我使用 Python 和 OpenCV 包工作,但很乐意实现任何可以解决此问题的替代包。 (numpythonic 方式是最好的 - 如果可能的话!)
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cv2
threshold = 200
thickness = 16
linewidth = 2
white = 255
black = 0
def fun(image):
res = np.full(image.shape, white).astype(np.uint8)
# determine contours
grayscale = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
thresh = cv2.threshold(grayscale, threshold, white, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1]
contours = cv2.findContours(thresh, mode=cv2.RETR_TREE, method=cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)[0]
# create intersection and union
intersection, union = sorted(contours, key=len)[::len(contours) - 2]
outline = np.full(res.shape, white).astype(np.uint8)
cv2.drawContours(outline, [union], -1, black, thickness, cv2.LINE_AA)
inline = np.full(res.shape, white).astype(np.uint8)
cv2.drawContours(inline, [intersection], -1, black, thickness, cv2.LINE_AA)
# determine points for line
points = np.logical_and(outline == 0, inline == 0).astype(np.uint8)[:,:,0] * white
a, b = cv2.findContours(points, mode=cv2.RETR_TREE, method=cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)[0]
a = np.mean(a.squeeze(), axis=0).astype(int)
b = np.mean(b.squeeze(), axis=0).astype(int)
# draw outline of union
cv2.drawContours(res, [union], -1, black, linewidth, cv2.LINE_AA)
# draw connecting line
cv2.line(res, a, b, black, linewidth)
return res
for img in ['img1.jpg', 'img2.jpg']:
orig = np.asarray(Image.open(img))
res = fun(orig)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2)
for i, img in enumerate([orig, res]):
ax[i].imshow(img, cmap='gray');
。接下来,通过增加大小对轮廓进行排序,这确保交集的轮廓(要删除的部分)排在第一位,并集的轮廓(要保留的部分)排在倒数第二位(最后是图像边界的轮廓)。 outline
的轮廓,然后将两个图像的黑色部分相交以获得标记端点的补丁对于新线路。然后计算新线的端点 a
和 b
和 b
import shapely
import shapely.ops
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from shapely.geometry import box, LineString, Polygon, Point
from shapely import plotting as plotter
def distribute_intersections(poly1, poly2, grid_size=0.0001):
intersection_points = poly1.boundary.intersection(poly2.boundary, grid_size=grid_size)
intersection_line = LineString(shapely.get_coordinates(intersection_points))
intersections = poly1.intersection(poly2, grid_size=grid_size)
split_lines = shapely.intersection(intersections, intersection_line, grid_size=grid_size)
# Loop through all split lines found and apply them one by one
poly1_distributed = poly1
poly2_distributed = poly2
for split_line in shapely.get_parts(split_lines):
if isinstance(split_line, Point):
# For both polygons, split them with the current split line and remove the part
# that is ~covered by the other polygon
poly1_distributed = shapely.ops.split(poly1_distributed, split_line)
poly1_distributed = _remove_covered_parts(poly1_distributed, poly2, grid_size)
poly2_distributed = shapely.ops.split(poly2_distributed, split_line)
poly2_distributed = _remove_covered_parts(poly2_distributed, poly1, grid_size)
return poly1_distributed, poly2_distributed
def _remove_covered_parts(poly_split, intersecting_poly, grid_size):
for poly in shapely.get_parts(poly_split):
intersection = poly.intersection(intersecting_poly, grid_size=grid_size)
if intersection.area > 0.9 * poly.area:
return poly
poly1 = box(0, 0, 10, 10)
poly2 = box(7, 7, 15, 20)
poly1_result, poly2_result = distribute_intersections(poly1, poly2)
circle1 = Point(0, 5).buffer(6, resolution=4)
circle2 = Point(0, 12).buffer(6, resolution=4)
circle1_result, circle2_result = distribute_intersections(circle1, circle2)
circle3 = Point(5, 0).buffer(6, resolution=4)
star1 = Polygon([
(8, 0), (12, -1), (13, -5), (14, -1), (20, 0), (16, 1), (18, 6), (14, 4),
(8, 3), (12, 2), (8, 0)
circle3_result, star1_result = distribute_intersections(circle3, star1)
# Plot results
_, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=3)
plotter.plot_polygon(poly1_result, ax=ax[0], color="red", alpha=0.1)
plotter.plot_polygon(poly2_result, ax=ax[0], color="green", alpha=0.1)
plotter.plot_polygon(circle1_result, ax=ax[1], color="red", alpha=0.1)
plotter.plot_polygon(circle2_result, ax=ax[1], color="green", alpha=0.1)
plotter.plot_polygon(circle3_result, ax=ax[2], color="red", alpha=0.1)
plotter.plot_polygon(star1_result, ax=ax[2], color="green", alpha=0.1)
for cur_ax in ax: