如何使用 pandoc 语法在 Markdown 文档中指定表格?

问题描述 投票:0回答:2

我有一个 Markdown 文档,正在使用 pandoc 工具处理以生成 HTML 和 PDF 文档。我正在尝试在文档中包含一个表格。常规 Markdown 不支持表格,但 pandoc 支持。我尝试将 pandoc 文档中的表定义复制粘贴到我的源文档中,但是当通过 pandoc 程序运行它时,生成的文档全部塞进一张大表中。

任何人都可以向我展示一个可以正确呈现的 pandoc 表吗?

text markdown pandoc
# Points about Tweedledee and Tweedledum

Much has been made of the curious features of 
Tweedledee and Tweedledum.  We propose here to
set some of the controversy to rest and to uproot
all of the more outlandish claims.

    .      Tweedledee       Tweedledum
--------   --------------   ----------------
Age        14               14
Height     3'2"             3'2"
Politics   Conservative     Conservative
Religion   "New Age"        Syrian Orthodox
---------  --------------   ----------------

Table: T.-T. Data

# Mussolini's role in my downfall

             *Drugs*         *Alcohol*           *Tobacco*
----------   -------------   -----------------   --------------------
    Monday     3 Xanax        2 pints             3 cigars,  
                                                  1 hr at hookah bar

   Tuesday    14 Adderall     1 Boone's Farm,     1 packet Drum
                              2 Thunderbird

 Wednesday    2 aspirin       Tall glass water    (can't remember)

Table:  *Tableau des vices*, deluxe edition

# Points about the facts

In recent years, more and more attention has been 
paid to opinion, less and less to what were formerly 
called the cold, hard facts.  In a spirit of traditionalism, 
we propose to reverse the trend. Here are some of our results.

-------     ------ ----------   -------
     12     12        12             12
    123     123       123           123
      1     1          1              1

Table:  Crucial Statistics

# Recent innovations (1): False presentation

Some, moved by opinion and an irrational lust for novelty, 
would introduce a non-factual element into the data, 
perhaps moving all the facts to the left:

-------     ------ ----------   -------
12          12     12           12
123         123    123          123
1           1      1            1

Table: Crucial "Statistics"

# Recent innovations (2): Illegitimate decoration

Others, preferring their facts to be *varnished*, 
as we might say, will tend to 'label' the columns

Variable    Before During       After
---------   ------ ----------   -------
12          12     12           12
123         123    123          123
1000        1000   1000         1000

# Recent innovations (3): "Moderate" decoration

Or, maybe, to accompany this 'spin' with a centered or centrist representation: 

 Variable    Before  During       After
----------  ------- ----------   -------
 12          12      12           12
 123         123     123          123
 1           1       1            1

# The real enemy

Some even accompany these representations with a bit of leftwing 
clap-trap, suggesting the facts have drifted right:

  Variable       Before            During       After
----------  -----------        ----------     -------
 12                  12                12          12
              -- Due to

  123               123               123          123
              -- Thanks
              to the 

  1                   1                 1            1
              -- All a 
              matter of
            sound Party

Table: *"The conditions are not ripe, comrades; they are **overripe**!"*

# The Truth

If comment be needed, let it be thus:  the facts have drifted left.

 Variable   Before             During            After
----------  -------------      ----------        ----------------------
 12         12                 12                12
            (here's            (due to           (something to do
            where the rot      lapse of          with Clinton and
            set in )           traditional       maybe the '60's)

 123        123                123               123
            (too much          (A=440?)
            strong drink)

 1          1                  1                 1
                                                 (Trilateral Commission?)

Table: *The Decline of Western Civilization*


另一种选择是使用 GitHub markdown 表,它更容易格式化,因为它们不需要与空格字符对齐,

  • 您可以使用管道创建表 |和连字符 -。连字符用于创建每列的标题,而管道则分隔每列。您必须在表格前添加一个空行才能正确呈现。
  • 桌子两端的管道是可选的。
  • 单元格的宽度可以不同,并且不需要在列内完美对齐。标题行的每列中必须至少有三个连字符。
  • 您可以通过在标题行中连字符的左侧、右侧或两侧添加冒号来将文本向左、向右或中心对齐。
  • 单元格文本中的管道字符需要转义

enter image description here

上面的表格格式也在 Stackoverflow 中呈现......

命令 描述 注释
git 状态 列出所有新的或修改的文件 右对齐
git diff 显示尚未暂存的文件差异 这是一个字面意思 |

Pandoc 能够转换 GitHub 风格的 markdown,

pandoc --from=gfm  table.md > table[enter link description here][3].html

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