我需要获取每个进程线程的 CPU %。
import psutil
from psutil import Process
p = psutil.Process(4499)
treads_list = p.get_threads()
for i in treads_list:
o = i[0]
th = psutil.Process(o)
cpu_perc = th.get_cpu_percent(interval=1)
print('PID %s use %% CPU = %s' % (o, cpu_perc))
此过程的 TOP 如下所示:
4942 teamcity 20 0 3288m 831m 3124 R 33.3 10.6 10303:37 java
32700 teamcity 20 0 3288m 831m 3124 S 5.9 10.6 18:49.99 java
5824 teamcity 20 0 3288m 831m 3124 S 5.9 10.6 1:57.90 java
4621 teamcity 20 0 3288m 831m 3124 S 3.0 10.6 1834:09 java
4622 teamcity 20 0 3288m 831m 3124 S 2.6 10.6 1844:15 java
线程使用 2.6-5.9% CPU,父 PID - 使用 33.3。
但是 - 这是脚本的结果:
# ./psutil_threads.py
PID 10231 use % CPU = 60.9
PID 10681 use % CPU = 75.3
PID 11371 use % CPU = 69.9
PID 11860 use % CPU = 85.9
PID 12977 use % CPU = 56.0
PID 14114 use % CPU = 88.8
看起来每个线程“吃掉”56-88% CPU...
import psutil
def get_threads_cpu_percent(p, interval=0.1):
total_percent = p.cpu_percent(interval)
total_time = sum(p.cpu_times())
return [total_percent * ((t.system_time + t.user_time)/total_time) for t in p.threads()]
# Example usage for process with process id 8008:
proc = psutil.Process(8008)
返回一个浮点数,表示进程 CPU 利用率的百分比。
当时间间隔 > 0.0 时 将进程时间与系统 CPU 时间进行比较 时间间隔前后经过的时间(阻塞)。
当间隔为 0.0 或 None 时 将进程时间与上次调用以来经过的系统 CPU 时间进行比较,立即返回。在这种情况下,为了准确性,建议在调用之间至少间隔 0.1 秒调用此函数。
non-idle 所花费的 CPU 时间(即:每个系统 CPU 时间的进程 CPU 时间量),而顶部显示了与“真实”时间相关的过程。考虑到你的数字,这似乎很现实。
要获得 top 所示的值,只需将每个线程的 CPU 使用率乘以该线程运行的核心的 CPU 使用率就可以了。 psutil.cpu_percent
虽然 Gabe 的答案很好,但请注意,较新的 psutil 版本需要以下更新的语法:
import psutil
def get_threads_cpu_percent(p, interval=0.1):
total_percent = p.cpu_percent(interval)
total_time = sum(p.cpu_times())
return [total_percent * ((t.system_time + t.user_time)/total_time) for t in p.threads()]
# Example usage for process with process id 8008:
proc = psutil.Process(8008)
我对 Florent Thiery 和 Gabe 解决方案进行了改进,创建了一个小脚本,可用于监视任何进程的 CPU 使用情况(按线程)。
python cpuusage.py
import psutil, sys, time, os def clear(): if os.name == "nt": _ = os.system("cls") else: _ = os.system("clear") def get_threads_cpu_percent(p, interval=0.1): total_percent = p.cpu_percent(interval) total_time = sum(p.cpu_times()) return [('%s %s %s' % (total_percent * ((t.system_time + t.user_time)/total_time), t.id, psutil.Process(t.id).name())) for t in p.threads()] try: sys.argv[1] except: sys.exit('Enter PID') proc = psutil.Process(int(sys.argv[1])) while True: clear() threads = get_threads_cpu_percent(proc) threads.sort(reverse=True) for line in threads: print(line) time.sleep(1)
的方式显示的 CPU 使用情况,您必须运行一个循环来执行以下操作...
下有线程 b
# Log the initial total time of process P:
proc = psutil.Process(<your pid>)
initial_total_time = sum(proc.cpu_times())
# log the initial time of each thread
initial_thread_times = {'a': {'system': None, 'user': None}}
for thread in proc.threads():
initial_thread_times[psutil.Process(thread.id).name()]['system'] = thread.system_time
initial_thread_times[psutil.Process(thread.id).name()]['user'] = thread.user_time
# Determine total percent cpu usage over an interval
`total_cpu_percent = proc.cpu_percent(interval = 0.1)`
# grab the new total amount of time the process has used the cpu
`final_total_time = sum(proc.cpu_times())`
# grab the new system and user times for each thread
final_thread_times = {'a': {'system': None, 'user': None}}
for thread in proc.threads():
final_thread_times[psutil.Process(thread.id).name()]['system'] = thread.system_time
final_thread_times[psutil.Process(thread.id).name()]['user'] = thread.user_time
# calculate how much cpu each thread used by...
total_time_thread_a_used_cpu_over_time_interval = ((final_thread_times['a']['system']-initial_thread_times['a']['system']) + (final_thread_times['a']['user']-initial_thread_times['a']['user']))
total_time_process_used_cpu_over_interval = final_total_time - initial_total_time
percent_of_cpu_usage_utilized_by_thread_a = total_cpu_percent*(total_time_thread_a_used_cpu_over_time_interval/total_time_process_used_cpu_over_interval)
And if you iterate over this process you can dynamically report and calculate this like top