britannic Bold' (BRITANIC.TTF) normal normal bold normal>) = 10.335 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Lucida Calligraphy' (LCALLIG.TTF) italic normal 400 normal>) = 11.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Lucida Bright' (LBRITE.TTF) normal normal 400 normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Ebrima' (ebrima.ttf) normal normal 400 normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Calisto MT' (CALIST.TTF) normal normal 400 normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Roboto' (Roboto-Bold.ttf) normal normal bold normal>) = 10.335 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Gadugi' (gadugi.ttf) normal normal 400 normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Colonna MT' (COLONNA.TTF) normal normal 400 normal>) = 10.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Nirmala UI' (NirmalaS.ttf) normal normal light normal>) = 10.24 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Microsoft Tai Le' (taileb.ttf) normal normal bold normal>) = 10.335 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Bodoni MT' (BOD_CBI.TTF) italic normal bold condensed>) = 11.535 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Berlin Sans FB' (BRLNSB.TTF) normal normal bold normal>) = 10.335 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Gill Sans MT' (GILI____.TTF) italic normal 400 normal>) = 11.05 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Rockwell' (ROCKBI.TTF) italic normal bold normal>) = 11.335 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Gill Sans MT' (GILB____.TTF) normal normal bold normal>) = 10.335 DEBUG findfont: score(<Font 'Constantia' (constanb.ttf) normal normal bold normal>) = 10.335 [...............] DEBUG findfont: Matching :family=sans-serif:style=normal:variant=normal:weight=normal:stretch=normal:size=10.0 to DejaVu Sans ('C:\\Users\\chris\\PycharmProjects\\DeepNN-Solver\\venv\\lib\\site-packages\\matplotlib\\mpl-data\\fonts\\ttf\\DejaVuSans.ttf') with score of 0.050000.

python matplotlib plot pycharm


log = logging.getLogger() log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)


log = logging.getLogger('UNIQUE_NAME_HERE') log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)


log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)



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