您的购物清单上有 N 种商品,并且您有 N 种优惠券,可以在购买这些商品时节省一些钱。同时,你的口袋里还有D美元。您的目标是购买尽可能多的物品。
。假设有 4 种商品,价格分别为 $10、$12、$15 和 $20,以及 4 种优惠券,价值分别为 $6、$7、$8 和 $9。如果你的口袋里有$30,最好的策略是:
4 30
12 20 15 10
9 6 8 7
8 2
我尝试了一种天真的方法,通过从产品价格中减去优惠券来预先计算所有可能的有效价格,并按升序对它们进行排序,然后应用贪心策略,按升序获取有效价格,直到用完钱。然而,这会导致 O(N^2logu2061N) 复杂度,对于 N 高达 10^5 的此类算法问题来说,这太慢了。这是我用 C 语言编写的简单代码。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Comparison function for qsort (ascending order)
int compare(const void *a, const void *b) {
return (*(int *)a - *(int *)b);
int main(void) {
int N, D; // N: number of items and coupons, D: total money available
scanf("%d %d", &N, &D);
// Arrays to store item prices and coupon discounts
int price[N];
int discount[N];
// Input item prices
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
scanf("%d", &price[i]);
// Input coupon discount values
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
scanf("%d", &discount[i]);
// Array to store effective prices after applying discounts
// This array has size N * N because each item can be paired with every coupon
int PriceAfterDiscount[N * N];
int index = 0; // Index to track the position in the array
// Calculate all possible effective prices after applying discounts
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
int currPrice = price[i] - discount[j]; // Price after applying coupon
if (currPrice < 0) currPrice = 0; // Ensure no negative prices
PriceAfterDiscount[index++] = currPrice;
// Sort the array of effective prices in ascending order
qsort(PriceAfterDiscount, N * N, sizeof(int), compare);
// Calculate the maximum number of items that can be bought
int count = 0; // Number of items bought
int residue = D; // Remaining money
int i = 0; // Pointer to iterate through the sorted prices
// Greedy approach: buy items with the lowest effective prices first
while (i < N * N && residue >= PriceAfterDiscount[i]) {
residue -= PriceAfterDiscount[i]; // Deduct the price from the remaining money
count++; // Increment the count of items bought
i++; // Move to the next cheapest item
// Output the total number of items bought and the remaining money
printf("%d %d\n", count, residue);
return 0;
*(int *)a - *(int *)b
return (*(int *)a - *(int *)b); // Potential overflow
return (*(int *)a > *(int *)b) - (*(int *)a < *(int *)b); // No overflow
// Or perhaps with a slightly more verbose, yet clear approach.
int compare(const void *a, const void *b) {
const void *ia = a;
const void *ib = b;
return (ia > ib) - (ia < ib);