
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我有一个后台服务,可以在长时间运行的线程上执行一些任务和作业。为简单起见,我们将其视为进行异步 SQL 调用并重复的调度程序。现在,我使用 AsyncLocal 存储元数据以用于服务上的日志记录,并且我希望将任务的每次重复分组为一个事务。我认为与 Web 应用程序不同,BackgroundService 将有一个 AsyncLocal(ExecutionContext) 对象,我必须在每次重复后清除该对象(本例中的每个 SQL 调用)。说到问题,我似乎无法清理该对象。

这是我的 AsyncLocal 存储类的实现。

 public class AsyncLocalStorage<T> : ILocalStorage<T>
        private readonly AsyncLocal<T> _context;
        public AsyncLocalStorage()
            _context = new AsyncLocal<T>(OnValueChanged);

        private static void OnValueChanged(AsyncLocalValueChangedArgs<T> args)
            Log("OnValueChanged! Prev: {0} ; Current: {1}", RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(args.PreviousValue), RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(args.CurrentValue));

        public T GetData()
                return _context.Value;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log("Ex: " + ex.ToString());

            return default(T);

        public void SetData(T value)
            _context.Value = value;

        public void Clear()
            _context.Value = default(T);

在这里,我将元数据设置为 AsyncLocal 对象,然后调用 Clear 函数。但对象实例仍然存在。我已附上日志以供进一步参考。

02-05-2024 20:10:38 - [4:(DEBUG)<t:4>] - [TName: ]TRANSACTION STARTED (The AsyncLocal Object is created and I assign my object "Transaction" using context.SetData()) 
02-05-2024 20:10:38 - [1:(ERROR)<t:4>] - OnValueChanged! Prev: 0 ; Current: 5773521  
02-05-2024 20:10:39 - [4:(DEBUG)<t:4>] - [TName: ]The async SQL call is made.... (The Transaction object is modified context.GetData() . I guess the obj is passed to thread 9 )  
02-05-2024 20:10:39 - [1:(ERROR)<t:9>] - OnValueChanged! Prev: 0 ; Current: 5773521  
02-05-2024 20:10:39 - [4:(DEBUG)<t:4>] - [TName: ]---- random things are taken care off using the Transaction object that resulted in the following OnValueChanged logs .  
02-05-2024 20:10:39 - [1:(ERROR)<t:5>] - OnValueChanged! Prev: 0 ; Current: 5773521  
02-05-2024 20:10:39 - [1:(ERROR)<t:9>] - OnValueChanged! Prev: 5773521 ; Current: 0  
02-05-2024 20:10:39 - [1:(ERROR)<t:5>] - OnValueChanged! Prev: 5773521 ; Current: 0  
02-05-2024 20:10:39 - [1:(ERROR)<t:5>] - OnValueChanged! Prev: 0 ; Current: 5773521  
02-05-2024 20:10:39 - [1:(ERROR)<t:5>] - OnValueChanged! Prev: 5773521 ; Current: 0  
02-05-2024 20:10:39 - [4:(DEBUG)<t:4>] - [TName: ]The Async SQL call returned a Task object .  
02-05-2024 20:10:39 - [1:(ERROR)<t:9>] - OnValueChanged! Prev: 0 ; Current: 5773521  
02-05-2024 20:10:39 - [4:(DEBUG)<t:4>] - [TName: ]Processing of the metadata done on thread 4 is over.  
02-05-2024 20:10:39 - [1:(ERROR)<t:4>] - OnValueChanged! Prev: 5773521 ; Current: 0  
02-05-2024 20:10:39 - [4:(DEBUG)<t:9>] - [TName: ]Most of the processing on Thread 9 is also over and The Task returned by SQL call has finished. 
02-05-2024 20:10:39 - [4:(DEBUG)<t:9>] - [TName: ]Now the Transaction object is fetched with context.GetData() and is Loaded into a Thread Processor that runs independently using "ThreadPool.QueueWorkItem(Event, transaction) , which happens to be thread 10" 
02-05-2024 20:10:39 - [1:(ERROR)<t:10>] - OnValueChanged! Prev: 0 ; Current: 5773521  
02-05-2024 20:10:39 - [4:(DEBUG)<t:9>] - [TName: ]Everything seems to be over and its time to call context.Clear() //called. 
02-05-2024 20:10:39 - [1:(ERROR)<t:9>] - OnValueChanged! Prev: 5773521 ; Current: 0  
02-05-2024 20:10:39 - [4:(DEBUG)<t:9>] - [TName: ]Tried getting the transaction object here to verify using context.GetData(), returned null here.  
02-05-2024 20:10:39 - [4:(DEBUG)<t:10>] - [TName: ProcessThread]Working with the transaction object reference in the Event thread.  
02-05-2024 20:10:39 - [4:(DEBUG)<t:10>] - [TName: ProcessThread]Also working with the transaction object that is passed to this thread processor. Have no idea why the below log has occured.  
02-05-2024 20:10:39 - [1:(ERROR)<t:10>] - OnValueChanged! Prev: 5773521 ; Current: 0  (I am sure the transaction object goes out of scope here)
02-05-2024 20:10:39 - [4:(DEBUG)<t:4>] - [TName: ]TRANSACTION STARTED (new repetition, calling the GetData function again before creating a new transaction object and assigning. I only assign a new object if it is null) 
02-05-2024 20:10:40 - [1:(ERROR)<t:4>] - OnValueChanged! Prev: 0 ; Current: 5773521  
02-05-2024 20:10:40 - [4:(DEBUG)<t:4>] - [TName: ] Suprise suprise!! it is not NULL. I have no idea why it isn't .   
02-05-2024 20:10:40 - [4:(DEBUG)<t:4>] - [TName: ]I have already cleared all the component objects in the transaction object . A New transaction object is needed here. 



public class Worker : BackgroundService
     private readonly ILogger<Worker> _logger;
     private readonly BackgroundTask _backgroundtask;

     public Worker(ILogger<Worker> logger, BackgroundTask task)
         _logger = logger;
         _backgroundtask = task;

     protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
         while (!stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested)
             _logger.LogInformation("Worker running at: {time}", DateTimeOffset.Now);
             await Task.Delay(1000, stoppingToken);

 public sealed class BackgroundTask
     private readonly ILogger<BackgroundTask> _logger;
     public BackgroundTask(ILogger<BackgroundTask> logger)
         _logger = logger;

     public void MakeTask()
         Transactions trans = TransactionService.GetCurrentTransaction();

         if(trans == null)
             Console.WriteLine("[T:<{0}>] There is no TransactionObject", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
             trans = TransactionService.GetOrCreateTransaction();
             Console.WriteLine("[T:<{0}>] There is a Transaction Object", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);

         Task.Run(() =>


 public class TransactionService
     private static AsyncLocalStorage<Transactions> transactionContext;

     static TransactionService()
         transactionContext = new AsyncLocalStorage<Transactions>();

     public static Transactions GetCurrentTransaction()
         return transactionContext.GetData();

     public static Transactions GetOrCreateTransaction()
         var transaction = GetCurrentTransaction();
         if (transaction == null)
             transaction = new Transactions("Transaction1");
         return transaction;

     public static void RemoveOutstandingTransactions()

 public class Transactions
     private string transactionName;
     public Transactions(string trans)
         transactionName = trans;

     public void SetTransactionName(string trans)
         transactionName = trans;

     public void PrintTransactionName()
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(transactionName))
             Console.WriteLine("[T:<{0}>] The transactionName is {1}", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, transactionName);

     public void ClearEverything()
         transactionName = null;
         Console.WriteLine("[T:<{0}>] The Transaction Object is being cleared", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);

// Just checking if the object is cleared in this thread.

         if(TransactionService.GetCurrentTransaction() == null)
             Console.WriteLine("[T:<{0}>] The Transaction Object is null after clearing", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);

像上面的例子一样使用.NET core制作一个Worker-Service。 为什么清除 AsyncLocal 对象后,在下一次重复开始时会有一个 Transaction 对象。日志将类似于...

[T:<1>] There is no TransactionObject
[T:<1>] OnValueChanged! Prev: 0 ; Current: 72766
[T:<1>] The transactionName is Transaction1
[T:<9>] OnValueChanged! Prev: 0 ; Current: 72766
[T:<9>] The transactionName is transaction2
[T:<1>] OnValueChanged! Prev: 72766 ; Current: 0
[T:<9>] The Transaction Object is being cleared
[T:<9>] OnValueChanged! Prev: 72766 ; Current: 0
[T:<9>] The Transaction Object is null after clearing

[T:<6>] There is a Transaction Object
[T:<6>] OnValueChanged! Prev: 72766 ; Current: 0
[T:<9>] OnValueChanged! Prev: 0 ; Current: 72766
[T:<9>] The transactionName is transaction2
[T:<9>] The Transaction Object is being cleared
[T:<9>] OnValueChanged! Prev: 72766 ; Current: 0
[T:<9>] The Transaction Object is null after clearing
[T:<9>] OnValueChanged! Prev: 0 ; Current: 72766


c# multithreading asynchronous background-service executioncontext



时,它会创建一个新的 asyncflow#2。在您的情况下,清除发生在 asyncflow#2 中,由于写时复制行为,这对 asyncflow#1 没有影响,但您的工作线程仍在 asyncflow#1 中,其中您的对象是第一个创建的事务。因此,您总是会看到相同的哈希值。为了实现你想要的行为,你可以使方法
异步,即使内部没有等待,但在 while 循环中等待它;它将强制创建一个新的“异步流”,输出将如下所示:

[T:<7>] There is no TransactionObject
OnValueChanged! Prev: 0 ; Current: 11429296
[T:<7>] The transactionName is Transaction1
[T:<7>] The transactionName is transaction2
[T:<7>] The Transaction Object is being cleared
OnValueChanged! Prev: 11429296 ; Current: 0
[T:<7>] The Transaction Object is null after clearing
[T:<7>] There is no TransactionObject
OnValueChanged! Prev: 0 ; Current: 41622463
[T:<7>] The transactionName is Transaction1
[T:<7>] The transactionName is transaction2
[T:<7>] The Transaction Object is being cleared
OnValueChanged! Prev: 41622463 ; Current: 0
[T:<7>] The Transaction Object is null after clearing
info: WorkerService1.Worker[0]
      Worker running at: 05/15/2024 22:59:18 +03:00
[T:<7>] There is no TransactionObject
info: WorkerService1.Worker[0]
      Worker running at: 05/15/2024 22:59:19 +03:00
OnValueChanged! Prev: 0 ; Current: 31364015
[T:<7>] The transactionName is Transaction1
[T:<7>] The transactionName is transaction2
[T:<7>] The Transaction Object is being cleared
OnValueChanged! Prev: 31364015 ; Current: 0
[T:<7>] The Transaction Object is null after clearing
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