
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

有一些例子可以在传单but most of them are only for one variable中创建自定义标记。但是,有很多数据有几个因素,最好用不同的形状和颜色进行可视化。


lat1= 36+runif(n=5,min=-1,max=1)
lon1 =-115+runif(n=5,min=-1,max=1)

lat2= 35+runif(n=5,min=-0.5,max=0.5)
lon2 =-110+runif(n=5,min=-0.5,max=0.5)

lat3= 34+runif(n=5,min=-0.5,max=0.5)
lon3 =-112+runif(n=5,min=-0.5,max=0.5)

data_all$color <- rep(c("red", "green", "gray"), 5)
r leaflet marker

只是一个小笔记:根据help page,“灰色”不是支持的颜色,而“灰色”是......所以我改变了它。

data_all$color <- rep(c("red", "green", "gray"), 5)

我用这个page寻求帮助;您可以使用awesomeIcons尝试以下方法,使用数据集中定义的图标和颜色(使用Bootstrap Glyphicons library

# add icon label column
data_all <- data_all %>%
  mutate(icon = case_when(
    Group == 1 ~ "home",
    Group == 2 ~ "cog",
    Group == 3 ~ "camera"))

# create awesome icons
my_icons <- awesomeIcons(icon = data_all$icon,
                         markerColor = data_all$color,
                         library = "glyphicon")

# leaflet using AwesomeMarkers
data_all %>% 
  leaflet() %>% 
  addTiles() %>% 
  addAwesomeMarkers(lng = ~ Longitude, lat = ~ Latitude, icon = ~ my_icons[Group])

编辑 如果你想要特定的图标,我最好的选择是创建你自己的图标列表,并将它与你的数据相关联(afaik,你不能直接添加颜色到addMarkers参数)。


# add "group_color" column as a factor variable : this will be associated to the icons' list
data_all2 <- data_all %>%
  mutate(Group = case_when(
    Group == 1 ~ "triangle",
    Group == 2 ~ "circle",
    Group == 3 ~ "square"),
    group_color = as.factor(paste(Group, color, sep = "_")))

# # Make a list of icons. We'll index into it based on name.
# /!\ order of icons MUST BE THE SAME as the order of the factor "group_color"
my_icons2 <- iconList(
  circle_gray <- makeIcon(iconUrl = "https://www.freeiconspng.com/uploads/black-circle-icon-23.png",
                          iconWidth = 18, iconHeight = 18),
  circle_green <- makeIcon(iconUrl = "https://www.freeiconspng.com/uploads/green-circle-icon-28.png",
                           iconWidth = 18, iconHeight = 18),
  circle_red <- makeIcon(iconUrl = "https://www.freeiconspng.com/uploads/red-circle-icon-1.png",
                         iconWidth = 18, iconHeight = 18),
  square_gray <- makeIcon(iconUrl = "https://www.freeiconspng.com/uploads/black-square-frame-23.png",
                          iconWidth = 18, iconHeight = 18),
  square_green <- makeIcon(iconUrl = "https://www.freeiconspng.com/uploads/green-square-1.png",
                             iconWidth = 18, iconHeight = 18),
  square_red <- makeIcon(iconUrl = "https://www.freeiconspng.com/uploads/red-square-png-14.png",
                         iconWidth = 18, iconHeight = 18),
  triangle_gray <- makeIcon(iconUrl = "https://www.freeiconspng.com/uploads/triangle-png-28.png",
                            iconWidth = 18, iconHeight = 18),
  triangle_green <- makeIcon(iconUrl = "https://www.freeiconspng.com/uploads/green-normal-triangle-png-8.png",
                             iconWidth = 18, iconHeight = 18),
  triangle_red <- makeIcon(iconUrl = "https://www.freeiconspng.com/uploads/red-triangle-png-20.png",
                           iconWidth = 18, iconHeight = 18)

# leaflet using addMArkers
data_all2 %>% 
  leaflet() %>% 
  addTiles() %>% 
  # for some reason, we have to use the 'as.numeric' version of the factor, I don't really know why
  addMarkers(lng = ~ Longitude, lat = ~ Latitude, icon = ~ my_icons2[as.numeric(group_color)], 
             popup = ~ paste0("Group = ", Group, "<br>Color = ", color))

结果: colored_icons

EDIT2 一个不那么麻烦的解决方案可以将第二个解决方案与addCircleMarkers结合起来:这些不是彩色图标,不同颜色的图标。

my_icons2 <- iconList(
  circle <- makeIcon(iconUrl = "https://www.freeiconspng.com/uploads/black-circle-icon-23.png",
                          iconWidth = 18, iconHeight = 18),
  square <- makeIcon(iconUrl = "https://www.freeiconspng.com/uploads/black-square-frame-23.png",
                          iconWidth = 18, iconHeight = 18),
  triangle <- makeIcon(iconUrl = "https://www.freeiconspng.com/uploads/triangle-png-28.png",
                            iconWidth = 18, iconHeight = 18)

# using original data_all dataframe
# leaflet using addCirleMarkers and addMArkers
data_all %>% 
  leaflet() %>% 
  addTiles() %>% 
  # specific circle color according to the 'color' column
  addCircleMarkers(lng = ~ Longitude, lat = ~ Latitude, color = ~ color, fillColor = ~ color, opacity = 0.8, radius = 15, fillOpacity = 0.8) %>% 
  # specific icon shape according to the 'Group' column
  addMarkers(lng = ~ Longitude, lat = ~ Latitude, icon = ~ my_icons2[Group], 
             popup = ~ paste0("Group = ", Group, "<br>Color = ", color))

你应该得到这样的东西:没有彩色图标,但足够可理解的东西。 icons_over_colored_circles


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