我正在开发一个 kotlin 多平台应用程序。在此共享模块中,我想使用 numpy 包对某些 .pkl 文件进行操作。 我正在遵循提到的设置官方设置链接-Kotlin。 到目前为止我所做的是 项目设置.gradle.kts
rootProject.name = "Assignment"
pluginManagement {
repositories {
google {
mavenContent {
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
google {
mavenContent {
项目-> build.gradle.kts
plugins {
// this is necessary to avoid the plugins to be loaded multiple times
// in each subproject's classloader
alias(libs.plugins.androidApplication) apply false
alias(libs.plugins.androidLibrary) apply false
alias(libs.plugins.composeMultiplatform) apply false
alias(libs.plugins.composeCompiler) apply false
alias(libs.plugins.kotlinMultiplatform) apply false
id("com.chaquo.python") version "16.0.0" apply false
还有 共享-> build.gradle.kts
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.ExperimentalKotlinGradlePluginApi
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.JvmTarget
plugins {
kotlin {
androidTarget {
compilerOptions {
).forEach { iosTarget ->
iosTarget.binaries.framework {
baseName = "Shared"
isStatic = true
sourceSets {
androidMain.dependencies {
iosMain.dependencies {
commonMain.dependencies {
android {
namespace = "com.assignment.shared"
compileSdk = libs.versions.android.compileSdk.get().toInt()
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_11
targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_11
defaultConfig {
minSdk = libs.versions.android.minSdk.get().toInt()
ndk {
// On Apple silicon, you can omit x86_64.
abiFilters += listOf("arm64-v8a")
chaquopy {
defaultConfig {
buildPython ("/usr/local/bin/python3")
productFlavors { }
sourceSets { }
这些是配置文件。 我收到的第一个警告是
Warning: Failed to compile to .pyc format: [/usr/local/bin/python3] does not appear to be a valid Python command. See https://chaquo.com/chaquopy/doc/current/android.html#android-bytecode
我尝试通过终端访问 python3,它运行良好。
当我尝试在共享模块的类中导入 python 时,它不会被导入。 我该如何修复它并可以在我的 kmm 应用程序中访问 numpy 包?
编辑:如果有人想建议任何其他库或解决方法来对 KMM 项目中的 .pkl 文件进行操作。(iOS 和 Android)。 或者帮我将 python 脚本转换为 kotlin/multik 库。
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import pickle
def seg_stride(sig, dz, f_start, est_t):
"""! Estimate stride start and end for walking segment
@param sig Moving standard deviation of heel
@param dz Depth difference between heels
@param f_start Start frame of walking segment
@param est_t Estimated duration of one stride
@return fp_lr Estimated frames for stride [start, end]
cur_len = len(sig)
m_thres = np.mean(sig[sig < np.median(sig)]) # get the mean for values less than median
[idx] = np.where(np.diff((sig < m_thres) * 1) > 0) # the search start point for each stride, where the heel z goes below threshold
# Filter idx such that there is only one in each stride
# upward zero-crossings to nearest time step
[upcross] = np.where((dz[:-1] <= 0) & (dz[1:] > 0))
# downward zero-crossings
[downcross] = np.where((dz[:-1] >= 0) & (dz[1:] < 0))
if len(upcross) >= len(downcross):
cross = upcross
cross = downcross
cross = np.concatenate([[0], cross, [cur_len]])
filtered_idx = []
# Iterate through the intervals in downcross
for i in range(len(cross) - 1):
start = cross[i]
end = cross[i + 1]
# Find elements in idx that are in the interval (start, end)
elements_in_interval = idx[(idx >= start) & (idx < end)]
# If there is exactly one element, keep it; otherwise, keep the smallest element
if len(elements_in_interval) >= 1:
# Convert filtered_idx back to a numpy array
filtered_idx = np.array(filtered_idx)
num_fp = len(filtered_idx) # no. of strides
if num_fp > 1:
fp = np.zeros((num_fp))
# refine and record the corresponding frame
for k in range(num_fp):
cur_t = filtered_idx[k]
cur_sig = sig[cur_t : min(cur_len, cur_t + round(0.25 * est_t))] # search space for one stride, start point to 1/4 of estimated stride or end of vid
# locate the local minimum
s_idx = np.argmin(cur_sig)
t2 = min(cur_len, cur_t + s_idx)
t1 = max(0, cur_t - round(0.2 * est_t)) # what is this for?
t_idx = np.argmax(dz[t1 : t2 + 1]) # checking step to see if there is an earlier peak?
fp[k] = f_start + t1 + t_idx
# set fp_left: each row is [start frame, end frame] of a valid stride
fp_lr = np.zeros((num_fp - 1, 2), dtype=int)
for k in range(num_fp - 1):
fp_lr[k, 0] = int(fp[k])
fp_lr[k, 1] = int(fp[k + 1])
fp_lr = np.empty((0, 2), dtype=int)
return fp_lr
def dist2plane_new(points, ground_plane):
"""! Project 3D points to plane and compute shortest distance
@param points Input 3D points
@param ground_plane ground plane parameters (a,b,c,d)
@return projected_points Projected points on ground plane
@return distance Shortest distance between points and plane
a, b, c, d = ground_plane
projected_points = []
distance = []
for point in points:
s, u, v = point
t = (d - a * s - b * u - c * v) / (a * a + b * b + c * c)
# point closest to plane
x = s + a * t
y = u + b * t
z = v + c * t
dist = abs(a * s + b * u + c * z + d) / (np.sqrt(a * a + b * b + c * c))
projected_points.append([x, y, z])
return np.array(projected_points), np.array(distance)
def refine_stride_boundary(angle, foot_on, cur_t, c_margin, nb_frames):
# set local segment
t1 = max(0, cur_t - c_margin)
t2 = min(nb_frames - 1, cur_t + c_margin)
# refine the start of stride by finding the largest decrease in heel angle
idx = local_argmin_diff(angle, t1, t2)
t = t1 + idx
# further refine by ensuring foot is on ground at t
if t not in foot_on:
# if foot not on ground, adjust to next frame when foot is on ground
next_foot_on = foot_on[(foot_on - t)>0]
if len(next_foot_on)>0:
t = next_foot_on[0]
return t
def find_boundaries(fp, angle, angle_other, foot_on, est_t, nb_frames):
c_margin = round(est_t / 10)
t = []
# refine stride boundaries (foot on)
for k in range(len(fp)):
# refine start and end of stride
t_start = refine_stride_boundary(angle, foot_on, fp[k, 0], c_margin, nb_frames)
t_end = refine_stride_boundary(angle, foot_on, fp[k, 1], c_margin, nb_frames)
# find foot offs
if t_end >= t_start+4: # if next foot on is at least 4 frames ahead
# find foot off - min angle between start and end of stride
t_fo = t_start + local_argmin(angle, t_start, t_end)
# if current foot off is at least 2 frames ahead of start
if t_fo >= t_start+2:
# find other foot off
to_fo = t_start + local_argmin(angle_other, t_start, t_fo)
t.append([t_start, to_fo, t_fo, t_end])
return t
def combine_left_right(fp1, fp2):
# foot ons
t_strides = [t[0] for t in fp2] + [t[-1] for t in fp2]
t_strides = sorted(set(t_strides))
t_strides = np.array(t_strides)
refined_fp = []
for fp in fp1:
other_foot_on = t_strides[(t_strides>fp[1]) & (t_strides<fp[2])]
if len(other_foot_on) == 1:
refined_fp.append([fp[0], fp[1], other_foot_on[0], fp[2], fp[3]])
return np.array(refined_fp)
def params_est_lidar(pose_data, fp_walk_list, ground_plane):
"""! Estimate gait parameters based on 3D pose data by identifying corresponding timestamps
@param pose_data 3D pose data (28 key points) for
('L_HEAD' 'R_HEAD' 'SGL' 'CV7' 'TV10'
'L_TAM' 'R_TAM' 'L_FCC' 'R_FCC' 'L_FM2' 'R_FM2' 'L_FM5' 'R_FM5')
@param fps Video frame rate
@param fp_walk_list List of walking segments [[start1, end1, start2, end2], [s1,e1,s2,e2],...]
@param ground_plane ground plane parameters (a,b,c,d)
@return t_left Corresponding consecutive timestamps for left cycle
@return t_right Corresponding consecutive timestamps for right cycle
@return estimated stride lengths: stride_left, stride_right
@return gait parameters output
# set 3D points
left_heel = pose_data[:, 22, :] # L_FCC
right_heel = pose_data[:, 23, :] # R_FCC
left_toe = pose_data[:, 24, :] # L_FM2 (idx: 25)
right_toe = pose_data[:, 25, :] # R_FM2 (idx: 26)
# get number of frames
nb_frames = pose_data.shape[0]
# finding boundaries of each stride
# depth difference
dz = right_heel[:, 2] - left_heel[:, 2]
# upward zero-crossings to nearest time step
[upcross] = np.where((dz[:-1] <= 0) & (dz[1:] > 0))
# downward zero-crossings
[downcross] = np.where((dz[:-1] >= 0) & (dz[1:] < 0))
# estimate the duration of one stride
diff_up = np.diff(upcross).tolist()
diff_down = np.diff(downcross).tolist()
est_t = np.median(diff_up + diff_down)
print('The estimated duration of one stride is %d frames' % est_t)
# use the 2D-based phase segmentation results to set walking segments (change on 02/07/2023)
# take input list and run in loop for walk-turn-walk (22/01/2024)
fp_left = []
fp_right = []
print("number of complete round of walk-forward, walk-backward: ", len(fp_walk_list))
for fp_walk in fp_walk_list:
f_start1 = fp_walk[0]
f_end1 = fp_walk[1]
f_start2 = fp_walk[2]
f_end2 = fp_walk[3]
# for 1st walking segment (walk towards camera)
# for left foot
sig1 = left_heel[f_start1 : f_end1 + 1, 2] # relative-depth (05/Oct/2023)
dz1 = dz[f_start1 : f_end1 + 1]
fp1_left = seg_stride(sig1, dz1, f_start1, est_t)
# for right foot
sig2 = right_heel[f_start1 : f_end1 + 1, 2] # relative-depth (05/Oct/2023)
dz2 = -dz1
fp1_right = seg_stride(sig2, dz2, f_start1, est_t)
# for 2nd walking segment (walk away from camera)
# for left foot
sig1 = -left_heel[f_start2 : f_end2 + 1, 2] # add negative
dz1 = -dz[f_start2 : f_end2 + 1]
fp2_left = seg_stride(sig1, dz1, f_start2, est_t)
# for right foot
sig2 = -right_heel[f_start2 : f_end2 + 1, 2] # relative-depth (05/Oct/2023)
dz2 = -dz1
fp2_right = seg_stride(sig2, dz2, f_start2, est_t)
#print('Finished for loop')
fp_left = np.vstack(fp_left)
fp_right = np.vstack(fp_right)
# Further processing to identify single support, double support, and refine stride boundaries
#print('Starting Step3')
# Step 3: Calculate distance to plane and angles between foot and floor
# angle between left foot and floor plane
[pp1, dz1] = dist2plane_new(left_heel, ground_plane)
[pp2, dz2] = dist2plane_new(left_toe, ground_plane)
perpendicular = dz2 - dz1 # height difference between left heel and toe relative to ground plane
base = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(pp2 - pp1, 2), 1)) # distance between left heel and left toe
left_angle = np.arctan2(perpendicular, base)
left_angle = left_angle * 180 / np.pi # convert to degree
# angle between right foot and floor plane
[pp1, dz1] = dist2plane_new(right_heel, ground_plane)
[pp2, dz2] = dist2plane_new(right_toe, ground_plane)
perpendicular = dz2 - dz1
base = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(pp2 - pp1, 2), 1))
right_angle = np.arctan2(perpendicular, base)
right_angle = right_angle * 180 / np.pi # convert to degree
# distance between ankles and floor
[ppl, dzl] = dist2plane_new(left_heel, ground_plane)
[ppr, dzr] = dist2plane_new(right_heel, ground_plane)
# compute when each foot is on ground
left_foot_on = np.where(dzl < dzr)[0]
right_foot_on = np.where(dzr < dzl)[0]
#print('Starting Step4')
# Step 4: refine boundaries of each stride and further divide into
# double support (DS1), single support, and double support (DS2)
# refine stride boundaries (foot on) and find foot offs
t_left = find_boundaries(fp_left, left_angle, right_angle, left_foot_on, est_t, nb_frames)
t_right = find_boundaries(fp_right, right_angle, left_angle, right_foot_on, est_t, nb_frames)
# combine left and right times
t_left = combine_left_right(t_left, t_right)
t_right = combine_left_right(t_right, t_left)
return t_left, t_right # , stride_left, stride_right, output
def local_argmin(sig, start, end):
"""! Find local minimum index
@param sig Signal
@return Local minimum index
if end <= start:
idx = 0
idx = np.argmin(sig[start : end + 1])
return idx
def local_argmin_diff(sig, start, end):
"""! Find local minimum index of difference
@param sig Signal
@return Local minimum index
if end <= start:
idx = 0
idx = np.argmin(np.diff(sig[start : end + 1]))
return idx
with open('input_output/in3.pkl','rb') as file:
data = pickle.load(file)
pose_data_3d_norm = data['pose_data_3d_norm']
fp_walk = data['fp_walk']
ground_plane = data['ground_plane']
[t_left, t_right] = params_est_lidar(pose_data_3d_norm, fp_walk, ground_plane)
可以在 Kotlin 多平台项目中使用 Chaquopy,但由于 Chaquopy 仅支持 Android,因此必须以 Android 特定的方式进行配置,并且只能在应用程序的 Android 版本中使用。
处的 Python 可执行文件,但不存在这样的路径。尝试删除 buildPython
行并让 Chaquopy 自动查找 Python。如果这不起作用,请将其设置为有效路径。