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<b><font size=6>
  Kitco Inc.

  Text Only Market Page</font></b>

    <a href="http://www.kitco.com/market/">Graphic version of this page</a>

    <a href="http://www.kitco.com/market/LFrate.html">Precious Metals Lease Rates</a>  
    <a href="http://www.kitco.com/gold.londonfix.html">Historical Price Data</a>  
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   Live quotes for all bullion products.</b></font>

   London Fix          GOLD          SILVER       PLATINUM           PALLADIUM
                   AM       PM                  AM       PM         AM       PM
   Jun 19,2012   1628.50   1625.50   28.8100   1486.00   1486.00   629.00   634.00  
   Jun 18,2012   1623.50   1615.50   28.4300   1486.00   1484.00   626.00   628.00  

                  New York Spot Price
                MARKET IS OPEN
            Will close in 4 hour 25 minutes
   Metals          Bid        Ask           Change        Low       High 
   Gold         1619.80     1620.80     -8.90  -0.55%    1616.60  1632.70 
   Silver         28.46       28.56     -0.28  -0.97%      28.24    28.95 
   Platinum     1479.00     1489.00      0.00   0.00%    1476.00  1500.00 
   Palladium     627.00      632.00      0.00   0.00%     622.00   639.00 
   Last Update on Jun 19, 2012 at 12:50.59

                Asia / Europe Spot Price
                MARKET IS OPEN
            Will close in 4 hours 25 minutes
   Metals                      Bid          Ask      Change from NY close
   Gold                      1619.80      1620.80     -8.90   -0.55%
   Silver                      28.46        28.56     -0.28   -0.97%
   Platinum                  1479.00      1489.00     +0.00   +0.00%
   Palladium                  627.00       632.00     +0.00   +0.00%
   Last Update on Jun 19, 2012 at 12:50.59

<b>   File created on Tue Jun 19 12:51:04 2012</b>

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London Fix          GOLD          SILVER       PLATINUM           PALLADIUM
               AM       PM                  AM       PM         AM       PM
Jun 19,2012   1628.50   NA        28.8100   1486.00   1486.00   629.00   634.00  
Jun 18,2012   1623.50   1615.50   28.4300   1486.00   1484.00   626.00   628.00  


php web-scraping


$data = file_get_contents('http://www.kitco.com/texten/texten.html');

$records = array();
foreach($result[1] as $date) {
    $temp = preg_split('/\s+/',$date);
    $index = array_shift($temp);
    $index.= array_shift($temp);
    $records[$index] = implode(',',$temp);


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