我有一个 NURB 样条线,我手动拟合一些数据:
Control Points (x, y):
(0, 5)
(0, 3)
(1, 2)
(10, 2)
(100, 5)
Knot Vector [0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2]
在 Excel 中,我需要一个
y = f(x)
f(0) = 5
f(0.4) = 3.148
f(1) = 2.679
f(10) = 2.155
我的目标是向用户部署独立的 Excel 文件。 我知道如何使用像 Rhino3dm 这样的库来获取这些值。 我希望找到 Excel 原生的东西,比如可以做到这一点的 VBA、Python 或 Excel Labs 库。
我发现一些库可以 评估沿域的曲线,但不能评估 x 处的曲线。 我发现了可以评估 x 的库,但只能在 通过插值创建的曲线上。
y = f(x)
x = f(t)
进行二分搜索(De Boor 算法)。 我用 VBA 编写了它,以便在 Excel 中使用,并在这里分享它,以防其他人需要它。 以下是代码的快速概述:
degree + 1
倍数终止)。 它用于简化递归过程中的事情,使 CV 索引与结索引对齐。 我还缩放结向量以提高有限精度。
的 tolerance
内找到 x
y = f(x)
的方法。 它调用
Private Function CalcKnots(Degree As Integer, cvX() As Double, cvY() As Double) As Double()
Dim cvLen As Integer, spans As Integer, knotLen As Integer, i As Integer
Dim xyDistance As Double, knotDelta As Double, acc As Double
cvLen = UBound(cvX) + 1
spans = cvLen - Degree
' DeBoors requires degree + 1 knot multiples at the ends
knotLen = Degree + cvLen + 1
Dim knots() As Double
ReDim knots(knotLen - 1)
' scale the knot vector with the spline length to minimize issues with precision
' since it's a rough scaling, use the x distance + y distance, no need to add a sqrt()
xyDistance = Abs((cvX(cvLen - 1) - cvX(0))) + Abs((cvY(cvLen - 1) - cvY(0)))
knotDelta = xyDistance / (spans)
acc = knotDelta
For i = 0 To Degree
knots(i) = 0
Next i
For i = Degree + 1 To Degree + spans - 1
knots(i) = acc
acc = acc + knotDelta
Next i
For i = Degree + spans To knotLen - 1
knots(i) = acc
Next i
CalcKnots = knots
End Function
Private Function findKnotSpan(t As Double, knots() As Double) As Integer
' find knot span index Tk, where Tk < t < Tk+1
Dim k As Integer
For k = 0 To UBound(knots)
If t < knots(k) Then
findKnotSpan = k - 1
Exit Function
End If
Next k
End Function
Public Function deBoor(idx As Integer, Degree As Integer, Tk As Integer, t As Double, knots() As Double, cvX() As Double) As Double
' idx = recursion index, initially the degree
' Tk = knot span index, where Tk < t < Tk+1
' t = domain parameter
' knots = array of knot values
' cvX = array of 1d control points
Dim alpha As Double, left As Double, right As Double
If idx = 0 Then
deBoor = cvX(Tk)
alpha = (t - knots(Tk)) / (knots(Tk + Degree + 1 - idx) - knots(Tk))
left = deBoor(idx - 1, Degree, Tk - 1, t, knots, cvX) * (1 - alpha)
right = deBoor(idx - 1, Degree, Tk, t, knots, cvX) * alpha
deBoor = left + right
End If
End Function
Private Function binSearchDeBoor(Degree As Integer, TargetValue As Double, Tolerance As Double, knots() As Double, cvX() As Double) As Double
Dim knotsLen As Integer, Tk As Integer
knotsLen = UBound(knots) + 1
Dim delta As Double, dMin As Double, dMax As Double, t As Double, tMin As Double, tMax As Double
dMin = 0 - Tolerance
dMax = 0 + Tolerance
tMin = 0
tMax = knots(knotsLen - 1)
t = tMax / 2
Tk = findKnotSpan(t, knots)
delta = deBoor(Degree, Degree, Tk, t, knots, cvX) - TargetValue
Select Case delta
Case Is < dMin
tMin = t
t = tMin + ((tMax - tMin) / 2)
Case Is > dMax
tMax = t
t = tMin + ((tMax - tMin) / 2)
Case Else
binSearchDeBoor = t
Exit Function
End Select
End Function
Public Function EvalSpline(Degree as Integer, TargetValue as Double, SearchRange As Range, ResultRange As Range) As Double
If SearchRange.Count <> ResultRange.Count Then
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 1000, "EvalSpline", "Both ranges must be the same length"
End If
Dim rangeLen As Integer
rangeLen = SearchRange.Count
Dim cvS() As Double
Dim cvR() As Double
ReDim cvS(rangeLen - 1)
ReDim cvR(rangeLen - 1)
For i = 0 To rangeLen - 1
cvS(i) = SearchRange(i + 1)
cvR(i) = ResultRange(i + 1)
Next i
Dim knots() As Double
knots = CalcKnots(Degree, cvS, cvR)
Dim t As Double, Tk As Integer
t = binSearchDeBoor(Degree, TargetValue, Tolerance, knots, cvS)
Tk = findKnotSpan(t, knots)
EvalSpline = deBoor(Degree, Degree, Tk, t, knots, cvR)
End Function