
问题描述 投票:1回答:1



import requests

while True:
    Post_Login_URL = 'http://parents.netherhall.org/'
    Request_URL = 'https://parents.netherhall.org/parents/students/?admissionno=011161&page=homework'
    username = input('What is your username? ')
    password = input('What is your password? ')
    payload = {
        'username': username,
        'password': password
    with requests.Session() as session:
        post = session.post(Post_Login_URL, data=payload)
        r = session.get(Request_URL)


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<HTML dir=ltr><HEAD><TITLE>The page cannot be displayed</TITLE>
<STYLE id=L_defaultr_1>A:link {
    FONT: 8pt/11pt verdana; COLOR: #ff0000
A:visited {
    FONT: 8pt/11pt verdana; COLOR: #4e4e4e

<META content=NOINDEX name=ROBOTS>
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text-html; charset=UTF-8">

<META content="MSHTML 5.50.4522.1800" name=GENERATOR></HEAD>
<BODY bgColor=#ffffff>
<TABLE cellSpacing=5 cellPadding=3 width=410>
    <TD id=L_defaultr_0 valign=middle align=left width=360>
      <H1 id=L_defaultr_2 style="FONT: 13pt/15pt verdana; COLOR: #000000"><ID id=L_defaultr_3><!--Problem-->The page cannot be displayed
    <TD width=400 colSpan=2><FONT id=L_defaultr_4
      style="FONT: 8pt/11pt verdana; COLOR: #000000"><ID id=L_defaultr_5><B>Explanation: </B>There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed.</ID></FONT></TD></TR>
    <TD width=400 colSpan=2><FONT id=L_defaultr_6 
      style="FONT: 8pt/11pt verdana; COLOR: #000000">
      <HR color=#c0c0c0 noShade>

      <P id=L_defaultr_7><B>Try the following:</B></P>
        <LI id=L_defaultr_8><B>Refresh page:</B> Search for the page again by clicking the Refresh button. The timeout may have occurred due to Internet congestion.
<LI id=L_defaultr_9><B>Check spelling:</B> Check that you typed the Web page address correctly. The address may have been mistyped.
<LI id=L_defaultr_10><B>Access from a link:</B> If there is a link to the page you are looking for, try accessing the page from that link.

      <HR color=#c0c0c0 noShade>

      <P id=L_defaultr_11>Technical Information (for support personnel)</P>
        <LI id=L_defaultr_12>Error Code: 401 Unauthorized. The server requires authorization to fulfill the request. Access to the Web server is denied. Contact the server administrator. (12209)

python-3.x python-requests


要执行此操作,请打开浏览器,如果您使用的是Chrome,请按Cntrl + E,如果您使用的是Firefox,请按Cntrl + Shift + E.然后转到网络。现在登录网站,在左侧(或下方)将出现一行代表对parents.netherhall.org的请求。单击它并复制标题。


from requests import Session

# Create headers dict.
headers = {
    'header_name': 'header_value', # and so on

Post_Login_URL = 'http://parents.netherhall.org/'
Request_URL = 'https://parents.netherhall.org/parents/students/?admissionno=011161&page=homework'
username = input('What is your username? ')
password = input('What is your password? ')
payload = {
    'username': username,
    'password': password
with Session() as session:
    post = session.post(Post_Login_URL, headers=headers data=payload)
    print(r.text) # Page source.
    print('Logged in successfully:', r.ok)
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