我有一个 Excel 图表。其中一个系列具有 X 和 Y 误差线,从工作表范围定义。
我想通过 VBA 获取这些范围(而不是设置它们)。这可能吗?
Jon Peltier 在他的博客上有一篇关于误差线的文章这里
使用Excel添加误差线的命令是:{Series}.ErrorBar 方向:={xlX 或 xlY},包含:=xlBoth,类型:=xlCustom,_ 金额:={正值},减值:={负值} 值可以是单个数值,例如 1,以逗号分隔 大括号中的数值数组,例如 {1,2,3,4},或 R1C1 表示法中的范围地址。对于 Sheet1!$G$2:$G$10 中的值,输入 地址为 Sheet1!R2C7:R10C7。将加号和减号合并起来 相同的命令。在 Excel 2007 中,如果您不想显示特定的 错误栏,您必须在此命令中输入零值。 2003年, 您可以输入空字符串“”。在 Excel 2003 中,范围地址必须 以等号开头,=Sheet1!R2C7:R10C7; Excel 2007 接受 带或不带等号的地址。单个值或数组可以 在任一版本的 Excel 中输入时都可以带或不带等号。
在 Ozgrid 上的一篇文章中,Jon Peltier 说
自定义误差线值的范围不会暴露给 VBA
我知道我迟到了 8 年……但我在网上搜索同一问题的答案时偶然发现了这一点。我也一无所获,所以我决定设计自己的解决方案,并认为我也可以将其发布,以防其他人最终来到这里。
它的工作原理是将工作簿 XML 提取到临时文件夹,在 XML 中找到错误栏引用,并将其作为 Range 对象返回。因此,您必须先保存对工作簿的更改,然后该功能才能发挥作用。如果更改误差条范围而不保存,该函数仍将返回最近保存的旧范围。它也不适用于 Excel 2003 或更早版本 (.xls) 的文件。
GetErrorBarRange(MySeries.ErrorBars, enErrorBarPlus)
获取正误差条的源范围,或 GetErrorBarRange(MySeries.ErrorBars, enErrorBarMinus)
获取负误差条的源范围(其中 MySeries.ErrorBars
是一些 ErrorBars
对象)。传递可选的第三个参数 AutoSave:=True
' Created by Ryan T. Miller in 2022
' You may use this code in your own work however you wish. It'd be real swell of you
' to leave this credit in if you do, but I'm not gonna force you to.
Option Explicit
Option Private Module
Public Enum EnErrorBarPlusMinus
End Enum
Private moFSO As Object
' Get error bar source range from ErrorBars object
Public Function GetErrorBarRange(oErrorBars As ErrorBars, _
PlusMinus As EnErrorBarPlusMinus, _
Optional AutoSave As Boolean) As Range
Dim oFile As Object
Dim strTempDir As String
Dim strSubfolder As String
Dim oSeries As Series
Dim oChart As Chart
Dim oSheet As Object
Dim oWb As Workbook
Dim strPrefix As String
Dim strSeriesName As String
Dim strChartName As String
Dim strSheetName As String
Dim strXMLFile As String
Dim strXPath As String
Dim strCurrentSheet As String
Dim strRelId As String
Dim strDrawingXml As String
Dim strChartXml As String
Dim strErrValType As String
Dim strErrBarType As String
Dim strErrBarFormula As String
Dim rngResult As Range
On Error GoTo CleanUp
If Not (PlusMinus = enErrorBarMinus _
Or PlusMinus = enErrorBarPlus) Then Exit Function
Set moFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Application.Cursor = xlWait
' Set Series, Chart, Sheet, and Workbook objects
Set oSeries = oErrorBars.Parent
Set oChart = oSeries.Parent.Parent
If TypeOf oChart.Parent Is ChartObject Then
' Chart is on a worksheet
Set oSheet = oChart.Parent.Parent
strPrefix = "work"
' Chart is on its own chart sheet
Set oSheet = oChart
strPrefix = "chart"
End If
Set oWb = oSheet.Parent
If AutoSave Then oWb.Save
' Name of the series, chart & its parent sheet
strSeriesName = oSeries.Name
strChartName = oChart.Parent.Name
strSheetName = oSheet.CodeName
strTempDir = ExtractWorkbookXMLToTemp(oWb)
' Loop over worksheet/chartsheet XML files & find the one where /worksheet/sheetPr/@codeName=strSheetName
' Then get strRelId from /worksheet/drawing/@r:id
' This is the ID which specifies which relationship links the sheet to the drawings.
strSubfolder = moFSO.BuildPath(strTempDir, "xl\" & strPrefix & "sheets")
strXPath = "/x:" & strPrefix & "sheet/x:sheetPr/@codeName"
For Each oFile In moFSO.GetFolder(strSubfolder).Files
strXMLFile = moFSO.BuildPath(strSubfolder, oFile.Name)
strCurrentSheet = GetXPathFromXMLFile(strXMLFile, strXPath)
If strSheetName = strCurrentSheet Then Exit For
Next oFile
strXPath = "/x:" & strPrefix & "sheet/x:drawing/@r:id"
strRelId = GetXPathFromXMLFile(strXMLFile, strXPath)
' Open the _rels XML associated with the correct sheet.
' Then get strDrawingXml from /Relationships/Relationship[@Id='strRelId']/@Target
' This is the name of the drawing XML.
strSubfolder = strSubfolder & "\_rels"
strXMLFile = moFSO.BuildPath(strSubfolder, moFSO.GetFileName(strXMLFile)) & ".rels"
strXPath = "/rel:Relationships/rel:Relationship[@Id='" & strRelId & "']/@Target"
strDrawingXml = GetXPathFromXMLFile(strXMLFile, strXPath)
strDrawingXml = Replace$(Replace$(strDrawingXml, "../", "/"), "/", "\")
' Open the correct drawing XML file (strDrawingXml)
' Then get strRelId from xdr:wsDr//xdr:graphicFrame[xdr:nvGraphicFramePr/xdr:cNvPr/@name='strChartName']/a:graphic/a:graphicData/c:chart/@r:id
' Or, if oSheet is a ChartSheet, there will only be 1 chart, so just get xdr:wsDr//xdr:graphicFrame/a:graphicData/a:graphic/c:chart/@r:id
' This is the ID which specifies which relationship links the drawing to the chart.
strXMLFile = moFSO.BuildPath(strTempDir, "xl" & strDrawingXml)
strXPath = "xdr:wsDr//xdr:graphicFrame" & _
IIf(TypeOf oChart.Parent Is ChartObject, "[xdr:nvGraphicFramePr/xdr:cNvPr/@name='" & strChartName & "']", vbNullString) & _
strRelId = GetXPathFromXMLFile(strXMLFile, strXPath)
' Open the _rels associated with the correct drawing XML.
' Then get strChartXml = /Relationships/Relationship[@Id='strRelId']/@Target
' This is the name of the chart XML.
strSubfolder = moFSO.GetParentFolderName(strXMLFile) & "\_rels"
strXMLFile = moFSO.BuildPath(strSubfolder, moFSO.GetFileName(strXMLFile)) & ".rels"
strXPath = "/rel:Relationships/rel:Relationship[@Id='" & strRelId & "']/@Target"
strChartXml = GetXPathFromXMLFile(strXMLFile, strXPath)
strChartXml = Replace$(Replace$(strChartXml, "../", "/"), "/", "\")
' Open the correct chart XML file (strChartXml)
strXMLFile = moFSO.BuildPath(strTempDir, "xl" & strChartXml)
' Get error bar value type. If the error bar is set to a Range then this must be 'cust'.
strXPath = "/c:chartSpace/c:chart//c:ser[c:tx//c:v[text()='" & strSeriesName & "']]/c:errBars/c:errValType/@val"
strErrValType = GetXPathFromXMLFile(strXMLFile, strXPath)
' Get error bar type. This can be "minus", "plus", or "both" depending on which error bar(s) exist(s).
strXPath = "/c:chartSpace/c:chart//c:ser[c:tx//c:v[text()='" & strSeriesName & "']]/c:errBars/c:errBarType/@val"
strErrBarType = GetXPathFromXMLFile(strXMLFile, strXPath)
' Get the Range address for either the "minus" or "plus" error bar and set it to the final result.
If strErrValType = "cust" Then
strXPath = "/c:chartSpace/c:chart//c:ser[c:tx//c:v[text()='" & strSeriesName & "']]/c:errBars"
If PlusMinus = enErrorBarMinus And (strErrBarType = "both" Or strErrBarType = "minus") Then
strXPath = strXPath & "/c:minus/c:numRef/c:f"
ElseIf PlusMinus = enErrorBarPlus And (strErrBarType = "both" Or strErrBarType = "plus") Then
strXPath = strXPath & "/c:plus/c:numRef/c:f"
strErrBarFormula = GetXPathFromXMLFile(strXMLFile, strXPath)
strErrBarFormula = "'[" & oWb.Name & "]" & Replace$(strErrBarFormula, "!", "'!")
Set rngResult = Application.Range(strErrBarFormula)
End If
Set GetErrorBarRange = rngResult
' Delete the temporary extracted XML data
With moFSO
If .FolderExists(strTempDir) Then .DeleteFolder strTempDir
End With
Set moFSO = Nothing
' Free the cursor
Application.Cursor = xlDefault
End Function
' Get the value of an XML node by an XPath search string
Private Function GetXPathFromXMLFile(ByVal strXMLFile As String, ByVal strXPath As String) As String
Dim objXMLDoc As Object
Dim strNS As String
Dim objXMLNode As Object
' Load the XML file
Set objXMLDoc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.6.0")
objXMLDoc.Load strXMLFile
' These are all the XML namespaces related to the current task
strNS = Join$(Array( _
"xmlns:x=""http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main""", _
"xmlns:r=""http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships""", _
"xmlns:mc=""http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006""", _
"xmlns:x14ac=""http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/spreadsheetml/2009/9/ac""", _
"xmlns:xr=""http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/spreadsheetml/2014/revision""", _
"xmlns:xr2=""http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/spreadsheetml/2015/revision2""", _
"xmlns:xr3=""http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/spreadsheetml/2016/revision3""", _
"xmlns:rel=""http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships""", _
"xmlns:xdr=""http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/spreadsheetDrawing""", _
"xmlns:a=""http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main""", _
"xmlns:c=""http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/chart""", _
"xmlns:c16r2=""http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/drawing/2015/06/chart""" _
objXMLDoc.SetProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
objXMLDoc.SetProperty "SelectionNamespaces", strNS
objXMLDoc.resolveExternals = True
' Select the XML node and return its text value
Set objXMLNode = objXMLDoc.SelectSingleNode(strXPath)
If Not objXMLNode Is Nothing Then
GetXPathFromXMLFile = objXMLNode.Text
End If
End Function
' If workbook path is a OneDrive URL or a network share URL then resolve it to a local path with a drive letter
Private Function LocalFilePath(ByVal strFilePath As String)
strFilePath = OneDriveLocalFilePath(strFilePath)
strFilePath = NetworkLocalFilePath(strFilePath)
LocalFilePath = strFilePath
End Function
' If workbook path is a OneDrive URL then resolve it to a local path with a drive letter
Private Function OneDriveLocalFilePath(ByVal strFilePath As String) As String
Dim strOneDrivePath As String
Dim strLocalPath As String
If strFilePath Like "*my.sharepoint.com*" Then
strOneDrivePath = Environ$("OneDriveCommercial")
If strOneDrivePath = vbNullString Then strOneDrivePath = Environ$("OneDrive")
strLocalPath = strOneDrivePath & "/" & Split(strFilePath, "/", 7)(6)
OneDriveLocalFilePath = Replace$(strLocalPath, "/", "\")
ElseIf strFilePath Like "*d.docs.live.net*" Then
strOneDrivePath = Environ$("OneDriveConsumer")
If strOneDrivePath = vbNullString Then strOneDrivePath = Environ$("OneDrive")
strLocalPath = strOneDrivePath & "/" & Split(strFilePath, "/", 5)(4)
OneDriveLocalFilePath = Replace$(strLocalPath, "/", "\")
OneDriveLocalFilePath = strFilePath
End If
End Function
' If workbook path is a network share URL then resolve it to a local path with a drive letter
Private Function NetworkLocalFilePath(ByVal strFilename As String) As String
On Error Resume Next
Dim ShellScript As Object
Dim i As Long
Dim strDriveLetter As String * 1
Dim strRemotePath As String
Set ShellScript = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
For i = 97 To 122 ' a to z
strDriveLetter = Chr$(i)
strRemotePath = ShellScript.RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Network\" & strDriveLetter & "\RemotePath")
If Err.Number = 0 Then
If strFilename Like strRemotePath & "*" Then
NetworkLocalFilePath = Replace$(strFilename, strRemotePath, UCase$(strDriveLetter) & ":", Count:=1)
Exit Function
End If
End If
Next i
NetworkLocalFilePath = strFilename
End Function
' Extract workbook XML to temporary directory
Private Function ExtractWorkbookXMLToTemp(oWb As Workbook) As String
Dim strTempDir As String
Dim strExt As String
Dim strTempWb As String
Dim strWbLocal As String
Dim strZipFile As String
On Error GoTo CleanUp
' Create a temporary copy of the workbook
With moFSO
strTempDir = .BuildPath(Environ$("TEMP"), _
Replace$(.GetTempName, ".tmp", vbNullString))
strExt = .GetExtensionName(oWb.Name)
strTempWb = strTempDir & "." & strExt
strWbLocal = LocalFilePath(oWb.FullName)
.CopyFile strWbLocal, strTempWb
End With
' Rename the temporary copy from .xls_ to .zip
strZipFile = strTempDir & ".zip"
Name strTempWb As strZipFile
' Unzip the .zip file to a temporary folder
MkDir strTempDir
UnzipFiles strZipFile, strTempDir
' Return the name of the temporary directory
ExtractWorkbookXMLToTemp = strTempDir
' Delete the temporary ZIP file
With moFSO
If .FileExists(strZipFile) Then .DeleteFile strZipFile
End With
End Function
' Unzip all the files in 'varZipFile' into the folder 'varDestDir'
Private Sub UnzipFiles(ByVal varZipFile As Variant, ByVal varDestDir As Variant)
Dim oShellApp As Object
Const NO_PROGRESS_DIALOG As Integer = &H4
Set oShellApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
If Not varDestDir Like "*\" Then varDestDir = varDestDir & "\"
With oShellApp
.Namespace(varDestDir).CopyHere .Namespace(varZipFile).Items, NO_PROGRESS_DIALOG
End With
On Error Resume Next
With oShellApp
Do Until .Namespace(varZipFile).Items.Count = .Namespace(varDestDir).Items.Count
Application.Wait Date + (VBA.Timer + 1!) / 86400
End With
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
使用方法:只需将下面的代码复制到标准模块中,然后调用 GetErrorBarRange(MySeries.ErrorBars, enErrorBarPlus) 获取正误差条的源范围,或调用 GetErrorBarRange(MySeries.ErrorBars, enErrorBarMinus) 获取负误差条的源范围错误栏(其中 MySeries.ErrorBars 是某个 ErrorBars 对象)。传递可选的第三个参数 AutoSave:=True 将在查找错误栏源范围之前自动保存包含的工作簿。
并且它工作正常(至少在 Windows 上),感谢您提供它! 它肯定会简化我的代码之一,我会将您的名字附加到该函数中。
不兼容。 strChartName = oChart.Parent.Name
将以英语显示,但将以文件中的 Excel 语言设置编写。例如,对于法语 Excel,我在后面添加了 strChartName = Replace(strChartName, "Chart", "Graphique")
如果你在系列名称中包含“é”字符(例如“séries 1”法语自动名称...),它将无法找到
在图表中不是作为 RANGE 输入,而是作为 ARRAY 输入,则 xml
结构不一样,需要调整代码。下面是我的解决方案,适用于范围和数组,并返回与 ErrorBars
' Get the tab_points for either the "minus" or "plus" error bar and set it to the final result.
If strErrValType = "cust" Then
strXPath = "/c:chartSpace/c:chart//c:ser[c:tx//c:v[text()='" & strSeriesName & "']]/c:errBars"
If PlusMinus = enErrorBarMinus And (strErrBarType = "both" Or strErrBarType = "minus") Then
strXPath = strXPath & "/c:minus"
ElseIf PlusMinus = enErrorBarPlus And (strErrBarType = "both" Or strErrBarType = "plus") Then
strXPath = strXPath & "/c:plus"
End If
'=== add from A. Derycke
' handle the case of custom as a range or as an array
If GetXPathFromXMLFile(strXMLFile, strXPath & "/c:numRef/c:f") <> "" Then 'range
strXPath = strXPath & "/c:numRef/c:numCache"
strXPath_bis = strXPath & "/c:ptCount/@val"
Else 'array
strXPath = strXPath & "/c:numLit"
strXPath_bis = strXPath & "/c:ptCount/@val"
End If
' retriver the number of point
strNbPoint = GetXPathFromXMLFile(strXMLFile, strXPath_bis)
' boucle over every point and store them as string table
ReDim tab_point(0 To Int(strNbPoint) - 1)
'boucle over all points to get their values as string
For i = 0 To Int(strNbPoint) - 1
strXPath_tempo = strXPath & "/c:pt[@idx='" & i & "']/c:v"
tab_point(i) = GetXPathFromXMLFile(strXMLFile, strXPath_tempo)
Next i
End If
GetErrorBarRange = tab_point
, strXPath_tempo
, strXPath_bis
, i