
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我发现在Yocto工作流中使用devtool的唯一相关且易于理解的例子是Video from Tim Orling in Embedded Linux Conference


  1. 他使用devtool add添加nano
  2. devtool build建造它
  3. devtool deploy-target将其部署在qemu
  4. devtool undeploy-target删除nano
  5. devtool finish nano ../meta-foo


当我尝试devtool finish --help

devtool finish --help
ERROR: argument <subcommand>: invalid choice: 'finish' (choose from 'create-workspace', 'add', 'modify', 'extract', 'sync', 'update-recipe', 'status', 'reset', 'build-image', 'deploy-target', 'undeploy-target', 'build', 'search', 'upgrade', 'edit-recipe', 'configure-help')

devtool finish的等效子命令是什么。是devtool reset

Build Host Environment

Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS虚拟机



usage: devtool [--basepath BASEPATH] [--bbpath BBPATH] [-d] [-q]
               [--color COLOR] [-h]
               <subcommand> ...

OpenEmbedded development tool

optional arguments:
  --basepath BASEPATH  Base directory of SDK / build directory
  --bbpath BBPATH      Explicitly specify the BBPATH, rather than getting it
                       from the metadata
  -d, --debug          Enable debug output
  -q, --quiet          Print only errors
  --color COLOR        Colorize output (where COLOR is auto, always, never)
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit

  Beginning work on a recipe:
    add                  Add a new recipe
    modify               Modify the source for an existing recipe
    upgrade              Upgrade an existing recipe
  Getting information:
    status               Show workspace status
    search               Search available recipes
  Working on a recipe in the workspace:
    build                Build a recipe
    edit-recipe          Edit a recipe file in your workspace
    configure-help       Get help on configure script options
    update-recipe        Apply changes from external source tree to recipe
    reset                Remove a recipe from your workspace
  Testing changes on target:
    deploy-target        Deploy recipe output files to live target machine
    undeploy-target      Undeploy recipe output files in live target machine
    build-image          Build image including workspace recipe packages
    create-workspace     Set up workspace in an alternative location
    extract              Extract the source for an existing recipe
    sync                 Synchronize the source tree for an existing recipe
Use devtool <subcommand> --help to get help on a specific command
embedded-linux yocto


根据krogothYocto 2.1.2 Development Manual devtool manual


对于其他版本,devtool finish recipe-name ../meta-foo应该为你做。

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