我有一个员工数据库,我让所有员工在第 1 天班次 1 不工作 在那个特定的日期和班次,我可以理解它应该是空值,但它会导致其他班次也为空,尽管我可以在不损害任何约束的情况下分配其他员工,但为什么它们是空的? 请参阅此处的轮班计算表图片
# importing google or tools and declaring model template
from ortools.sat.python import cp_model
model = cp_model.CpModel()
# declare empty list that will be used for storing indices for worker-shift-day combination
shiftoptions = {}
# set number of workers_ids, days and schedules as well as max schedules per day,
# as well as max shift amount difference per worker
unavailable_shifts = get_unavailability()
workers = get_employees()
workers_ids = [worker['id'] for worker in workers]
shifts = [1,2,3]
days = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
maxshiftsperday = 1
maxdifference = 3
# create a tuple as a shift option list index, for each combination of worker, shift and day
# use google or tools to create a boolean variable indicating if given worker works on that day, in that shift
for x in (workers_ids):
for y in (days):
for z in (shifts):
shiftoptions[(x,y,z)] = model.NewBoolVar("shift with id" + str(x) + " " + str(y) + " " + str(z))
# now we add the constraint of shifts that workers chose as unavailable
for shift in unavailable_shifts:
employee_id = shift['employee_id']
day_id = shift['day_id']
shift_id = shift['shift_id']
model.Add(shiftoptions[(employee_id,day_id,shift_id)] == 0)
# now we add the constraint of shift shouldnt be morning right after night the precious day
for x in (workers_ids):
for y in (days[:-1]): #iterate over all days except the last since we compare 2 days
model.Add(shiftoptions[(x,y,3)] + shiftoptions[(x,y+1,1)] <= 1) #meaning both cases cant exist together
# now we add the constraint of shift only being assigned to one worker or 0 (allow unassigned shift)
for y in (days):
for z in (shifts):
model.Add(sum(shiftoptions[(x, y, z)] for x in (workers_ids)) <= 1)
# now we add the constraint of a worker only working one shift per day
for x in (workers_ids):
for y in (days):
model.Add(sum(shiftoptions[(x,y,z)] for z in (shifts)) <= 1)
# now we add the constraint of all workers_ids having the same amount of shifts, with some deviations allowed for with a maximum allowed difference
minshiftsperworker = (len(shifts) * len(days)) // len(workers_ids)
maxshiftsperworker = minshiftsperworker + maxdifference
for x in (workers_ids):
shiftsassigned = 0
for y in (days):
for z in (shifts):
shiftsassigned += shiftoptions[(x,y,z)]
model.Add(minshiftsperworker <= shiftsassigned)
model.Add(shiftsassigned <= maxshiftsperworker)
# Define the objective function: Maximize the number of shifts assigned
model.Maximize(sum(shiftoptions[(x, y, z)] for x in workers_ids for y in days for z in shifts))
# before solving the problem I add a solution printer (this code is taken directly from Google's documentation)
class SolutionPrinterClass(cp_model.CpSolverSolutionCallback):
def __init__(self, shiftoptions, workers_ids, days, shifts, sols):
val = cp_model.CpSolverSolutionCallback.__init__(self)
self._shiftoptions = shiftoptions
self._workers_ids = workers_ids
self._days = days
self._shifts = shifts
self._solutions = set(sols)
self._solution_count = 0
self._shift_assignments = [] # To storee the shift assignments
def on_solution_callback(self):
if self._solution_count in self._solutions:
print("solution " + str(self._solution_count))
for y in (self._days):
print("day " + str(y))
for z in (self._shifts):
assigned = False
for x in (self._workers_ids):
if self.Value(self._shiftoptions[(x,y,z)]):
assigned = True
shift_assignments = {
'employee_id': x,
'day_id': y,
'shift_id': z
if not assigned:
print(f"No worker assigned to shift {z} on day {y}")
self._solution_count += 1
if self._solution_count >= 1: # Stop after first solution
print("Stopping search after the first solution.")
def solution_count(self):
return self._solution_count
def get_shift_assignments(self):
return self._shift_assignments
# solve the model
solver = cp_model.CpSolver()
solver.parameters.linearization_level = 0
# solve it and check if solution was feasible
solutionrange = range(1) # we want to display 1 feasible results (the first one in the feasible set)
solution_printer = SolutionPrinterClass(shiftoptions, workers_ids,
days, shifts, solutionrange)
solver.Solve(model, solution_printer)
#Get the collected shift assignments
shift_assignments = solution_printer.get_shift_assignments()
有什么帮助吗?我不明白为什么还有 2 个班次是空的,应该只有 1 个班次是空的