')' 附近的语法不正确。 --- SQL

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

** 它在第一组上按 backet 显示错误 **

 select  attnDate,workLoc,swipeType, fromTime,toTime,timeInterval,  sum (ECount1+ECount2)  as EmpCount , 
 EmpCode from(  SELECT attn_dt AS attnDate, att.work_loc as workLoc , vEmpDtl.emp_Code as EmpCode ,  
 case when convert(time,in_Ts) between '7:00' and '10:30' then  'IN'  when convert(time,in_Ts2)
 between '7:00' and '10:30' then  'IN'  else ' ' end as swipeType , count(in_Ts) as ECount1 ,  count(in_Ts2) as ECount2    ,
 td.from_time as fromTime, td.to_time as toTime, td.time_interval as timeInterval,  in_Ts as inTime, out_ts as OutTime  
 from emp_attn att cross Join time_details td  Inner Join v_emp_dtls vEmpDtl on att.emp_code = vEmpDtl.emp_code
 join emp_mst mst WITH (NOLOCK) on mst.emp_code = vEmpDtl.emp_code  join 
  ( select distinct empRep.emp_code  from emp_reporting_structure empRep  where empRep.report_to = '18501') 
 o on o.emp_code = vEmpDtl.emp_code 
 WHERE  attn_dt BETWEEN '2023-02-01' AND '2023-02-28'  
 and vEmpDtl.emp_type = 'COMMON'  and vEmpDtl.emp_loc_type = 'KSACORP' 
 and vEmpDtl.work_loc_id = '300000001672100'  and vEmpDtl.nationality = 'Sri Lanka'  and vEmpDtl.payroll_code = 'KSA Retail Payroll'  and vEmpDtl.country_code = '6486' 
 and vEmpDtl.region = 'RIY' 
 and (convert(time,in_Ts) between convert(time,td.from_time) and convert(time,td.to_time)  or
 convert(time,in_Ts2) between convert(time,td.from_time) and convert(time,td.to_time))  and (convert(time,in_Ts)
 between '7:00' and '10:30' or  convert(time,in_Ts2)  between '7:00' and '10:30') 
   and vEmpDtl.emp_code NOT IN (SELECT distinct emp_code from exclude_emp where exclusion_type ='NO_ATTENDANCE')  AND mst.contract is null  AND vEmpDtl.employment_status = 'All'  
 ---  group BY att.attn_dt desc  ,att.emp_code 
 ) AnyNameYouLikeButYouHaveToGiveOne 
 group by attn_dt , att.work_loc ,in_Ts ,out_ts ,in_Ts2, out_ts2 ,from_time ,to_time , time_interval , vEmpDtl.emp_Code ) 
 aaa group by attnDate,timeInterval,workLoc ,swipeType,fromTime,toTime , ECount1,ECount2 , EmpCode 


syntax subquery brackets

查询在第一个 GROUP BY 子句中有错误。在 swipeType 之后和 FROM 之前有额外的逗号。请删除这些逗号,查询应该可以正常运行。

SELECT attnDate, workLoc, swipeType, fromTime, toTime, timeInterval, SUM(ECount1+ECount2) AS EmpCount, EmpCode 

来自( 选择 attn_dt 作为 attnDate,att.work_loc 作为 workLoc,vEmpDtl.emp_Code 作为 EmpCode, CONVERT(time, in_Ts) BETWEEN '7:00' AND '10:30' THEN 'IN' 时的情况 WHEN CONVERT(time, in_Ts2) BETWEEN '7:00' AND '10:30' 然后 'IN' 别的 ' ' 结束为 swipeType, 计数(in_Ts)作为 ECount1, 计数(in_Ts2)作为 ECount2, td.from_time AS fromTime, td.to_time AS toTime, td.time_interval AS 时间间隔, in_Ts AS inTime, out_ts AS 超时时间 来自 emp_attn att 交叉连接 time_details td 内部连接 v_emp_dtls vEmpDtl ON att.emp_code = vEmpDtl.emp_code JOIN emp_mst mst WITH (NOLOCK) ON mst.emp_code = vEmpDtl.emp_code 加入 ( 选择不同的 empRep.emp_code FROM emp_reporting_structure empRep WHERE empRep.report_to = '18501' ) o ON o.emp_code = vEmpDtl.emp_code “2023-02-01”和“2023-02-28”之间的 attn_dt AND vEmpDtl.emp_type = 'COMMON' AND vEmpDtl.emp_loc_type = 'KSACORP' AND vEmpDtl.work_loc_id = '300000001672100' AND vEmpDtl.nationality = '斯里兰卡' AND vEmpDtl.payroll_code = 'KSA 零售薪资' AND vEmpDtl.country_code = '6486' AND vEmpDtl.region = 'RIY' 和 ( 转换(时间,in_Ts)在转换(时间,td.from_time)和转换(时间,td.to_time)之间 或在转换(时间,td.from_time)和转换(时间,td.to_time)之间转换(时间,in_Ts2) ) 和 ( 在“7:00”和“10:30”之间转换(时间,in_Ts) 或在“7:00”和“10:30”之间转换(时间,in_Ts2) ) AND vEmpDtl.emp_code 不在 ( 选择不同的 emp_code 来自 exclude_emp WHERE exclusion_type ='NO_ATTENDANCE' ) AND mst.contract 为空 AND vEmpDtl.employment_status = '全部' GROUP BY attn_dt, att.work_loc, in_Ts, out_ts, in_Ts2, out_ts2, td.from_time, td.to_time, td.time_interval, vEmpDtl.emp_Code ) 啊啊 GROUP BY attnDate、timeInterval、workLoc、swipeType、fromTime、toTime、EmpCode、ECount1、ECount2

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