Scrapy,显示描述图片 alt

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我尝试抓取 Instagram,例如我尝试抓取 Nike Instagram。但是,我只想得到图像的描述。标签内的描述图像。我试图展示它,但不起作用。



class Nike(scrapy.Spider):
    name = 'nike'
    urls = ''
    start_urls = [urls]
    allowed_domains = ['']

    def parse(self, response):
        for N in response.css('div._jjzlb'):
python-2.7 web-scraping scrapy instagram


$ scrapy version -v
Scrapy    : 1.4.0
lxml      :
libxml2   : 2.9.3
cssselect : 1.0.1
parsel    : 1.2.0
w3lib     : 1.17.0
Twisted   : 17.1.0
Python    : 2.7.12+ (default, Sep 17 2016, 12:08:02) - [GCC 6.2.0 20160914]
pyOpenSSL : 17.0.0 (OpenSSL 1.0.2g  1 Mar 2016)
Platform  : Linux-4.8.0-53-generic-x86_64-with-Ubuntu-16.10-yakkety

$ scrapy shell
2017-05-30 10:06:39 [scrapy.utils.log] INFO: Scrapy 1.4.0 started (bot: scrapybot)
2017-05-30 10:06:40 [scrapy.downloadermiddlewares.redirect] DEBUG: Redirecting (301) to <GET> from <GET>
2017-05-30 10:06:41 [scrapy.core.engine] DEBUG: Crawled (200) <GET> (referer: None)

>>> response.xpath('//script[contains(., "sharedData")]')
[<Selector xpath='//script[contains(., "sharedData")]' data=u'<script type="text/javascript">window._s'>]

>>> response.xpath('string(//script[contains(., "sharedData")])').get()
u'window._sharedData = {"activity_counts": null, "config": (...redacted...) "show_app_install": true};'

>>> import js2xml   

>>> # get the JavaScript statements
>>> js = response.xpath('string(//script[contains(., "sharedData")])').get()

>>> # parse them with js2xml
>>> jstree = js2xml.parse(js)

>>> # locate the object we're interested in:
>>> # here it's the right-part of the following assignement:
>>> #                      |--- this bit
>>> # window._sharedData = {"activity_counts":...
>>> obj = jstree.xpath('//assign[left//identifier[@name="_sharedData"]]/right/*')[0]

>>> # convert this object to a Python dict
>>> sharedData = js2xml.jsonlike.make_dict(obj)
>>> from pprint import pprint

>>> # quite a lot of data...
>>> pprint(sharedData)
{'activity_counts': None,
 'config': {'csrf_token': 'JzQ8ja9YlG1cKqwAbvwacTKhOc4FuBDT', 'viewer': None},
 'country_code': 'FR',
 'display_properties_server_guess': {'pixel_ratio': 1.5,
                                     'viewport_width': 360},
 'entry_data': {'ProfilePage': [{'logging_page_id': 'profilePage_13460080',
                                 'user': {'biography': 'Just Do It.',
                                          'blocked_by_viewer': False,
                                          'connected_fb_page': None,
                                          'country_block': False,
                                          'external_url': '',
                                          'external_url_linkshimmed': '',
                                          'followed_by': {'count': 72447697},
                                          'followed_by_viewer': False,
                                          'follows': {'count': 136},
                                          'follows_viewer': False,
                                          'full_name': 'nike',
                                          'has_blocked_viewer': False,
                                          'has_requested_viewer': False,
                                          'id': '13460080',
                                          'is_private': False,
                                          'is_verified': True,
                                          'media': {'count': 897,
                                                    'nodes': [{'__typename': 'GraphVideo',
                                                               'caption': 'Eliud Kipchoge - 2:00:25\nThe barrier just got that much closer.\n#Breaking2 #JustDoIt',
                                                               'code': 'BTvxgGEAn-p',
                                                               'comments': {'count': 2274},
                                                               'comments_disabled': False,
                                                               'date': 1494064175,
                                                               'dimensions': {'height': 640,
                                                                              'width': 640},
                                                               'display_src': '',
                                                               'id': '1508642110004428713',
                                                               'is_video': True,
                                                               'likes': {'count': 296763},
                                                               'owner': {'id': '13460080'},
                                                               'thumbnail_src': '',
                                                               'video_views': 1193309},


                                                              {'__typename': 'GraphVideo',
                                                               'caption': u'We step onto the court as equals. Judged only by our performance. New Orleans sets the stage for All Star Weekend @nikebasketball.\xa0#EQUALITY #nike',
                                                               'code': 'BQlZFdugTIG',
                                                               'comments': {'count': 1172},
                                                               'comments_disabled': False,
                                                               'date': 1487273379,
                                                               'dimensions': {'height': 360,
                                                                              'width': 640},
                                                               'display_src': '',
                                                               'id': '1451676781575746054',
                                                               'is_video': True,
                                                               'likes': {'count': 184595},
                                                               'owner': {'id': '13460080'},
                                                               'thumbnail_src': '',
                                                               'video_views': 627647}],
                                                    'page_info': {'end_cursor': 'AQCseCeUI_vJ_XzpTTIf7AhmwqbkBSf959347Wl03MM_ErpUQqP6RGjuJRdEcH1qJBCWvPGxUhpm6rPv5esAW5GvXHGodwmYA0eT51wnk8_-KA',
                                                                  'has_next_page': True}},
                                          'profile_pic_url': '',
                                          'profile_pic_url_hd': '',
                                          'requested_by_viewer': False,
                                          'username': 'nike'}}]},
 'environment_switcher_visible_server_guess': True,
 'gatekeepers': {'bn': True, 'ld': True, 'pl': True},
 'hostname': '',
 'language_code': 'en',
 'platform': 'web',
 'probably_has_app': False,
 'qe': {'bc3l': {'g': '', 'p': {}},
        'create': {'g': '', 'p': {}},
        'deact': {'g': '', 'p': {}},
        'disc': {'g': '', 'p': {}},
        'ebd': {'g': 'holdout', 'p': {'use_new_styles': 'false'}},
        'feed': {'g': '', 'p': {}},
        'gql': {'g': '', 'p': {}},
        'nav': {'g': '', 'p': {}},
        'nav_lo': {'g': '', 'p': {}},
        'pm': {'g': '', 'p': {}},
        'poe': {'g': '', 'p': {}},
        'profile': {'g': '', 'p': {}},
        'sidecar': {'g': '', 'p': {}},
        'su_universe': {'g': '', 'p': {}},
        'ufi': {'g': '', 'p': {}},
        'ufi_loggedout': {'g': '', 'p': {}},
        'us': {'g': '', 'p': {}},
        'us_li': {'g': '', 'p': {}},
        'video': {'g': '', 'p': {}}},
 'show_app_install': True}

>>> # nodes have a 'caption' key that looks like the "alt" attributes
>>> pprint(sharedData['entry_data']['ProfilePage'][0]['user']['media']['nodes'])
[{'__typename': 'GraphVideo',
  'caption': 'Eliud Kipchoge - 2:00:25\nThe barrier just got that much closer.\n#Breaking2 #JustDoIt',
  'code': 'BTvxgGEAn-p',
  'comments': {'count': 2274},
  'comments_disabled': False,
  'date': 1494064175,
  'dimensions': {'height': 640, 'width': 640},
  'display_src': '',
  'id': '1508642110004428713',
  'is_video': True,
  'likes': {'count': 296763},
  'owner': {'id': '13460080'},
  'thumbnail_src': '',
  'video_views': 1193309},
 {'__typename': 'GraphImage',
  'caption': 'Eliud Kipchoge - 2:00:25\nThe barrier just got that much closer.\n#Breaking2 #JustDoIt',
  'code': 'BTvj_-gg6B6',
  'comments': {'count': 2269},
  'comments_disabled': False,
  'date': 1494057096,
  'dimensions': {'height': 1080, 'width': 1080},
  'display_src': '',
  'id': '1508582728264818810',
  'is_video': False,
  'likes': {'count': 484745},
  'owner': {'id': '13460080'},
  'thumbnail_src': ''},


 {'__typename': 'GraphVideo',
  'caption': u'We step onto the court as equals. Judged only by our performance. New Orleans sets the stage for All Star Weekend @nikebasketball.\xa0#EQUALITY #nike',
  'code': 'BQlZFdugTIG',
  'comments': {'count': 1172},
  'comments_disabled': False,
  'date': 1487273379,
  'dimensions': {'height': 360, 'width': 640},
  'display_src': '',
  'id': '1451676781575746054',
  'is_video': True,
  'likes': {'count': 184595},
  'owner': {'id': '13460080'},
  'thumbnail_src': '',
  'video_views': 627647}]
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