
问题描述 投票:0回答:1



    mov ah, 3Ch
    lea dx, new_file
    mov al, 0
    int 21h
    jc file_error
    mov bx, ax


org 100h

jmp start

; File paths
file1 db "c:\emu8086\vdrive\C\file1.txt", 0 ; and files 2 and 3 almost same paths
new_file db "c:\emu8086\vdrive\C\created_folder\file_corrected.txt", 0
handle dw ?


; General messages

; Replace functionality messages
mov ax, cs
;mov dx, ax
mov es, ax
;********** REPLACEMENT ********************* 
    ; Create new file
    lea dx, new_file
    mov ah, 3Ch ; Create file function
    mov cx, 0   ; Normal attributes
    int 21h
    mov bx, ax ; Save handle of new file in BX
mov dx, offset replace_message ; Load address of footer
mov ah, 09h          ; DOS service to display string
int 21h              ; Call DOS interrupt

; Wait for user input
mov ah, 01h          ; DOS service to read character
int 21h              ; Call DOS interrupt
; Compare input directly with ASCII values for '1', '2', '3'
cmp al, '1'          ; Compare with '1'
je replace_file1
cmp al, '2'          ; Compare with '2'
je replace_file2
cmp al, '3'          ; Compare with '3'      
je replace_file3

; Initialize data segment
    mov ax, @data
    mov ds, ax

    ; Open the file
    mov ah, 3Dh                ; Open file function
    mov al, 0                  ; Open for reading
    lea dx, file1              ; Load address of file name
    int 21h
    jc file_error              ; If error, jump to error handling
    mov bx, ax                 ; Store file handle in BX
    jmp read_into_buffer

    mov ah, 3Fh                ; Read file function
    lea dx, buf                ; Load address of buffer
    mov cx, 255                ; Number of bytes to read
    int 21h
    jc file_error              ; If error, jump to error handling
    mov si, offset buf         ; SI points to the buffer

    ; Prompt user to enter the character to replace
    mov ah, 02h          ; DOS service to write character
    mov dx, offset prompt
    mov ah, 9
    int 21h

    ; Read the character from the user
    mov ah, 01h
    int 21h
    mov bl, al ; Store user input in BL
    mov ah, 02h          ; DOS service to write character

    ; Process the buffer
    mov al, [si]
    cmp al, 0
    je write_to_new_file
    cmp al, bl
    jne skip_replacement

    ; Replace character with name
    mov di, offset replacement
    mov al, [di]
    cmp al, 0
    je continue_processing
    mov dl, al
    mov ah, 2
    int 21h
    inc di
    jmp output_replacement

    mov dl, al
    mov ah, 2
    int 21h

    inc si
    jmp process_message

    mov ah, 3Ch
    lea dx, new_file
    mov al, 0
    int 21h
    jc file_error
    mov bx, ax

    ; Calculate the length of the modified buffer
    mov cx, si ; SI points to the end of the modified part

    ; Write the modified content to the new file
    mov ah, 40h
    lea dx, buf
    int 21h
    jc file_error

    ; Close the new file
    mov ah, 3Eh
    int 21h

    ; Display success message
    lea dx, success_message
    mov ah, 9
    int 21h
    jmp end_program

    ; Display error message
    lea dx, message_error
    mov ah, 9
    int 21h
    jmp end_program



assembly x86-16 emu8086

org 100h
jmp start
表示您正在创建 .COM 程序。这样的程序开始时所有段寄存器都彼此相等。因此,您可以删除所有意味着更改 DS 和 ES 的指令。

如果“直接将输入与‘1’、‘2’、‘3’的 ASCII 值进行比较”失败,您仍然需要中止程序或重做用户输入。

可以合理地假设您正在使用小型源文件(例如限制为 255 字节)。那么最好在将文件检索到buf后立即关闭该文件。


  • 将源指针寄存器 SI 设置为已保存所选文件内容的 buf 的开头。
  • 将目标指针寄存器 DI 设置为另一个缓冲区的开头,该缓冲区最终将存储在磁盘上新创建的文件中。
  • 启动一个循环,运行您从磁盘读取的字节数。成功读取操作后,DOS 会在 AX 中提供该编号。
  • 对于不是替换候选的每个字符,您只需存储未修改的字符,但每次遇到替换候选时,您都会存储组成您名字的字符。
    mov  al, [si]     ; Read from 'buf' \ LODSB
    inc  si                             /
    mov  [di], al     ; Write to 'anotherbuf' \ STOSB
    inc  di                                   / 
    cmp  al, dl       ; DL is the replace candidate
    jne  .b           ; Nothing special, so continue the loop

    dec  di           ; Take back the last char written and ...
    mov  bx, offset replacement ; ... substitute by ASCIIZ string
    mov  al, [bx]     ; There would better be at least 1 true char
.a: inc  bx
    mov  [di], al     ; Write to 'anotherbuf'   \ STOSB
    inc  di                                     /
    mov  al, [bx]
    cmp  al, 0        ; For all chars except zero
    jne  .a

.b: dec  cx           ; For all chars in 'buf' \ LOOP TOP
    jnz  Top                                   /


; Calculate the length of the modified buffer
mov cx, si ; SI points to the end of the modified part


mov  cx, di
sub  cx, anotherbuf

或更短,通过 LEA:

lea  cx, [di - anotherbuf]
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