有没有办法将激光测距仪与Chrome蓝牙API连接。 GLM 系列等博世设备具有 andriod/ios SDK。我对此有点陌生,想知道是否有办法做到这一点,或者也许其他公司为其测量设备提供 javascript SDK
此存储库中有一个完整的工作示例,以及现场演示。该演示至少可以在 Chrome 和 Edge 中运行。
要连接设备,请使用 navigator.bluetooth 并添加与您的设备匹配的过滤器。
const glmServiceUuid = "00005301-0000-0041-5253-534f46540000";
const characteristicUuid = "00004301-0000-0041-5253-534f46540000";
// filters used to filter out devices that are not Bosch PLR devices
const filters = [
{ namePrefix: "Bosch PLR" },
{ services: [glmServiceUuid] },
optionalServices: [characteristicUuid],
.then((device) => {
console.log("Device connected: " + device.name);
return device.gatt.connect();
.then((server) => {
bluetoothGattServer = server;
console.log("Connected to GATT server");
// get primary service and then the characteristic
return bluetoothGattServer
.then((s) => {
service = s;
return s.getCharacteristic(characteristicUuid);
.then((c) => {
console.log("Characteristic found");
characteristic = c;
// we need to enable indications to allow the device to send data without being polled
// startNotifications() enables indications as well as notifications
return c.startNotifications();
.then(() => {
// "AutoSyncEnable" command, sets the device to send data when a measurement is
// triggered on the device
const data = new Uint8Array([0xc0, 0x55, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00, 0x1a]);
return characteristic.writeValue(data);
.then(() => {
// add listner for events (indications) triggered by device
然后您就可以根据Bosch GLM/PLR 蓝牙应用程序套件中的文档解析数据,演示代码存储库中也有一个示例。演示中的实际测量值是这样提取的:
// event.target.value is a DataView containing the characteristic's new value
let message = event.target.value;
// Create an ArrayBuffer with enough space to hold the measurement bytes
// Create a DataView from the ArrayBuffer
let measurementDataView = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(4));
// Loop over the measurement bytes in the DataView
for (let i = 7; i < 11; i++) {
// Get the byte as an unsigned 8-bit integer
let byte = message.getUint8(i);
measurementDataView.setUint8(i - 7, byte);
let measurement = measurementDataView.getFloat32(0, true);