我正在制作一个有趣的程序来寻找方块的幻方。我有 9 个嵌套的
循环,对应于正方形的每个 3x3 数字。我使用常量 LIMIT 来设置 SQUARE_NUMBERS 中有多少个平方数。
当 LIMIT 增加到超过 100 时,它开始稍微减慢。一直到 297,它都会稍微减慢,但是一旦 LIMIT 达到 298,它就会突然减慢,当我登录内部循环时,变量
只是缓慢递增。对于极限 <=297 this program takes at most 23 seconds on my laptop, but LIMIT = 298 I have let run for hours and it hasn't finished.
这是怎么回事?我想知道如果 LIMIT 为 298,所有嵌套循环是否都会导致某种优化无法发生,但如果 LIMIT 为 297,则不会发生。
mod square;
use std::{collections::HashMap, process::exit, time::Instant};
use rayon::prelude::*;
use square::{numbers_are_unique, numbers_make_sum, sums_are_equal};
const fn generate_square_numbers<const COUNT: usize>() -> [usize; COUNT] {
let mut numbers: [usize; COUNT] = [0usize; COUNT];
let mut counter: usize = 0;
while counter < COUNT {
numbers[counter] = (counter + 1) * (counter + 1);
counter += 1;
fn get_most_frequent_total(square_numbers: &[usize]) -> usize {
let total_iterations: usize = square_numbers.len().pow(3);
let mut current_iteration: usize = 0;
let mut totals_and_counts: HashMap<usize, usize> = HashMap::new();
for &first in square_numbers.iter() {
for &second in square_numbers.iter() {
for &third in square_numbers.iter() {
let total: usize = first + second + third;
*totals_and_counts.entry(total).or_insert(0) += 1;
current_iteration += 1;
let progress: f64 = (current_iteration as f64 / total_iterations as f64) * 100.0;
if current_iteration % (total_iterations / 1000) == 0 {
println!("Progress: {:.1}%", progress);
let mut totals: Vec<(&usize, &usize)> = totals_and_counts.iter().collect();
totals.sort_by(|a: &(&usize, &usize), b: &(&usize, &usize)| a.1.cmp(b.1));
totals.last().map(|(&total, _)| total).unwrap()
fn main() {
let start_time: Instant = Instant::now();
const LIMIT: usize = 297; // this runs just fine with any value <=297
const SQUARE_NUMBERS: [usize; LIMIT] = generate_square_numbers();
let most_frequent_total: usize = get_most_frequent_total(&SQUARE_NUMBERS);
println!("The most frequent total is {most_frequent_total}.");
SQUARE_NUMBERS.iter().for_each(|first: &usize| {
SQUARE_NUMBERS.par_iter().for_each(|second: &usize| {
SQUARE_NUMBERS.iter().for_each(|third: &usize| {
SQUARE_NUMBERS.iter().for_each(|fourth: &usize| {
SQUARE_NUMBERS.iter().for_each(|fifth: &usize| {
SQUARE_NUMBERS.iter().for_each(|sixth: &usize| {
SQUARE_NUMBERS.iter().for_each(|seventh: &usize| {
SQUARE_NUMBERS.iter().for_each(|eighth: &usize| {
SQUARE_NUMBERS.iter().for_each(|ninth: &usize| {
if numbers_make_sum(
) && sums_are_equal(
*first, *second, *third, *fourth, *fifth, *sixth,
*seventh, *eighth, *ninth,
) && numbers_are_unique(
*first, *second, *third, *fourth, *fifth, *sixth,
*seventh, *eighth, *ninth,
) {
first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth,
seventh, eighth, ninth
println!("{} / {}", (*first as f32).sqrt(), LIMIT);
let end_time: Instant = Instant::now();
println!("Elapsed time: {:?}", end_time - start_time);
pub(crate) fn numbers_make_sum(
first: usize,
second: usize,
third: usize,
fourth: usize,
fifth: usize,
sixth: usize,
seventh: usize,
eighth: usize,
ninth: usize,
sum: usize,
) -> bool {
if first + second + third != sum {
return false;
if fourth + fifth + sixth != sum {
return false;
if seventh + eighth + ninth != sum {
return false;
if first + fourth + seventh != sum {
return false;
if second + fifth + eighth != sum {
return false;
if third + sixth + ninth != sum {
return false;
if first + fifth + ninth != sum {
return false;
if third + fifth + seventh != sum {
return false;
pub(crate) fn numbers_are_unique(
first: usize,
second: usize,
third: usize,
fourth: usize,
fifth: usize,
sixth: usize,
seventh: usize,
eighth: usize,
ninth: usize,
) -> bool {
first != second
&& first != third
&& first != fourth
&& first != fifth
&& first != sixth
&& first != seventh
&& first != eighth
&& first != ninth
&& second != third
&& second != fourth
&& second != fifth
&& second != sixth
&& second != seventh
&& second != eighth
&& second != ninth
&& third != fourth
&& third != fifth
&& third != sixth
&& third != seventh
&& third != eighth
&& third != ninth
&& fourth != fifth
&& fourth != sixth
&& fourth != seventh
&& fourth != eighth
&& fourth != ninth
&& fifth != sixth
&& fifth != seventh
&& fifth != eighth
&& fifth != ninth
&& sixth != seventh
&& sixth != eighth
&& sixth != ninth
&& seventh != eighth
&& seventh != ninth
&& eighth != ninth
pub(crate) fn sums_are_equal(
first: usize,
second: usize,
third: usize,
fourth: usize,
fifth: usize,
sixth: usize,
seventh: usize,
eighth: usize,
ninth: usize,
) -> bool {
if (first + second + third) != (fourth + fifth + sixth)
|| (fourth + fifth + sixth) != (seventh + eighth + ninth)
return false;
if (seventh + eighth + ninth) != (first + fourth + seventh)
|| (first + fourth + seventh) != (second + fifth + eighth)
|| (second + fifth + eighth) != (third + sixth + ninth)
return false;
(third + sixth + ninth) == (first + fifth + ninth)
&& (first + fifth + ninth) == (seventh + fifth + third)
我有 9 个嵌套的 for_each 循环
这就是您的问题的原因。这么多嵌套的 for 循环绝对是荒谬。 为了使该程序正常运行,您需要扁平化算法的结构,以减少其正在执行的总体工作量。
即使是中等大小的数字,O(n^9) 也永远无法完成。