
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


data <- data.frame(location = rep(c("A", "B", "C", "D"), each = 8),
                   species = rep(c("S1", "S2", "S3", "S4"), times = 8),
                   trt =  rep(c("t1", "t2", "t3", "t4"), times = 4), 
                   block = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2),
                   height = rnorm(32) + 10)

data <- data[!(data$location == "A" & data$species == "S4"), ]
data <- data[!(data$location == "B" & data$species == "S4"), ]



mod <- lmer(height ~ species * trt + (1|location/block), 
            data = data, REML = FALSE)

我的问题是,在几个位置(位置 A 和 B 处的物种 S4)缺少一个物种,这是一个有效的模型,还是我通过不平衡的实验设计向模型系数引入了偏差?我对研究“位置”和“街区”之间的差异不感兴趣,但我有兴趣研究处理类型和物种之间的差异。 忽略运行此特定模型时出现的警告,因为当我在真实数据上运行它时,它们不会出现。


r experimental-design




  • 案例0:一切都按计划进行
  • 案例1:数据丢失。现场技术人员戴夫(Dave)留下的笔记无人看管,其中一些笔记随风飘扬。我们不知道某个物种在某个地点的高度是多少。
  • 案例2:植物未能发芽。无论出于何种原因,其中两个地点的其中一个物种未能发芽。可能不是侥幸,所以我们将
  • 案例三:树苗失踪。可能是一只鹿穿过栅栏吃掉了它们,但我们不知道。最好完全删除受影响的物种,因为我们不能将部分缺失归因于任何事情。

以下是四种场景的模拟和结果。 从摘要中可以看出,除了 S4 之外,估计值是相同的。与案例 0 相比,案例 1 的估计值更高,因为缺失的数据位于会产生较短幼苗的位置/块中。在案例 2 中,它显然要低得多,因为我们将失败的发芽编码为零。在情况 3 中,没有 S4。 其他物种和处理估计不受影响,而 S4 相互作用受到影响。 S4 的标准误差受到影响,在情况 1 中是因为数量减少,在情况 2 中是因为方差增加。 你应该做什么主要取决于你觉得你可以证明什么

data0 <- expand.grid(
  block=c("1", "2"),
  location=c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
  species=c("S1", "S2", "S3", "S4"),
  trt=c("t1", "t2", "t3", "t4"),

data0$height <- with(lapply(data0, as.numeric), {
      10 + 
      0.5*block +
      0.5*location + 
      0.5*species + 
      0.5*trt + 
      0.5*species*trt +
      0.5*block*location +
      rnorm(nrow(data0), 0, 2)

# Sanity check with a regular linear model.
# Estimates for the fixed effects should be the same as with lmer
summary(lmmod <- lm(height ~ location/block + species*trt, data=data0))
# Coefficients:
#                  Estimate Std. Error t value  Pr(>|t|)    
# ...snip
# speciesS2         0.89170    0.55406  1.6094 0.1084032    
# speciesS3         2.37137    0.55406  4.2800 2.397e-05 ***
# speciesS4         2.99510    0.55406  5.4058 1.175e-07 ***
# trtt2             1.63266    0.55406  2.9467 0.0034201 ** 
# trtt3             2.45394    0.55406  4.4290 1.256e-05 ***
# trtt4             2.39836    0.55406  4.3287 1.945e-05 ***
# speciesS2:trtt2   0.75106    0.78355  0.9585 0.3384389    
# speciesS3:trtt2   1.20322    0.78355  1.5356 0.1255136    
# ...snip

data3 <- data2 <- data1 <- data0

# Height data for S4 at loc A and B randomly missing 
# (a gust of wind took the notes)
data1 <- data1[!(data1$location == "A" & data1$species == "S4"), ]
data1 <- data1[!(data1$location == "B" & data1$species == "S4"), ]

# S4 at loc A and B failed to sprout, height recorded as 0
data2[(data2$location == "A" & data2$species == "S4"), "height"] <- 0
data2[(data2$location == "B" & data2$species == "S4"), "height"] <- 0

# Height data for S4 at loc A and B missing for unknown reasons
# (maybe a deer came over the fence and ate the seedlings?)
# Removing S4 altogether, just in case
data3 <- data3[data3$species != "S4", ]

mod0 <- lmer(height ~ species * trt + (1|location/block), data=data0, REML=FALSE)
mod1 <- lmer(height ~ species * trt + (1|location/block), data=data1, REML=FALSE)
mod2 <- lmer(height ~ species * trt + (1|location/block), data=data2, REML=FALSE)
mod3 <- lmer(height ~ species * trt + (1|location/block), data=data3, REML=FALSE)

summary(mod0, correlation=FALSE)
# ...snip
# Random effects:
#  Groups         Name        Variance Std.Dev.
#  block:location (Intercept) 1.7237   1.3129  
#  location       (Intercept) 1.0285   1.0142  
#  Residual                   3.5368   1.8806  
# Number of obs: 384, groups:  block:location, 8; location, 4
# Fixed effects:
#                  Estimate Std. Error        df t value  Pr(>|t|)    
# (Intercept)      15.08784    0.78738   6.61706 19.1622 4.806e-07 ***
# speciesS2         0.89170    0.54289 376.00001  1.6425  0.101323    
# speciesS3         2.37137    0.54289 376.00001  4.3680 1.623e-05 ***
# speciesS4         2.99510    0.54289 376.00001  5.5169 6.432e-08 ***
# trtt2             1.63266    0.54289 376.00001  3.0073  0.002813 ** 
# trtt3             2.45394    0.54289 376.00001  4.5201 8.292e-06 ***
# trtt4             2.39836    0.54289 376.00001  4.4177 1.306e-05 ***
# speciesS2:trtt2   0.75106    0.76777 376.00001  0.9782  0.328586    
# speciesS3:trtt2   1.20322    0.76777 376.00001  1.5672  0.117915    
# ...snip

summary(mod1, correlation=FALSE)
# ...snip
# Random effects:
#  Groups         Name        Variance Std.Dev.
#  block:location (Intercept) 1.87953  1.3710  
#  location       (Intercept) 0.61183  0.7822  
#  Residual                   3.56989  1.8894  
# Number of obs: 336, groups:  block:location, 8; location, 4
# Fixed effects:
#                  Estimate Std. Error        df t value  Pr(>|t|)    
# (Intercept)      15.08784    0.73256   7.20014 20.5960 1.153e-07 ***
# speciesS2         0.89170    0.54543 327.99470  1.6349 0.1030372    
# speciesS3         2.37137    0.54543 327.99470  4.3477 1.838e-05 ***
# speciesS4         3.60631    0.67694 328.52650  5.3274 1.853e-07 ***
# trtt2             1.63266    0.54543 327.99470  2.9934 0.0029688 ** 
# trtt3             2.45394    0.54543 327.99470  4.4991 9.486e-06 ***
# trtt4             2.39836    0.54543 327.99470  4.3972 1.484e-05 ***
# speciesS2:trtt2   0.75106    0.77135 327.99470  0.9737 0.3309272    
# speciesS3:trtt2   1.20322    0.77135 327.99470  1.5599 0.1197500    
# ...snip

summary(mod2, correlation=FALSE)
# ...snip
# Random effects:
#  Groups         Name        Variance Std.Dev.
#  block:location (Intercept)  1.1019  1.0497  
#  location       (Intercept) 13.9403  3.7337  
#  Residual                   26.2045  5.1190  
# Number of obs: 384, groups:  block:location, 8; location, 4
# Fixed effects:
#                  Estimate Std. Error        df t value  Pr(>|t|)    
# (Intercept)      15.08784    2.17133   6.52184  6.9487 0.0003051 ***
# speciesS2         0.89170    1.47774 376.00001  0.6034 0.5465924    
# speciesS3         2.37137    1.47774 376.00001  1.6047 0.1093926    
# speciesS4        -5.21246    1.47774 376.00001 -3.5273 0.0004717 ***
# trtt2             1.63266    1.47774 376.00001  1.1048 0.2699379    
# trtt3             2.45394    1.47774 376.00001  1.6606 0.0976263 .  
# trtt4             2.39836    1.47774 376.00001  1.6230 0.1054291    
# speciesS2:trtt2   0.75106    2.08984 376.00001  0.3594 0.7195083    
# speciesS3:trtt2   1.20322    2.08984 376.00001  0.5757 0.5651289    
# ...snip

summary(mod3, correlation=FALSE)
# ...snip
# Random effects:
#  Groups         Name        Variance Std.Dev.
#  block:location (Intercept) 1.70673  1.30642 
#  location       (Intercept) 0.71358  0.84474 
#  Residual                   3.63333  1.90613 
# Number of obs: 288, groups:  block:location, 8; location, 4
# Fixed effects:
#                  Estimate Std. Error        df t value  Pr(>|t|)    
# (Intercept)      15.08784    0.73697   7.20466 20.4728 1.194e-07 ***
# speciesS2         0.89170    0.55025 279.99999  1.6205 0.1062447    
# speciesS3         2.37137    0.55025 279.99999  4.3096 2.267e-05 ***
# trtt2             1.63266    0.55025 279.99999  2.9671 0.0032657 ** 
# trtt3             2.45394    0.55025 279.99999  4.4597 1.190e-05 ***
# trtt4             2.39836    0.55025 279.99999  4.3587 1.840e-05 ***
# speciesS2:trtt2   0.75106    0.77817 279.99999  0.9652 0.3353006    
# speciesS3:trtt2   1.20322    0.77817 279.99999  1.5462 0.1231826    
# ...snip
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